"Where is it? Didn't I just wash with you in the hot spring bath?"

"That was the day before yesterday!"

"Oh, what's the matter? The human body has the function of self-purification."

Conan couldn't hold back anymore, so he tried his best to climb up, his head stuck out from Hattori's shirt, and he was relieved that he was saved!But in this way, the faces of the two were very close.

The weird atmosphere spread again, and the freezer fell into silence.

After a long time, Hattori Heiji couldn't help but said, "What should I do, Kudo, I'm going to pee."

"Hold on, if you dare to pee, I'll kill you!"

The predicament of the two children is still going on, and no one else knows what happened next.

Chapter 0023 three sisters like ostriches

On the other side, in Kusaka Hiroshige's room, the screenwriter was wearing a wiretapping headset, eavesdropping on the itinerary of Yatsushiro Yantaro's father and daughter tomorrow, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

This bug was installed at the dinner party when he saw Yantaro Yatsushiro and Takae Yatsushiro attending, pretended to be dizzy and left, and secretly went to their room to install it.He has sneaked into the ship before and has the universal card!

Then Kusaka Hiroshige called Akiyoshi Miwako.

"Miss Qiuji, please make time for me tomorrow morning. I have redesigned the plot of my script, and I want you to hear if there are any mistakes. Yes, just like before, I will call you tomorrow .”

Hearing the satisfactory answer, Kusaka Hiroshige finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This night was a long one for Hiroshige Hiroshige, who was so dedicated and lonely. He was so excited that he couldn't sleep at all.

And this night was also extremely tormenting for many other people.

The next morning, listening to the sound of seagulls outside the window and the sound of waves crashing, Mori Kogoro woke up after a short sleep.

Before he opened his eyes, he felt the warmth and softness around his body. What he grasped with his left hand was plump, what he pressed with his right hand was round, and what was wrapped around his thigh was delicate.After a little perception, Mori Kogoro knew who was around him.

As soon as he opened his eyes, the beautiful scenery came into view.

However, following the light movement of his body, the heartbeats of the three sisters beside him started to fluctuate at the same time!

What the hell?Are you all awake?

No way!It's only after eight o'clock in the morning, why are you awake?Last night, it lasted until after four o'clock before it ended!

In fact, the three sisters from the next life didn't fall asleep at all. In the middle of the night, the smoke of obsession burned out, and their consciousness gradually became clear.

The huge sense of shame brought great psychological pressure to the three girls, so they fell asleep all night and couldn't fall asleep at all.

In the current situation, if one does not deal with it properly, it will turn into a field of Shura, so it is natural to be cautious.

The old driver Kogoro Mori began to explode his acting skills, and let out a long sigh, which was full of annoyance, pain, and regret.

He didn't even take out his big hand, but just shook his head and smiled wryly: "I didn't expect that I've been in the rivers and lakes for many years, but today I was plotted against by this little girl's film. Sure enough, only the unsuspecting people can plot against me."

"Yuanzi, Yuanzi, I was hurt by you this time, but it was my fault after all, and I can only let the three sisters deal with it. Spicy chicken, it's all wrong anyway, so let's forget it. To be a human being is to be greedy and want everything.”

Saying this, Mori Kogoro leaned over and pretended to be vicious and kissed each other in turn from the oldest to the youngest.

And his evil big hands attacked the three women who were pretending to be sleeping from time to time.

Sure enough, the reaction of the three girls was not what Mori Kogoro expected, and each of them endured silently, not daring to make any noise.

After probing in this way, Mori Kogoro has a general understanding of the psychology of the three sisters pretending to be ostriches, so he is at ease.

If it weren't for the fear that Xiaolan and the others would come and find out later, Mouri Kogoro might have pulled the three of them to start a round of morning exercises!

After Mori Kogoro's big hands became addicted, he reluctantly pulled back from the full, delicate and round parts.

Then he got up and pretended to be talking to himself: "I have to send Yuanzi back first, otherwise this girl might cause some trouble after seeing this scene!" Anshui Sonoko hugged her and walked out of the room.

Naturally, Kogoro Mori would not let Sonoko sleep in the closet all night, so he hugged her to the sofa in the middle and covered her with a thin quilt.

Moreover, this girl actually inhaled the smoke when she was in a coma. Mori Kogoro couldn't spare time to deal with her. This kind of scene is not suitable to deal with Sonoko, so he used healing to get rid of her negative state. So this girl slept soundly.

As soon as he walked out of the room, a woman woke up on the bed. Naturally, it was the elder sister who burst into tears.

She glanced at this absurd scene, got up straight away, grabbed her clothes and ran away.

In fact, she wanted to run a long time ago, but Mori Kogoro, who was asleep, had half of her body pressed down on her, and her big hand was still holding her, so she couldn't help it.Tears in the next life slipped back to the next room, and after more than ten seconds, it was the little girl who woke up in love in the next life.

She quickly followed her back, but luckily the elder sister went into the bathroom, and the two girls did not see each other.

In the next life, Ai didn't wash up, went directly to bed, covered herself completely with the quilt, pretended nothing happened and went to sleep.In room 511, only Laishengtong was left, and she opened her star pupils with a very complicated and tangled expression.

What happened last night meant something completely different to her.

If there is a buffer for the tears of the next life and the love for the next life, there is no such thing as the pupil of the next life.

It is directly the baptism of the stormy sea.

The girl stared at the ceiling in a daze for a few minutes, guessing that it was almost done, then got up and went back to the next room.

Sure enough, there were two figures fully rolled up and pretending to be sleeping on the two beds in the room, both in autistic state!

Laisheng Tong shook his head, then turned and went into the bathroom.

On the other side, Mori Kogoro returned to his room 513 with Sonoko in his arms, but somehow the bumps were too big, and the girl woke up halfway.

After waking up, she smelled Kogoro Mori's breath, and her little face immediately turned red.

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