This feeling of being insulted, trampled, and crushed made it more painful.

"Shut up!" Accompanied by a roar, the sound of gunshots continued, and several bullets passed by Juanfu's side.

The crowd watching next to him inevitably took a few steps back in fright.

The good old man Watson inevitably spoke again: "Moriarty, I'm sorry, you also know that Sherlock has such a temperament, and he can't control it." The gardener below couldn't help but said: "Who is this curly-haired guy? Ah, why are you talking so badly, and you're talking about people's privacy.”

Xiaolan replied softly: "Sherlock Holmes, the new idol is here!"

Yuanzi couldn't help complaining: "He's the new idol, hehe, it's no wonder his temper is so stinky, so it turns out that he likes such a person, it's really similar!"

On the other hand, Conan, the little devil, couldn't help staring at Sonoko with resentment on his face when he heard this.

At this time, a sudden change occurred. Moriarty walked to the side of the crowd, and suddenly jumped up, grabbed a woman with a gun, and then roared: "Get back, or I will kill her!"

Sherlock immediately looked annoyed, and couldn't help but patted the fence: "Oh, this kind of plot is too old-fashioned."

Moriarty laughed triumphantly, and held the gun tighter: "Hehe, Sherlock, all fairy tales need a classic villain, and I am such a character!"

Chapter 0041 massacre millions, also do not hesitate

The woman Moriarty hijacked was none other than Mihako Akiyoshi, who looked very similar to Eri.

Akiyoshi Mihako looked terrified, with tears in her eyes.

This expression on this face made Mori Kogoro's heart suddenly twitch.

Moriarty hugged Mimi Akiyoshi to the top of the deck, and he hid himself behind Mimi Akiyoshi.

And Juan Fu pulled out the pistol on Watson's back, pointed at Moriarty: "Tell me, where is the key!"

Watson couldn't help but said, "Didn't Detective Maori say that there is no master key? Sherlock, don't do anything stupid."

Juan Fu shook his head and laughed: "It's impossible not to have the master key. I know Moriarty. Although he and I are not the same, his wisdom cannot be denied."

"There must be a key, otherwise it would be impossible for so many forces to enter London."

"And Mycroft told me that a secret nuclear weapons base has gone completely out of control, and if the key can't be found, London will be destroyed."

"It's impossible for me to let him go. A person's life is nothing compared to the whole of London!"

Moriarty smiled brightly: "Sherlock, I actually told you the answer a long time ago, but you just didn't listen carefully, tsk tsk, it's really disappointing."

At this time, Mori Kogoro's Golden Desert Eagle slowly lifted up and pointed at Juan Fu.

"Sherlock, it's not your turn to speak here."

Seeing Kogoro Mori's actions, Yazi and the three sisters pointed their guns at Sherlock and Watson.

Moriarty's smile became brighter: "Detective Maori, I'm sure I read you right. Human beings have weaknesses."

And Watson was full of disbelief: "Detective Maori, what are you doing?"

"Moriarty is the enemy, how can you point your gun at us?"

"We need the master key, the key to ban nuclear weapons, don't you hear me? Let him go, and the cost will be millions of lives!"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "To be honest, Eagle Country is not my hometown, it is very far away from where I live."

"Even if it really explodes, it won't have any effect on me!"

"And Akiyoshi Mihako, who was kidnapped, is my friend. It is impossible for me to sit back and watch her be hurt."

Watson suddenly looked angry: "Even if it takes the lives of millions of people, is it okay?"

Mori Kogoro pretended to think for a while, then nodded: "Well, I'm willing to say anything!"

And Akiyoshi Mihako, who was held hostage, stared blankly at Mori Kogoro, her heart trembled slightly, and her blue eyes were full of disbelief.

Deeply moved in her eyes, she stared at Mori Kogoro closely, as if she wanted to engrave his face into her heart!

And Moriarty couldn't help laughing: "Wow, wow, the treatment of friends who can be Maori detectives is really good, it is more important than countless people."

"Sherlock, it's 2 to 1 now, how do you choose?"

"But no matter what you choose, the boom that belongs to England will never be late."

Curly Fu's slightly transparent eyes looked deeply at Mori Kogoro, then he dropped the pistol and kicked it away.

He turned around and looked at the sea with his hands behind his back without saying a word.

Dr. Watson's eyes turned red, and he looked at Kogoro Mori with a little pleading: "Detective Maori, that's the lives of nearly nine million people!"

His right hand also took advantage of the opportunity to hit Conan, the little devil who was sneaking and aiming at Moriarty with an anesthetic needle.

Seeing this, Yusaku Kudo immediately pulled Conan away, and was almost ruined by this brat!

Seeing that the situation seemed to be under control, Moriarty pressed the button on his cufflinks.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the engine sounded, and a powerful speedboat appeared beside the deck.

The speedboat has been lurking on the side of the cruise ship, using blind spots to follow the cruise ship, and no one on the cruise ship has noticed.

The driver is very familiar to the three sisters in the afterlife. It is a woman wearing a black hat and a black mask.

It was the masked woman who attacked them this morning!

She didn't die in the sea, instead, she stayed in the speedboat, waiting for Moriarty's signal.

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