Sherlock in the room couldn't help cursing: "Damn-it!"

Then he immediately walked out of the room with Watson, running in the opposite direction to Kogoro Mori, and walked towards the room where the lady was.

Secretary Tsujimoto, who was left at the door, looked at this scene with a dazed expression.

Xiao Ai, who was running, couldn't help asking: "Xiao Wulang, what kind of dumb words were you talking to that Sherlock detective just now?"

"The partition has ears. The room has already been monitored, so you can't speak too directly."

"But it's fine for me to save people by myself. You go back first and help me protect Xiaolan and the others."

"And tell Yazi that the plan has changed. The terrorists who hijacked the ship are about to board the ship. She can call for help now."

The three sisters in the next life are instantly confused, isn't it a murder case?What does it have to do with terrorists?

"The people in the command room should have called the police just now, and the captain who received us boarding the ship before was actually an undercover terrorist. They will know about the police and will definitely attack in advance."

"Just tell Yazi like this, you guys go back to the fifth floor."

After saying this, Mori Kogoro ran towards the stairwell.

Chapter 0028

Mori Kogoro ran towards the seventh floor, and he ran extremely fast through the intricate corridors.

Soon he came to a playground under maintenance.

This is the real ice skating rink equipped on the cruise ship.

The coldest places on this cruise ship are not only the cold room, the morgue, but also the ice skating rink.

According to the two little ones, the sudden drop in temperature last night must have used refrigeration equipment.

Real ice skating rinks are naturally equipped with large refrigeration equipment.

In addition, the freezer where the two children are located is equipped with a bomb. If the bomb explodes, it will cause great momentum whether it is in the freezer or the morgue.This is not the case at the skating rink. If Mori Kogoro's deduction is correct, the two children's freezers should be frozen in the ice of the skating rink!Once an explosion occurs, at most it will shatter the entire skating rink.

In this way, all the power of the bomb is absorbed by the skating rink, and no more damage will be caused.

Combined with the skating rink maintenance announcement he heard last night, Kogoro Mori judged that Conan and the others were locked up here.

And Sherlock deduced that it was the morgue, and he realized it was not in the dull knocking sound on the wall.

After all, the morgue is made up of iron grids one by one, which must be hollow, so how could it be possible to make a solid sound.

On the screen, Conan seemed unable to hold on and fainted, and Kogoro Mori rushed directly into the skating rink.

Sure enough, an iron cabinet was frozen in the ice.

Further down the iron cabinet, there is a cross pattern paved with red cloth, which feels like a special sacrifice.

This woman is really perverted!

Kogoro Mori complained about the guy Sherlock was about to face, Irene Adler.

That is to say, the woman who once defeated Sherlock, the situation of Conan and Hattori Heiji is naturally written by her.

Who let the two of them follow Irene to death, and Irene mistakenly thought that Sherlock sent him to test him.

After all, when he was in the Eagle Kingdom, Sherlock liked to drive those wandering little beggars to help him handle cases and collect information, but Conan's identity as a little ghost made him suspicious.

Afterwards, the various props found from Conan made Irene confirm her vision.

That's why she hit the two boys hard, hoping to lure Sherlock who was lurking on the boat.

But this was purely a big oolong, what Irene met was just a pair of perverted fans who liked to follow her.

Kogoro Mori soon came to the top of the red cross, and he could clearly see the splitting of the ice.

This is the cold ice made last night, and there are several pipes leading directly to the freezer to supply oxygen to the two children.

With an order, more than a dozen Ant-Man robots began to demolish, and the ice skating rink suddenly became a large ice shaving machine, with countless shards of ice flying.

In just over ten seconds, all the ice cubes on the freezer were broken and removed.

Mouri Kogoro lifted his big hand, and the iron sheet on the top of the freezer was lifted off, revealing the fainted two children in front of him.

He immediately stretched out his hand to pull the two children up, and the healing technique proved the physical condition of the two.

They were fed medicines, and the heat radiated from their bodies, which allowed them to withstand the cold overnight, otherwise they would have frozen to death long ago.

But Kogoro Moori ignored the time bomb. An ant-man robot went directly into the bomb and removed all the gunpowder, so it naturally became invalid.

It's just that Kogoro Mori just pulled the two boys up, and the strong foreign men in suits who were ambushing in the auditorium got up one by one, and then took out their pistols one after another.

The first person said: "Please let them go and cooperate with us."

Since he was holding a gun, he was an enemy, so he had to deal ruthlessly.

One by one, the Ant-Man robots quietly climbed up to their necks, and with an order, the knives in their hands chopped off one after another.

These more than twenty strong men were all knocked down to the ground without firing a single shot.

Mori Kogoro didn't pay much attention to them, and took the two boys to the treatment room of the cruise ship. Anyway, the Ant-Man robot will take care of them.

Although stimulated by drugs, the two children were both frostbitten and unconscious.

Mori Kogoro could only try his best to perform a rejuvenation technique on the two of them. The spirits of vegetation that can be condensed in the sea are really rare, and it only made the two little injuries better, but failed to completely heal them.

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