It doesn’t matter that the crew member who took off his hat was a traitor, but the crew member who rolled up his sleeves was arranged by Mori Kogoro, which is amazing.

Following the little girl's instruction, the crew with sleeves rolled up suddenly launched an attack, subdued the crew with hats off, and the situation was reversed in an instant, and the control of the cruise ship returned!

Conan and Hattori Heiji are completely in admiration for the ingenious Maori Kogoro, who almost cast their eyes on the ground!

Chapter 0040: Sherlock who exposes short people

The six pirate cruisers kept approaching, their guns bombarding the sky and the sea, as if they were demonstrating.

The hatch in the cruiser opened, and small speedboats sailed out of it.

On this speedboat stood Chamorro pirates carrying guns and bullets on their shoulders.

The eyes of these pirates are full of fanaticism!

According to the order of the lady, everything on the ship, as long as it is snatched, belongs to the individual.

Unarmed giant cruise ships are dead whales, waiting to be devoured by various carnivorous fishes, and the people on speedboats are carnivores!Koshimizu Nanatsuki and the crew put the self-inflating lifeboat hanging on both sides of the cruise ship into the sea, and the lifeboat automatically inflated.

They towed the lifeboat and directed the passengers to evacuate.

But this is obviously a drop in the bucket, thousands of tourists and two to three hundred service personnel, how can it be so easy to evacuate.

The pirates on the speedboat were about to come and plunder in a few minutes. The passengers were in a panic and rushed to the lifeboat.

On the deck, Mori Kogoro still looked calm and calm, and he didn't take this pirate cruiser seriously at all.

Looking at Moriarty in front of him, he continued, "I think there is a word that can describe your current situation. You are alone and helpless!"

"Dr. Watson's clothes have pulled marks, and his arm has obvious tremors, which is enough to show that he has just experienced a big battle, which means that the men you designed to ambush me at the bottom of the cabin were taken care of by Watson and the others."

"As for the people you designed to ambush Sherlock at the skating rink, I will take care of it!"

"Those are your cronies, there are a total of forty or so people, all of them are gone."

"As for the infiltrating crew members on the cabin, they were the ones you called up urgently in Japan. The good and the bad are mixed, so they were easily taken care of by my subordinates."

"Originally, the subordinates I arranged were intended to deal with McDonald and the others, but it was a mistake to use them against you!"

"As for..."

At this moment, Sherlock suddenly interrupted, speaking very fast: "As for Irene Adler, that lady, she is a hostage under your control. You actually used her as a bait to let her The ship is haunted, intending to lure me to appear."

"The cronies in rooms 620-630 are not protecting her, but detaining her!"

"It's just that a mysterious woman suddenly appeared and made a deal with you that you couldn't refuse, so you handed Irene to her."

"Cigarettes, the women's cigarettes in room 623 are of the same brand, but the remaining ones are of different lengths. Irene only smokes two or three cartons."

"This is enough to prove that she is trapped. She doesn't even have to smoke cigarettes. She can only smoke if others give her."

"Then you dealt with the owner of the Fukimaru under the cabin, Yatsushiro Entaro, and blamed this incident on Hiroshige Kusaka."

"Hirosei Kusaka thought he had succeeded in his revenge, and planned to blow up the cruise ship, causing commotion and then leaving."

"And Irene was taken away by the mysterious lady, but she is not easy to deal with. She has already arranged a back-up. The Chamorro pirates who have been summoned here are here to take revenge on you."

"I'm right, Moriarty!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help complaining: "Sherlock, it's very unethical to interrupt other people's reasoning, and what you said is exactly what I want to say." You are already a mental illness, and you must be sick if you are sick. Cure it! "

Dr. Watson on the side spoke again: "Detective Maori, please forgive me, this is his habit and cannot be changed."

And Xiao Ai couldn't help complaining: "Hmph, the smelly habit of being pushy!"

Moriarty narrowed his eyes, pacing towards the crowd, clapping his hands continuously.

"Wow, wow, Excellent! It's so touching. It's a great honor for two of the most outstanding detectives in the world to work together to investigate my actions."

Then he turned his head to look at the two, his eyes filled with tears instantly.

He said affectionately: "Xiao Goro, Sherlock, I'm so happy, so happy, we are actually the same kind of people!"

Mori Kogoro immediately said with a look of disgust: "Who is the same as you, especially you gay, how dare you say such a thing."

"I love beauties, and I solve cases. I don't have the heart to play these games with you. I guess you can guess whether I can guess the game you guessed. This is purely spiritual self-indulgence and self-obscenity. Sickness needs to be cured!"

While saying this, Mouri Kogoro put his arms around the fragrant shoulders of two beauties, Yazi and Xiaolei.

That humbling appearance made the onlookers feel that what he said made sense, but Sherlock and Moriarty frowned with anger.

Immediately afterwards, Sherlock also said to Moriarty with disgust: "I'm not the same kind as you, I'm just a pure anti-social personality with high IQ, well, I'm not gay either!"

"From the tight thigh muscles and slightly bent knees when walking, it is enough to prove that you often kneel."

"And when you speak, you unconsciously use your tongue to lick your lips, which is enough to prove that you use your tongue frequently."

"And the slightly raised buttocks don't match your figure with a small belly. This is the result of regular hip-lifting exercises in yoga."

"And this kind of action usually appears in the doctor's order, and it is mostly used for, uh, rectal disorders and pelvic muscle problems, so it is obvious that you are the one who suffers, and the sexual partner who has experienced it should not be inferior to Maori detectives, It's so boring!"

"Some morbid reactions can be imitated. Several sexual partners have committed domestic violence against you. How dare you say that you are the same as me!"

Hearing these words, Moriarty's face darkened instantly, feeling really uncomfortable that his privacy had been exposed.

But what is even more annoying is that he has a feeling of sympathy for Mori Kogoro and Sherlock, but the two attack him with contempt.

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