The tendons and muscles of the whole body are broken inch by inch, the hands and feet are twisted and not human-like, and the viscera and organs are squeezed and broken, and they are directly on the verge of death.

Dare to hurt Xiaolan and let McDonald die directly, it is completely cheap for him.

Mori Kogoro wanted him to be tortured to death, so he took a breath of anger.

Then he quickly untied the iron whip.

Fortunately, Xiaolan's physique is the same as that of Mori Kogoro, which is several times that of ordinary people, and his neck is not injured at all.

She was just a little sore from the hit shoulder.

As soon as the iron whip was untied, she hung it on Mori Kogoro: "Father, my karate seems to have become stronger!"

Chapter 0036 Mori Kogoro vs Sherlock

Mori Kogoro held Xiaolan's hips with both hands, and rubbed his baijie forehead affectionately: "I can tell, your karate should be at the same level as Sumi now."

Hearing this, Xiaolan's eyes were full of excitement, and she planned to ask Sister Shumei for advice after returning to China.

After all, she had won more than Sumi Tsukamoto before, so she naturally wanted to get back on the field.

"However, there were still some mistakes just now. When facing a man other than Dad, you have to lie down first and then listen to what he has to say. Don't be careless next time!"

"Father!" Xiaolan really couldn't speak now, as soon as she said it, she began to act like a baby.

Then she kissed Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro also responded, as if there was no one there, as if the spherical human body did not exist.

At this time, the casino prodigal son Gundam trotted over.

He wanted to help the girl, the angel, who had just saved him.

Gundam had just turned the corner, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he froze instantly!

He couldn't help but wiped his eyes, full of disbelief.

The angel-like girl who had saved her was actually hanging on a man's body, kissing him passionately, and their relationship...

In just an instant, Gundam was heartbroken.

His love that had not yet begun was instantly disillusioned.

Hearing the appearance of an outsider, Mori Kogoro let go of Xiaolan, and took her away quickly.

Soon, the two returned to the lobby of the casino and got together with Mira and Huixiang.

As soon as Kogoro Mori appeared, all the tourists around him looked at Kogoro Mori gratefully.

From time to time, dignitaries from all walks of life come forward to make friends with Kogoro Mori.

And among the crowd that greeted them, there were unexpectedly the former prime minister's newly married couple.

Mori Kogoro took a closer look, and sure enough, the extremely skilled female bodyguard he saw last night had disappeared.I think it was the female bodyguard who attacked the three Maoyan sisters this morning.

Does the attempt to steal the egg of memory have something to do with the former prime minister and his wife?

Under the protection of the remaining male bodyguards beside him, the new old gentleman finally spoke to Kogoro Mori.

"Detective Maori, it's really worth seeing once, you're even more outstanding than I thought!"

Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times?

It seems that even if this old man has retired, his political sense is sensitive enough.

He must have noticed that he was pushing Princess Kako to the throne!

"The old man was joking, but it's just a joke, not worth mentioning."

There was a strange look in the old Mr. Xinchu's eyes, and he smiled heartily: "Detective Maori is really too humble. This time, I was saved by you, and I owe you a favor."

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "The old man is serious, let's put human feelings aside, we are not out of danger yet, let's wait until we return to Tokyo."

"Old sir, what I want to ask you is..."

Before the words were finished, there was an explosion, and everyone in the casino staggered.

This time the explosion was extremely close, it should be in the cabin below, and the force was really good, unlike the series of small explosions that happened upstairs just now.Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand to protect the three girls, his expression changed slightly when he thought about it.

A large hole was blown out of the cabin below, about ten square meters, and sea water kept pouring in.

And Hiroshige Kusaka escaped by himself in a speedboat.

As soon as Kogoro Mori changed his mind, an Ant-Man robot drilled into the submerged water entry point.

Entering the water and coming to the water inlet, the ant-like Ant-Man robot used the Pym particles on its body.

His body swelled up in an instant, a full five or six meters high, directly blocking the water inlet, and the amount of water entering suddenly decreased.

One robot was not enough, and there was a side leak, and another enlarged robot was pressed down, and the amount of water entering was reduced again, and only then did it return to the safe threshold.

Kogoro Maoli frowned slightly, and ignored the new old man who was being supported by the bodyguards. He turned his head and said to the three girls, "Come with me." After saying this, he protected the three girls and kept going outside. ran away.

Seeing Mori Kogoro running out, other tourists subconsciously followed him and squeezed out.

Soon, Mao Li and his party came to the deck, and saw Sherlock sitting on the deck, looking at the map with his hands folded and meditating.And Dr. Watson, who was exhausted beside him.

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