"Elder Sister!" Xiaotong stared at Eldest Sister in embarrassment: "You dare say that you are not."

"I don't know who called him daddy last night!"

Lai Shenglei's face flushed instantly, and he turned his head to the side, but smelled Xiao Ai's body, so he shifted his firepower.

"Xiao Ai, you haven't taken a shower since you came back, it stinks to death, go wash it soon, it's all his smell."

Xiao Ai stuck out her tongue, and obediently slipped into the bathroom.

The Laishenglei and Laishengtong sisters began to take off their clothes, and the clothes on their bodies were obviously unwearable.

And when I went upstairs to investigate later, I had to change into light clothes.

But as soon as the naked bodies of the two women were revealed, they looked at each other and couldn't help but blush again.

The two girls' bodies were covered with strawberry marks and scratches, which showed how crazy they were last night.

Although Xiao Tong and Xiao Ai were also treated before midnight, they were still extremely violent in the second half, and it is normal to leave traces.The blushing two girls each found a piece of smart clothing, put it on, and were ready to act.

Xiao Ai knew that the two older sisters wanted to abandon her to act again, so she washed very quickly, and soon opened the door to follow.

The three women dressed neatly, hid their weapons, and wanted to call Kogoro next door to set off together, but unexpectedly they were all in vain.He didn't wait any longer, took the elevator directly to the sixth floor, and walked along the corridor to the door of room 610.

—Standing at the door of 610, one could hear the woman's cries and groans coming from Room 609.

Xiaotong couldn't help but spat: "Shameless, it's already broad daylight, and I'm still doing it!"

Xiao Ai was watching the wind by the side, while Lai Shenglei opened the lock with a tool.

Two seconds later, the door opened.

Lai Shenglei hid behind the wall, directly poked the probe camera in, looked at the screen of the watch, it was empty inside, as if there was no one there.

She greeted her, pushed the door open, and all three sisters entered the room.

There was no trace of people living in the room, except for the sniper rifle on the bed, there was nothing else.It seems that the masked woman just borrowed the bathroom rope here to go down to steal.

The three sisters searched carefully, and finally shook their heads.

No more clues!

Since they had no clues, they didn't dare to stay for a long time. After installing the monitors and bugs, they left.

But as soon as the three girls went out, the door of room 609 next door opened, and Kogoro Mori just walked out.

"Xiao Lei, Xiao Tong, Xiao Ai, why are you here?"

Seeing this familiar man, the sisters in the next life instantly widened their eyes.

Just those noises!

Damn, the three sisters were all troubled by you last night, and they woke up in the same bed this morning. They have only been separated for more than an hour, and they even went to fool around in other women's rooms!

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

The three sisters became furious at the same time.

Laishenglei clasped Mori Kogoro's neck with both hands, and Xiaotong kicked open the door of 609's room with his long legs, and Xiaoai put on his gloves and rushed in.

Mori Kogoro was still a little confused about the situation: "Hey, what are you doing? Whisper..."

Before he could say a whole sentence, he was escorted into the room by the two sisters.

On the big bed in the room, the Li sisters who were tied up with ropes all had dull faces, as if they had been played badly.

A handful of kunai lay directly on Kogoro Mori's neck.

Lai Shenglei suppressed his anger, and said coldly: "Xiao Wulang, you are really good, you have only been separated from us for more than an hour, and you are looking for another woman!" Hearing this, Mao Li Xiao Wulang finally understood: "You Misunderstood, I don't have that kind of relationship with them."

"I'm here to investigate. I fed the two of them Veritaserum, that's why they look like this."

"If you don't believe me, smell the drinks on this table."

Chapter 0026 Two female spies

As soon as they entered the room, the reaction of the big star combination was as expected, very enthusiastic.

Pulling it to the seat, the three of them squeezed together and entertained themselves ardently.

The perfume sprayed on his body is a bit like that of Zitiao Lihua, which has a slight psychedelic effect.

During the whole process, the two women showed great enthusiasm, and their acting skills were also very good.

It would be easy for others to be confused by it, and then drink the black tea containing veritaserum.

But Mori Kogoro has a very bright heart, and he doesn't say anything when he sees it through.

During the whole process, he behaved like an old driver who went to a custom shop, with big and flexible hands, grasping and pinching.

Finally, while drinking tea, he used magic techniques to attract the attention of the two women, and secretly switched the veritaserum tea into the two women's cups.As soon as the tea was sipped, the two big stars felt that something was wrong.

However, Kogoro Mori held the teacup with both hands and helped him to drink it down.

The painful groans heard by the three Maoyan sisters were at this time.

After that, Kogoro Mori tied up the two girls, threw them on the bed, and began to press for information.

Under the effect of Veritaserum, Sister Li naturally answered every question.

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