He was the one who sat and watched Guangcheng escape, and he knew about the planting of the bomb.

But why the bomb exploded, but the cruise ship was not abnormal at all, and no one was going to deal with it!

But as proud as he is, it is impossible for him to show his confusion, instead he pretends to be calm.

Curly Fu couldn't help but said: "Moriarty, where is the key?"

Moriarty frowned slightly, and gently tapped his ears with his fingers, while his leather shoes slowly stepped forward, and soon came to the corpses of the three seagulls.His voice also became treacherous like a chant: "Sherlock, it doesn't count this time, you didn't solve the riddle by yourself."

"To be honest, I'm very disappointed in you!"

Hearing the word disappointment, Xiaolan laughed out loud.

Dad was disappointed in Moriarty, and Moriarty was disappointed in Sherlock.

Calculated in this way, then father is the most powerful, only the strong can be disappointed by the weak!

The weak can only look up at the strong from below, and can only feel despair!

Officer Yazi couldn't help asking: "What key are you talking about?"

Dr. Watson began to explain: "Half a month ago, the Tower of London, the Bank of England, and Bentonville Prison in London, the three most heavily guarded places in Eagle Country, were all invaded by Moriarty."

"He holds the master key in his hand, a few lines of code, or a program, which can break through any blocking system, even nuclear weapons."

"If we don't force out the master key before sunset today, nuclear missiles will explode on this planet again."

Moriarty turned around and chuckled softly: "There is no door in this world that I can't break into, and private accounts are even more bullshit. As long as I think, everything is mine."

"I control all the secrets. There are countless doors in the world. As long as I have this key, I am the king."

"Honey, I should show you how I look in the crown!"

"Sherlock, you didn't have to chase me here."

"Actually, I told you the answer a long time ago, but did you listen carefully?"

Moriarty's face was extremely serious, and it seemed that this sentence was not fake, and his fingers seemed to be beating irregularly as they pointed at the fence.Sherlock's eyes fell on his hand, and he couldn't help thinking.

Lai Shengtong's eyes were fixed, and he remembered it.

Is this Morse code?

Moriarty turned to look at Kogoro Mori: "Detective Mori, to be honest, I admire you."

"Everyone has a secret, but yours is particularly explosive, tsk tsk!"

"Detective Maori, if you can find out this key, then maybe I will obediently catch it!"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "You don't have any universal password at all. Those three places seem to be the most heavily guarded places in Eagle Country, but looking at the whole world, they are nothing!"

"The fact that you were able to invade these three places is because you have your insiders inside, and the so-called universal password is nothing more than a trick to coax children!" Saying this, Mori Kogoro glanced at the thoughtful Sherlock .

Moriarty shrugged irresolutely, and grimaced.


At this time, the crew members in white uniforms ran down the stairs one by one.

Looking at the few people in the lead, Moriarty couldn't help but change slightly.


At the front is a tomboy-like girl, Nanatsuki Koshimizu.

And the burly men who followed him were members of the security company that Mori Kogoro arranged to board the ship early.

All of this is naturally arranged by Mori Kogoro.

The nearly [-] crew members on board were led by Koshimizu Nanatsuki and members of the security company to lurk in, and now this backhand has also been revealed.

Then the group of people who subdued Yusaku Kudo just now, the subordinates that Moriarty summoned and arranged, the ending is naturally self-evident!

Koshimizu Nanatsuki, who was wearing a white crew uniform, walked quickly to Kogoro Mori's side, and said softly, "Boss, we broke free just now too late, and we didn't have time to stop it."

"The power system of the cruise ship has been completely destroyed and there is no way to run it again."

Mori Kogoro already knew about this situation, and directly ordered: "Then prepare to leave, this cruise ship won't last long!"

Although there are four or five enlarged Ant-Man robots resisting the water inlet where Kusaka Hiroshi exploded, the water pressure is still too high, and the amount of water entering continues to increase. This cruise ship can't last long at all!

Hearing the order, Koshimizu Nanatsuki waved her small hand and led a group of crew members to run towards the cabin.

They are going to release the lifeboat, and then direct the passengers on the cruise ship to leave in the lifeboat.

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows, and continued: "Obviously, the same method, this cruise ship stopped here is also your hand, relying on the crew members you arranged to board the ship!"

"It's just that this method is too crude. Taking off one's hat as a sign is an outdated method thousands of years ago."

"Moriarty, repeating old tricks is a very lazy behavior. Today's storyline is really too old-fashioned."

Moriarty's face turned blue and purple for a while, and he faintly felt something was wrong!

It seemed that I was the one who fell into the web, not the poisonous spider patiently waiting to prey!

Soon, Yusaku Kudo and his party appeared on the stairs, and they all looked at Kogoro Mori in admiration.

Yusaku Kudo and the others were just tied up, and they didn't suffer much. Instead, they enjoyed a big show.

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