The seagull fell to the ground in response, startled its feathers all over the ground, and Mori Kogoro pointed a pistol at Sherlock.

The people who followed at the deck mouth and Watson were all taken aback.

And Sherlock didn't say anything more, he could smell the smoke of the bullet.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Those seagulls are very noisy, don't mind if I shoot them!"

"Mr. Sherlock, I heard that you are also a gentleman, but you can't see it today. If you just want to anger me, I don't think you can bear the consequences."

Hearing this, Sherlock pursed his lips, smiled, and put his hands behind his back: "Then ask the Maori detective to look at the map I found!"

But Xiaolan, who was hugging Mira at the back, clearly sensed her father's anger. She heard what Sherlock meant, and she also complained about this Eagle Country detective.

For the first time, Xiaolan had the urge to throw Sherlock into the sea.

Watson couldn't help but stepped forward to apologize: "Detective Maori, I'm sorry, Sherlock has such a temper, he didn't mean it."

Mori Kogoro looked at the map intently, and replied casually: "You and I both know this is a lie, so there is no need to speak."

"He obviously enjoys this kind of game. He must have wiped out all your information when he met you on the first day!"

"Children's tricks, which seem to have a high IQ, are actually extremely low in EQ. They obviously don't do anything serious, but they want to play tricks to irritate me and get a little illusory satisfaction. It's something addicts like to do."

Sherlock obviously heard it, snorted softly, turned his head and said, "Dr. Watson, I need your help."

Watson reluctantly greeted Sherlock.

And the onlookers next to them all looked at this rare scene with great interest.

The two most prestigious detectives in the world met, and it was a fight between gods!

It is difficult for most people to keep up with their speaking rhythm and unconstrained thinking, but they all feel that ignorance is worse!

Although they were taken aback by the mercenaries who hijacked the ship this time, it was a worthwhile trip to see this scene!

Everyone huddled around the edge of the deck and in the corridor, wanting to watch how things would develop next.

Mori Kogoro looked carefully at the map. It was a sea chart, but a large part of the middle seemed to be corroded by chemicals, and it was pitch black, making it impossible to see anything clearly.

Put it under the sun and look carefully from the side, you can see that there are obvious signs of aging inside, trying to make people misunderstand that it is a product of more than a hundred years ago.There are no markings on the top, bottom, left, and right, which obviously do not conform to the manufacturing process of the chart. Presumably, the latitude and longitude have been deliberately erased.

Only the surrounding area can be seen clearly on this chart, but there are no islands in the area that can be seen clearly.

Without the island as a reference, it is really difficult to find out the exact position of this chart.

There are only traces of blue waters in different shades!

However, Mori Kogoro immediately discovered the clue, and saw a flaw from the side of the chart. This is a map that has been put together with special techniques.

Seeing that Mori Kogoro had also discovered it, Sherlock said, "There are not enough tools and chemicals on board, and I can't prepare a solution to separate these two or three pictures."

Mori Kogoro frowned slightly: "No, there can be no unsolvable situation."

"If the opponent is him this time, it is even less likely that there will be no solution. He will only enjoy the pleasure of fooling others!"

"Sherlock, do you know that there is a saying that cleverness is wronged by cleverness?"

Sherlock's eyes lit up immediately, and he immediately moved over, and then began to observe the chart by himself.

His eyes became brighter, and then he took out his mobile phone to start searching.

However, Kogoro Mori held down his mobile phone and said directly: "Mariana Trench, this is where we are now!"

Chapter 0038 Female Pirate

"The color gradient of this chart is the key to the information. The upper shape is the Qiandao Trench, and the lower part is the Philippine Trench."

"That is to say, the position in the middle of this picture is the deepest trench on earth, the Mariana Trench with a depth of 11034 meters."

"That's exactly where we are."

"Didn't you find out? Our cruise ship has been parked for a while."

Hearing this, everyone looked sideways at the sea, and the cruise ship indeed stopped.

Watson couldn't help asking: "Detective Maori, what did he want to do by bringing us to the Mariana Trench?"

Sherlock said: "The most unfathomable place in the world is wide enough and majestic enough. It is the most suitable place to bury the bones of this giant cruise ship,"

"Once the cruise ship sinks, everything will be buried in the bottomless trench."

"No one in the world can dig it out again, it's really an eye-catching handwriting!"

Mori Kogoro added: "Although I really want to agree with your opinion, there is still another possibility."

"The Mariana Trench is close to the Mariana Islands, but the Mariana Islands are close to the free paradise in this world - Guam, a chaotic lawless place. It has been occupied by the United States, Japan, and Canada successively. Morrow."

"And the Chamorro people who have nowhere to live have become the biggest threat to Free Paradise, the Chamorro pirates."

"In the eyes of these pirates, the huge gambling ship carrying countless rich people is no different from a big piece of fat, so..."

Before the words fell, the sound of Ming Miao sounded!

Traces of six medium-sized cruisers suddenly appeared on the coastline in the distance, and the bright red and bloody Chamorro flag was hoisted on them.The sound of shelling continued, and a large wave was set off in the sea area in front of the cruise ship.

Everyone on the cruise ship couldn't help becoming anxious, and waves of riots broke out.

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