"It's so enjoyable, eldest sister and second sister, this is much more interesting than the gun range that Butler Yongshi found for us."

Saying this, the bullets shot out, and another mercenary fell to the ground.

Laishenglei couldn't help complaining: "You crazy girl, just knowing that you are so crazy, your second sister and I can't take you first."

"Don't say that, big sister, I'm very powerful, and after the second sister passed last night, I let you go first, you can't help but be loyal!"

Laisheng Tong couldn't help kicking Xiao Ai's round buttocks: "Damn girl, you really dare to say anything."

And Yuanzi couldn't help crying and said: "Everyone, please stop fighting among yourself, I miss my uncle."

Yuanzi originally thought that he was already crazy enough, but today he really saw what a crazy woman is.

But Yazi, who was suppressed by the firepower in front, retreated, frowned and said: "No, it seems that all the mercenaries gathered at the stairs on the sixth floor in the end. The firepower is too strong to break in."

Laishengai chuckled, and took out the gum bomb box from his arms: "What's so difficult, second sister, you jump up and stick the gum on the ceiling, and blow them all down."

Yuanzi was stunned when he heard this, and jumped up to stick it to the ceiling, how could it be done!

Lai Shengtong took a few pieces of chewing gum, jumped up flat like a civet cat, stepped on the wall and kept climbing, and really put the bomb under the feet of the mercenaries on the sixth floor.

Yuanzi was completely dumbfounded, and couldn't help asking: "Who are you guys?"

The sisters in the next life all laughed lightly and remained silent.

Soon, Hitomi installed the bomb and returned.

Lai Shengai immediately called everyone to hide in the gap in the corridor: "When someone blows up, remember to replenish the gun."

Saying this, she took out a cat pendant from her pocket.

Xiao Ai glanced at the remaining bomb positions in the box, and then pressed on the pendant's tail and rear feet.


Three explosions sounded, and a burst of arrogance swept across the corridor, and screams mixed with curses from various countries spread.

Yazi and the three sisters of the next life immediately went out with guns, and they began to replenish the fallen terrorists.

The garden behind saw them running out one by one, gritted their teeth and stamped their feet, and ran out with a pistol.But this girl still didn't dare to shoot.

Tongues of flame spurted, bullets danced wildly, and the breath of gunpowder filled the air.

Soon, the mercenaries on the collapsed rocks in front of them were eliminated one by one, lifeless.

Yazi immediately looked relaxed: "Sisters, let's get rid of all the mercenaries on these floors."

The three sisters in the next life immediately looked happy, and the cheers continued to ring out.

The girls high fived each other in celebration.

But Yuanzi's pale face gradually calmed down, seeing the bloody scene, he slowly got used to it.Laishengai hugged Yuanzi's shoulders, and the little black hand wiped his cheek, Yuanzi burst into tears and laughed.

Then Yazi said, "Let's go, let's go back to the casino on the first floor to meet Kogoro and the others." Everyone turned and walked down the cruise ship.

Chapter 0035 Deviated Route

On the ninth floor of the cruise ship, Meng Bo and Qing Zi had already dealt with the mercenaries on the seventh and eighth floors one by one.

Then they reunited with Yusaku Kudo, and under the command of Yusaku Kudo, both Meng Bo and the service department put on mercenary uniforms.

A group of three walked towards the top cab with their guns in hand.

As for Conan the Little Devil, he was dragged by the black-skinned girl Kiyoko and watched from behind.

Conan couldn't help even if he wanted to. All he had left was an anesthesia needle in his watch, which was nothing compared to those mercenaries with guns.

So he could only watch his father take risks.

Under the mask, Hattori looked excited. Hattori had touched a gun before, but it was the first time in his life that he shot someone.

He is not as pedantic as Conan, so he naturally knows to do extraordinary things at extraordinary times.

Meng Bo took the lead, ran all the way and bumped into the glass door of the driver's cab, and pretended to call for help.

"There was an accident in the casino, and the boss called me for help."

Hearing this, the captain in the cab immediately switched to the monitoring screen of the casino on the driving panel.

Meng Bo secretly groaned inwardly, thinking that he was going to be betrayed, his machine gun was also raised, and he was about to attack by force.

Unexpectedly, the monitoring screen of Yihao shows countless tourists tying up mercenaries in red.

Seeing this, the captain couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and immediately ordered: "Everyone follow me, let's go to the first floor for reinforcements."

Hearing this, more than thirty red-clothed mercenaries in the cab immediately ran out with guns and ran towards the corridor.

Yusaku Kudo, who was hiding in the depths of the corridor, listened carefully to the sound of footsteps, estimated their location, counted silently, and then pressed the button Boom!boom!boom!

The explosion sounded. This is the uninstalled bomb he had collected before, and it is now installed at the necessary place from the cab to the elevator.

Simple ambushes pay off!

Kudo Yusaku lay on his side, the gun in his hand kept firing, and the bullets poured down, harvesting the lives of the remaining survivors.

Then the group of people who successfully set up an ambush ran across the corridor and entered the cab.

In the wheelhouse, the crew are all in uniform and strapped to the side rails.

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