As for the healing technique, it can't be used. After all, there will be troubles on the cruise ship today, and the women who don't protect themselves will be injured, so I have to keep it as a spare.As for these two brats, worshiping Sherlock is great, so just lie down obediently in the treatment room!

At the same time, Kusaka Hiroshige slowly walked down from the bottom of the cabin that seemed to be empty.

A figure staggered out from the shadow, it was Yatsushiro Yantaro, the head of Yatsushiro Group holding an iron fan.When Guangcheng saw his enemy, his eyes immediately turned scarlet, and he pulled out the stick in his hand.

"Old guy, today is your death day, I want to avenge my father, take my life!"

Saying this, Kusaka Hiroshige rushed over with a knife, but was blocked by Yatsushiro Entaro's iron fan.

Yatsushiro Yantaro looked panicked, but his eyes glanced at the shadow beside him, and he couldn't help calling for help: "Help!"

Kusaka Hiroshige sneered and said, "I know the duty schedule of this cruise ship. No one can save you at this time, so accept your fate!"

"When you used your Eight Generations Group's old merchant ship to hit an iceberg and maliciously defraud insurance, didn't you think that my father was also on that ship?"

"It's time for you to repay this blood debt today."

Saying this, Kusaka Hiroshige directly slammed the stick on Yatsushiro Yantaro's head, knocking him out.

Then he opened the door of the cabin, intending to throw Yatsushiro Yantaro's body under the sea.

Unexpectedly, Yatsushiro Yantaro pretended to be dizzy, and instead made a sneak attack to push Kusaka Hironari into the sea.

It's a pity that Yatsushiro Yantaro is old and weak. After all, he is in his seventies, and even a sneak attack cannot be achieved in one blow.

He grabbed Hiroshige Hiroshige by the neckline, and the two of them stalemate at the hatch for a long time.

The two wrestled for a long time, and they both knew that there would be no chance of death if they fell into the bottom of the sea. In order to survive, the two of them tried their best to survive, their faces flushed red, and sweat dripped down one by one.

The final result was that Yatsushiro Yantaro was thrown into the bottom of the sea with an unbelievable look on his face, and was drowned by the waves.Kusaka Hiroshige, who survived, couldn't help laughing wildly.

He took a rest, closed the cabin door, and walked to the cruise ship.

Kusaka Hiroshige has only one last target left, which is the captain Kai Tengdu.

After all, this Haitengdu was the deputy captain of the merchant ship that sank fifteen years ago.

Not long after Hiroshige Kusaka left, a little fire appeared in the dark shadows, and the sound of high-heeled shoes sounded.

A bare hand lightly pressed the red switch on the wall, and the hatch opened again.

The sea breeze poured in, blowing Fusha's blond hair in a hat.

Fusha shook her head, stood at the cabin door and smoked out the lady's cigarette.

Soon, a soft ladder fell from the sky.

She stepped directly onto the ladder and left the cruise ship following the black helicopter above.

Chapter 0029 domineering Bud

On the other side, Sherlock and Watson went to room 620. When they were disguised as crew members, they peeked at the boarding log.

They found that the ten rooms in 620-630 were all occupied by people from Eagle Country.

Originally, the two of them came to look for Irene on the sixth floor, and when they encountered a murder case on the way, they only paid attention to it for a while.

Then he came over directly after being prompted by Mori Kogoro, but he missed it unexpectedly.

The rooms from 620 to 630 have long been empty. Both Irene and the bodyguards have disappeared.

The doors are wide open, which is quite strange.

Sherlock walked from room to room, carefully observing all the details in the room with falcon-like eyes, until he stopped in room 623.

Watson on the side also removed the disguise from his face. It was a middle-aged man with gray hair. He couldn't help asking, "Sherlock?"

"Sherlock sniffed: "Her smell! "Then he began to rummage carefully.

Women's cigarettes in the ashes, two different cigarette butts, high heel marks on the blanket, one or two strands of brown hair, and a card under the table...

Hold on, card!

Sherlock couldn't lift it up, so he turned his head to look at Watson, even if he asked for help, he didn't speak.

Fortunately, Watson has a gentle temperament. Knowing his partner's temper, he stepped forward and moved the table away.


There is not only this sentence in the card, but also a red lip print in the lower left corner.

But Sherlock couldn't help laughing, he took the card and walked out: "The stage has been built, the actors are ready, and the curtain is about to begin."

His eyes seemed to be beating with fire, faintly reflecting excitement.

Facing his partner's nagging performance, Watson could only turn his head sideways speechlessly, and hurriedly chased him out.

However, Sherlock, who was running all the way, was pulled by the arm by the female secretary, Miss Tsukimoto: "Help me, help me find the murderer who killed my wife, aren't you the great detective Sherlock Holmes? Please!"

Sherlock is extremely clever, but he really doesn't want to bother with this little case.

That's right, a small case!

Mori Kogoro directly pushed the case to him, obviously not paying attention to the case.

As arrogant as Sherlock is, he also has a temper, so it is naturally impossible to accept such a second-hand case pushed by others.

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