When they saw Kudo Yusaku and others coming in, they moaned desperately for help.

Meng Bo, Hattori Heiji and others immediately stepped forward to rescue the crew.

And Kudo Yusaku came to the control panel, his face became serious immediately.

This position is wrong!

This cruise ship was supposed to sail to Taiwan, but since last night it has deviated from its original route, and now it is headed for the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, at this position...

"No, don't untie them yet!"

Kudo Yusaku reacted, but it was still too late.

The untied crew took out their pistols one after another, and held Hattori Heiji, Meng Bo, Kiyoko, and Conan who rescued them.

These rebellious crew members took off their hats one by one and threw them at their feet.

The crew members who were still wearing their hats looked at this scene in bewilderment.

The leading brunette caucasian pointed the gun at Kudo Yusaku: "Throw away the pistol, or you will die."

Seeing this scene, Yusaku Kudo could only let go.

These people disguised as crew members regained control of the wheelhouse, and the cruise ship's voyage track was quietly changed again.

On the other side, McDonald, who was in a panic, ran to the depths of the casino, but was intercepted by the extremely fast Xiaolan.

Xiaolan, who has a strong sense of justice, hates McDonald's.

Especially since he killed four people in front of him, it was even more unforgivable.

How could Xiaolan let him go, and kicked him with a roundabout kick.

McDonald immediately stretched out his hand to block, then knelt down and begged for mercy tearfully.

"Little girl, this is really not what I want to do."

"I was also forced. That person said that I didn't follow his orders, so he killed my whole family. I can't live without a family." "Please, let me go, please, let me go!" Let's go on a horse."

After saying this, McDonald immediately kowtowed, feeling quite like an old dog.

Xiaolan couldn't help frowning, and her movements slowed down.

After all, she was young, and she was still bewitched.

The kowtowing McDonald saw that Xiaolan was not moving, and knelt on the ground with a scorpion's back hook, and the foot ax fell down.

Xiaolan couldn't react for a while, she was hit by the heavy ax on her shoulder, and she couldn't help but staggered back a few steps.

Her face was full of anger immediately: "How dare you lie to me!"

McDonald smiled triumphantly: "Little girl, you are still too young, you will die if you catch up."

Saying this, he pulled out two iron rods from his back, his aura instantly became like a wolf, and he immediately attacked.

This McDonald's is worthy of being a retired colonel of the U.S. Army, and his fighting skills are very good.

Especially those who came out of the battle on the battlefield, there is an indomitable momentum of iron and blood.

Xiaolan was suppressed for a while, and could only dodge continuously under the impenetrable stick, and gradually she couldn't breathe, feeling a sense of suffocation!

At this time, Kogoro Mori appeared with a biting expression.

My own daughter has never dared to play hard, and this old bastard dared to kick Xiaolan, it is completely unforgivable!

Kogoro Mouri was about to take action to find justice for Xiaolan, but suddenly found that Xiaolan's eyes seemed to be out of focus, but his body was avoiding instinctively.

His evasive posture became more and more smooth, his steps became more and more dexterous, and his momentum became more and more high.

Mori Kogoro reacted instantly, it seemed that he had an epiphany, and Xiaolan's karate was breaking through.

He just watched it change.

Sure enough, McDonald was able to suppress Xiaolan at first, but after a while, the situation reversed.Xiaolan's eyes became brighter and brighter, and her aura soon reached its peak.

Side kicks, hand knives, elbow strikes, and straight punches all fell on McDonald's body one by one, causing his offensive to falter again and again.

McDonald's eyes were full of surprise, he had never seen that girl with such strength and speed, she was not human at all!He knew that if he didn't kill the girl today, he couldn't escape, and a fierce look appeared in his eyes.

The iron rod was drawn horizontally again, and Xiaolan dodged sideways.

Unexpectedly, McDonald pressed the mechanism on the stick, and the iron stick instantly turned into an iron whip, and was directly twisted around Xiaolan's jade neck.

He stretched out his hand to grab the other end of the iron whip, intending to strangle Xiaolan to death.

This is McDonald's stunt, and everyone who has seen this trick is dead.

But this time his idea failed.


Four golden bullets pierced McDonald's wrist and ankle in an instant, and he could no longer stand.

A body like a gust of wind rushed up, kicking McDonald's shoulder straight, with the power of thunder still attached to it.

McDonald was instantly sent flying, smashing through two seats, castration continued, and finally rolled into a ball.

He is completely hopeless!

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