Sonoko, who has excellent association ability, misunderstood in an instant, and couldn't help laughing contentedly, and couldn't help wrapping his hands around Kogoro Mori's waist.Kogoro Mori opened the door and put him back on the bed.

This girl was still blushing, she was rather unwilling to come down.

But as soon as he got on the bed, Yuanzi felt something was wrong, and his two eyebrows frowned immediately.

Hey, what's going on?Why is it different from the theory!Didn't you say it would hurt?Why don't you feel anything?Is there any?But she didn't dare to ask Mori Kogoro if he had that kind of self last night. After all, he was a girl, so how could he say such things casually.

Mori Kogoro stroked his head: "Okay! Don't be so naughty next time, these medicines can't be used casually. You slept with me all night last night, don't worry, uncle didn't do anything to you! "

Hearing this, Sonoko vomited blood instantly, as if struck by lightning, and looked at Kogoro Mori with resentful eyes.

Did nothing to me!

Why don't you do something to me?I just want you to do something!

I don't believe it, Uncle, you must be lying to me!

Seeing Sonoko's expression, Mori Kogoro only thought it was very funny, no one could change his face so quickly as Sonoko.

His big hand continued to caress Yuanzi's head: "Actually, some accidents happened in the middle, it's hard to explain to Yuanzi, but I already know Yuanzi's intentions."

"Okay, you have a good rest, I'm leaving first!"

Chapter 0024 Lan, your father is really good at kung fu


After appeasing Sonoko, Mori Kogoro turned and left.

He still has to test out the big star sister Li, and the foreign forces that Xiaolei said are related to Fu Shahui.In addition, the matter about Yadai Group also needs to be followed up, and the matter of McDonald and Meng Bo should also be paid attention to at all times.

And the three cats who just ate clean last night also need to be coaxed, what a lot of things to do!

If he hadn't had enough Ant-Man robots and his ability to distract and multitask, his head would have exploded long ago.

Sure enough, it was a comfortable night, and things came one after another.

Mori Kogoro returned to his room, and there was no one in the room, only the lingering fragrance of a beautiful woman remained.

He went into the bathroom to wash up, and ordered the Ant-Man robot to clean up the room.

Kogoro Mori changed his clothes after washing and went out, aiming at the room number 609 given by Rei Ito last night.Although this behavior seemed a bit scumbag, he was really just trying to find out, and he didn't think about hooking up with girls again.

In fact, it is the right time to go to the next door to appease the injured pupil.

After all, even with the effect of medicine, her first time was a big mess, which is something a woman can't stand.

It's just that the timing is really not right, the three sisters in the room are all there, how can they speak, Mori Kogoro can only get down to business first.

He came to the corridor on the sixth floor alone. When he passed Room 606, a person wearing a Fuguiwan commemorative shirt walked by him. The person could not tell whether he was a man or a woman. He was wearing a mask and bowed his head.

The man turned sideways when he passed Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro raised his brows, and the Ant-Man robot directly attached to it and inspected it. This is the screenwriter Hiroshige Kusaka.

As soon as he changed his mind, the Ant-Man robot went to room 606, and Kogoro Mori immediately had a weird smile on his mouth.

He didn't stop in his steps, he came to the door of room 609 and knocked on the door.

Rei Ito, dressed in a long casual dress, opened the door and welcomed her in with a smile on her face.

On the other side, Yuanzi, who had just been sent back to her room, checked her body unwillingly. She didn't believe that Uncle Mao Li was Liu Xiahui, and she could bear that situation.

After Yuanzi bought Miyan, some couples spent a lot of money to do real-life experiments with couples. The pictures were very exciting, so she believed in the medicinal effect of Miyan.

The girl took off all her clothes and sat on the bed to check herself in the mirror.

At this time, the unlocked door was pushed open, and Xiaolan and Mira came in.

Sonoko on the bed screamed immediately, and quickly pulled the quilt beside her to cover her body.

"Why didn't you two come in and knock on the door?"

Xiaolan didn't care about Yuanzi's words, she moved to the bedside and smiled narrowly, and couldn't help asking: "Yuanzi, how was the situation last night?" Mira also asked: "Yes, we are all very happy. Curious!"

Yuanzi just felt that it was embarrassing to waste so much effort to distract the two daughters last night and to end up with nothing in the end!

She put on a face, looked satisfied, and looked at Xiaolan provocatively: "Lan, your father's kung fu is really good!"

"Your father was very gentle to me last night. His body smelled so good, and his arms were so strong. I felt like he was melting into him. It was really wonderful!"

"If possible, I want to stay in his arms all the time and never get up!"

Sonoko racked his brains, tried his best to collect the vocabulary in the little yellow book he had read before, and tried his best to describe the scene.

And Xiaolan and Mira looked at each other, and there were smiles in the eyes of the two women.

Xiaolan directly lifted the quilt covering Yuanzi, and suddenly Yuanzi's body was revealed again.

The two women took a closer look and couldn't help laughing.

"Yuanzi, your ability to tell nonsense is getting better and better now. My father obviously didn't do anything, but you still talk about the same thing. I just said this is the result, Mira, our bet I must have won!"

Xiaolan put her hips on her hips and looked extremely smug.

And Mira could only complain speechlessly: "Yuanzi, you are really useless."

After saying this, she took off the ruby ​​necklace she was wearing around her neck and handed it to Xiaolan.

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