Mori Kogoro glanced at the distant sea area, and Kusaka Hiroshige almost disappeared in the speedboat.

He couldn't help but complained: "Sherlock, didn't I say that the assassination case of the eight generations of Guijiang was handed over to you? Why did you let Kusaka Hiroshige escape?"

"Even if you can't catch him, at least you have to dismantle the bomb he installed!"

Sherlock immediately raised his index finger: "Silent!"

Watson who was behind couldn't help asking immediately: "Detective Maori, how do you know that Kusaka Hiroshige is the murderer of the assassination case?"

"Obviously, it's not obvious!"

Watson smiled wryly and nodded: "Obviously, it's Obviously again, I always heard such words when I followed Sherlock, and I also said such words when I met you today. You two are a perfect match..."

Mori Kogoro shook his head and said, "Forget it, whoever partners with him will not be pissed to death, and only you, a good old man like Watson, can bear him."

Sherlock couldn't bear it anymore, and retorted with a serious face: "Detective Maori, you have already solved the case of Yadai's murder, so why push it to me, bored! (bored!)"

"Besides, I have a mission to board this ship today. Watson and I are burdened with the well-being of the whole of England. Let me think quietly, please?" Mao Li Xiaogoro smiled angrily: "You speak like someone As if there is nothing important to do, didn't I agree with you at the scene of the crime?"

"I'll help you save people, and you help me solve the case of Eight Generations Guijiang."

"After I save people, I have to wipe your asses, and get rid of the hundreds of terrorists who were bombarded by the call to the doctor this time, and then acted ahead of time."

"Now you let Kusaka Hiroshige go, and let him blow up the cruise ship and escape. For this ridiculous reason, I say you don't delay my business by playing reasoning games."

After hearing this, Sherlock turned his head sideways like a fool.

And Watson on the side couldn't help laughing, it was really the pitfall of his call to the police!

He comforted him from the side: "Detective Maori, don't be angry, Sherlock is just like that."

"How about showing you the clues we found, maybe you will find it!"

"Watson!" Sherlock immediately turned his head to look at his partner, his face was expressionless, but his eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

Handing over a case that has been investigated by himself for a long time to others, to Sherlock, it is tantamount to the fact that Mei Jiao Niang has been played by someone!

And Watson stared at him stubbornly, not giving an inch.

He waited until Sherlock turned his head again, then handed the map on the floor and the cards he found to Mori Kogoro.

Chapter 0037 The Immortals Fight!

Kogoro Mori glanced at the card, and there was still the phrase "Do you miss me?" on the top, and there was a lipstick mark on the bottom!

He handed the card back to Watson: "Gay!"

Watson immediately looked confused: "Detective Maori, what do you mean?"

"Isn't this obvious? You are looking for a gay, a gay."

Seeing that Watson was still in a daze, Kogoro Mori shook his head and began to explain.

"Lipstick marks, from the perspective of universal research, men's lips are different from women's lips. Men's lips are larger, while women's are smaller. That's why there is this saying of small lips."

"Although women also have the type of big mouth, but the lips will become thinner when the mouth is big, and this lip mark is obviously left by a man."

"It's more obvious that this is the purple-moon inside the TF lipstick, which is a lipstick color that gay guys especially like."

"In addition, the handwriting on this Bohemian paper can be seen from the backlight. The depth of the handwriting is also a man's pen."

"So you're looking for a gay guy, and ordinary gay guys can't lure Sherlock, an otaku, out of London."

"Combined with my previous attention to Dr. Watson's blog, you just finished the case of the desperate housewives, and the person who made trouble with Sherlock should be Moriarty!"

Sherlock turned his head, stared at Mori Kogoro and said seriously: "I'm not an otaku!"

However, he did not refute Kogoro Mori's other information, which is naturally the default.

Watson immediately expressed disbelief: "Sherlock, you shouldn't have kept it from me. Aren't we here to deal with Irene?"

"Come on, although Irene is smart, she can't get the secret order to launch the nuclear bomb."

nuclear weapons?

Watson suddenly panicked: "Detective Maori, is what you said true?"

"Sherlock, what are you talking about, are we here to recover the secret order to launch nuclear weapons?"

Sherlock stared at Mori Kogoro, and shook his head slightly: "No, it's more terrifying than this!"

"Detective Maori, you are indeed a smart person. Really smart people are extremely rare in this world."

"I don't think your energy should be spent on useless beauty, this kind of thing is too boring!"

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows involuntarily.

"The girl behind you wearing a short black skirt should be your new girlfriend!"

"The look of admiration should be the old-fashioned hero saving the beauty, and there are handprints on the wrists that were grabbed by someone tightly. This kind of rude behavior can't be done by Maori detectives!"

"You even kissed her after you rescued her, long enough for her lips to be on yours."

"There is Dior's latest flame blue and gold lipstick on the corner of his mouth, but messing with the relationship between men and women is not very good. Only then can a girl fall in love with him. How can he turn around and kiss someone else, those twins..."

Bang bang bang!

The golden desert eagle lifted up at some point, and the bullets shot past, passing through Sherlock's curly hair one by one, and hitting the three seagulls parked behind him.

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