Moreover, this speedboat has been refitted, with soft cushions tied to the front and rear hulls.

Moriarty pulled Akiyoshi Miwako to the edge of the deck, and said a witty remark with a chuckle: "You-jump, i-jump!"

After speaking, he pushed Akiyoshi Miwako down, and then jumped down himself.

Juan Fu immediately ran to the edge of the boat, looked at the two people who had fallen on the mat of the speedboat, and couldn't help but speak.

"Detective Maori, this is your strategy. Let him go, let the nuclear bomb explode over England, and let millions of people pay for your actions?" Mori Kogoro still had a calm expression on his face.

Moriarty below was sitting on the speedboat, the pistol still pointed at Miwako Akiyoshi.

He felt that he was already safe, so he couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Hahaha, I'm the one winning now, look at your stupidity, you're even starting to fight among yourself, the pirates will kill you all later!"

"You are right, we are not the same kind of people at all, you are not worthy, you are not worthy to be compared with me!"

"Ordinary Sherlock, ordinary Kogoro, after today, I can only visit you at your grave..."

"But don't worry, Sherlock, I will send the whole of London down to be buried with you, you will definitely not be lonely!"

"It's a pity, I will play with those ordinary people again in the future."

"Sherlock, Kogoro, I will miss you forever."


On the speedboat, Moriarty was dancing and talking crazily, his face was full of sick redness and satisfaction.

But Watson wanted to snatch the gun from Mori Kogoro's hand, and planned to kill Moriarty, but was restrained by Mori Kogoro.

Seeing that the good old Watson was so excited, Kogoro Mori comforted him: "Don't worry, Moriarty definitely doesn't have a master key!" Watson shouted angrily: "You executioner, why do you say that, my hometown It's going to be ruined..."

"Just rely, the real master key is in my hand!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro stretched out his big hand and shook it hard.

The guns on the six pirate cruisers that had already entered the attack range were all in motion, they began to adjust their angles, and then fired!Boom boom boom! ! !

Bang bang bang! ! !

Cannon fire roared, machine guns fired continuously, and the passengers on the cruise ship all looked ashen, waiting for death in despair.

But they waited for a long time, but not a single bullet landed on the Fugui pill.

On the contrary, in the sea area less than one thousand and one hundred meters away from Fugui Maru, where the pirate speedboat is located, it is the point of firepower coverage.The shells landed on the sea area, setting off huge waves and destroying the speedboats one after another.

Heavy firepower also fell on those speedboats, each and every Chamorro pirate was hit, burst into blood, and fell straight into the sea.From time to time, speedboats exploded and burst into flames.

Irene's exquisite little face on the leading cruiser was full of disbelief, and her brows frowned.

The firepower on these six cruisers quickly wiped out all the speedboats they sent out.

Immediately afterwards, they turned their guns around again, and the barrels of the guns began to face each other.

Irene and the pirates panicked.

Boom boom boom!

The artillery sounded again, and soon, the six cruisers were disabled by each other and stopped on the water.

Everyone present immediately looked at Kogoro Mori in disbelief, thinking it was so amazing, it was almost like magic.The passengers who survived the catastrophe watched this scene in astonishment, and then shouted the name of Mori Kogoro!

Chapter 0042 flattering Dr. Watson

Seeing that the attacking pirates were destroyed so easily, Juan Fu's face changed for the first time, showing shock, and his slightly transparent eyes were full of confusion.

And Moriarty on the speedboat also changed his face like a Sichuan opera, his sick and crazy laughing expression instantly disappeared, and his face was instantly gloomy.

It was clearly a pair of dark brown eyes, but it made people feel dark and terrifying, which made people very uncomfortable.

Moriarty couldn't help looking up at Kogoro Mori, who looked like a god with his right hand raised high on the deck, and the desire for irritability and destruction instantly filled his heart.And Dr. Watson couldn't close his mouth, only felt his scalp numb, and couldn't help pressing his temples with his hands.

That lady, that brilliant lady, the one who played tricks on her several times in London, Irene Adler!

Her counterattack was so easily solved by Kogoro Mori?

What did Detective Maori just say, the real master key is in his hand?

The key is in his hand!

England is saved! !

Dr. Watson's face was filled with ecstasy immediately, and he patted Mori Kogoro's shoulder with his big rough hand, with a look of admiration on his face: "Detective Maori, you really are, when did you get the master key from Moriarty?" ?”

"It's so surprising. I thought you were going to be buried by people in London just now. I misunderstood you just now. Hehe, I'm so stupid!" Watson laughed heartily, and finally felt relieved.

"Haha, sure enough, the two most powerful detectives in the world are already here, why should I worry about it?"

Juan Fu, who was on the side, watched his partner frantically flatter Kogoro Mori, and his heart immediately became very happy, and his head was spinning rapidly.

Curly Fu's mind began to replay the scene where he met Mori Kogoro frame by frame, trying to find out when he did it.

But no matter how much Juan Fu searched, he couldn't find any traces. This was the first time he had encountered this feeling of helplessness.


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