And Yuanzi on the bed was extremely ashamed, picked up the pillow and started beating the two girls violently: "Okay, you two still bet on me, get out."

Yuanzi, who became angry from embarrassment, was not easy to provoke, and Xiaolan and Mira could only avoid his sharp edge and obediently exited the room.

At the same time, in the room where the three Maoyan sisters slept peacefully in 510, the window in the bathroom facing the sea was suddenly opened by a hand.Then a small hypnotic bomb was quietly thrown in, and the hypnotic gas shot out instantly.

After a while, a person wearing a hood and night clothes came in from the bathroom window. Looking at the figure, it seemed to be a woman.The masked woman stepped out of the bathroom very lightly, and saw three figures covered with quilts on the bed.

She took out the silencer pistol from her back waist, with a cruel smile on her face, and shot at the figure on the bed.

boom! boom! boom!

All three figures were shot by her for one round, and the magazines were all emptied. Then the masked woman turned around and headed towards the suitcase.At this moment, two strong winds came from above.

Before the masked woman could react, her left and right shoulders were kicked heavily, and her body immediately staggered forward.

The attackers are the two sisters Lai Shenglei and Lai Shengai Ai.

They were only caught in the smoke trap last night, and it was the time when their defenses were at their highest.

As soon as the hypnotic gas was sprayed, they all heard it, and without saying a word, they set up an ambush tacitly.

The masked woman who staggered forward was caught by a small hand before she could stand still.

"caught you!"

This is the voice of Xiao Ai who hid under the bed, and the electric current on the anti-wolf fingertips surged out instantly.

The masked woman's body trembled violently, and she struggled to roll onto the bed, her eyes were full of astonishment.

She didn't seem to expect the people in the room to be so fierce.

The masked woman stepped on the wall and attacked the two women, intending to break through the aisle.

Wanting to run away after missing a hit, feels like an assassin.

Xiaolei, who was guarding the aisle, had two more pitch-black kunai in his hands like a magic trick, and Xiaotong had an extra sharp flower card in his hand. The two girls stepped forward without hesitation to challenge the masked girl who had no weapons. The siege.

Not long after, his shoulder was scratched by the flower card, and his waist was also stabbed by Kunai, and he was forced to retreat directly.

And Xiao Ai who was standing behind had already put on her gloves, full of excitement.

This is a boxing glove that has the same effect as Conan's shoes, and it can also greatly increase punching power!

Seeing him being surrounded, Lai Shenglei couldn't help asking: "Who are you and why do you want to kill us?"

Without saying a word, the masked woman glanced at the situation around her, turned around and slammed into the direction of the balcony, broke the glass, and plunged into the sea.

Chapter 0025 babble ah ah call daddy!

The three sisters hurriedly chased out of the balcony, leaning on the handrail to look at the sea, but there was no trace of the woman.

Xiao Ai frowned and said, "Damn it, why did I jump into the sea? I just put on my gloves and haven't hit her yet. It's boring!"

And Xiaotong also said: "Looking at this posture, it seems to be attracted by the eggs of memories. You are so brave. You stole something from the three of us sisters."

The eldest sister Lai Shenglei didn't say much, she took out a grenade from nowhere, gritted her teeth, guessed where the man sank into the water, and threw the grenade directly.


A loud noise shook the waves, but the grenade did not hurt the cruise ship at all.

Xiao Ai took out the binoculars to watch carefully, then shook her head.

Lai Shenglei then said: "Looking at her jumping so decisively, I'm afraid there is someone in the sea to meet her. Otherwise, in this vast sea, I will definitely not be able to swim back to the shore. Seeing that there is no boat in this sea, it may be a small submarine."

"But why didn't she choose to steal last night when there was no one in the room!"

Xiao Tong analyzed: "It's possible that there was something to do last night, or we didn't know that the egg of memory was in our hands until this morning. Anyway, this relic of Dad seems a bit hot."

Laisheng tears turned her head sideways, her long wavy hair fluttering in the wind, she saw the bathroom window from the balcony, and the rope hanging from the bathroom on the sixth floor was floating outside.

According to the distribution on the ship, it should be Room 610.

Xiaolei said: "It seems that we have to go up and investigate."

But after the words were finished, the three women did not speak.

They looked at each other a few times, and they all felt much better than lying on the bed and pretending to sleep.

The sudden attack by the masked woman caused the three sisters to twist into a ball again, and the embarrassment between them disappeared.

Seeing the opportunity, Xiao Ai stepped forward and hugged the arms of the two elder sisters, and said coquettishly: "Eldest sister, second sister, let's make up!"

"It's not our fault what happened last night, it's all the fault of the bad guy next door. He lit a cigarette and made us like this."

"My eldest sister and I also went there because we were worried about you. I didn't expect to be recruited."

"Now the three of us sisters have been bullied by him, we should unite and settle accounts with him."

But Xiaotong couldn't help but said: "Actually, I can't blame Kogoro, you also saw the girl named Yuanzi in the cabinet."

"She was the one who lit the misty smoke, and she wanted to attack Kogoro."

"After I knocked her out, Kogoro came in, and then he lost his mind. It's not unreasonable for us to blame him like this!"

Laishenglei laughed softly: "Yo, it's only been a while since I called Kogoro, and I'm still helping him out, Xiaotong, Xiaotong, it seems that he conquered him last night."

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