Moriarty raised the remote control device in his hand and placed it under the sunlight to watch.

"It's really outstanding technology. Just press this button lightly, and the bottom deck of the entire cruise ship will automatically separate."

"At that time, the water will rush in, and within a minute, the entire cruise ship will be completely submerged in seawater."

"Should I press it? Detective Maori, why don't you come and beg me, say something nice, maybe I'll return this button to you!"

Mori Kogoro ignored the nervous Moriarty.

On the contrary, Moriarty became more and more excited, his pale cheeks flushed red: "Come-on, don't be like this, this game is not over yet."

"Detective Maori, you're right, I don't have a master key, it's all fake, it's all deceitful, it's all blatant internal cooperation, only Sherlock believed it!"

A gleam of sullenness flashed in Juan Fu's eyes!

"However, it is not difficult to control a nuclear weapon base, and the black nuclear weapon launch system is even easier. As long as you don't get my command code, then everything will go on as usual!"

"Even if you have the real master key in your hand, you can never stop a nuclear weapon base that is completely cut off from communication with the outside world."

"So Kogoro, Sherlock, please come and beg me, please, maybe I can still raise a little bit of interest, let's keep the stage in London."

"Come and beg me, or I will press this button and bury you all in this sea."

As he spoke, Moriarty roared again crazily, his fingers lightly tapping on the button, and he might press it at any time.

Akiyoshi Mihako on the side had another look of horror.

Kogoro Mori watched his passionate performance, and couldn't help a sneer from the corner of his mouth.

"You press it, anyway, the passengers on the ship are almost evacuated, and the remaining dozens of people are just a matter of two lifeboats."

"Actually, you and I both know that you will definitely press this button."

"Otherwise, your men disguised as crew members wouldn't have driven the ship here as soon as they took control of the cruise ship, and completely destroyed the power system."

"The sinking of the Fugui Maru is a foregone conclusion. I told you so much to delay the time so that all passengers can easily evacuate."

"But in fact, you know it yourself, but you just sit back and watch them evacuate."

"That's right, the Napoleon of the criminal world! After finally going on stage to plan a crime, how could there be no audience?"

"And the passengers on these dinghies are undoubtedly your best audience, after all, you don't expect pirates to appear."

"You should press it. Anyway, the rest of the cruise ship are your miserable subordinates. Those in the hold, the skating rink, and the control room are all your subordinates."

"Our group of people on the deck have already put on life jackets, and we can swim away after jumping into the sea. There will be no accidents at all. The people who will die will only be your subordinates."

Mori Kogoro laughed loudly: "Moriarty, don't make me look down on you, it's already come to this point, you sink this cruise ship!"

"Give us a good show. You have worked so hard for so long, use the men you have gathered, and the terrorists in the casino. Use their deaths to put on a good show for us!"

Hearing such provocative words, Moriarty's face was extremely gloomy, and his chest was heaving with anger.

Especially when he saw the passengers wearing yellow life jackets on the edge of the deck, he was so upset that he wanted to kill someone.But there is still a chance, and he doesn't believe that Kogoro Mori can do calculations to that extent.

Moriarty didn't hesitate any longer, and directly pressed the button.

Under the sea water, countless iron plates welded together suddenly separated, and then fell continuously.

The torrent subsided, and it was obvious that the entire cruise ship was falling.

The remaining dozens of people on the deck felt trembling suddenly, and hurriedly ran towards the lifeboat under the slide.

Under the command of Kudo Yusaku, Xiaolan Meizi and the others boarded the lifeboat and left smoothly.

Unknowingly, Laishengai picked up her backpack jet aircraft, put her arms around Kogoro Mori's waist and soared into the sky.

Laishenglei and Laishengtong wore frog-foot-like boots on their feet. They walked down the slide and stepped on the water, running wildly on the surface of the water.

This is another bionic invention of Xiao Ai, the water boots, which can use the tension of the water body to keep on the water surface and not sink to the bottom during high-speed movement!The passengers near the lifeboat were completely stunned when they saw this scene.

Mom, some people are flying in the sky, and some people are running on the water!

Fortunately, the three sisters knew their identities, so they put on their masks long ago without wanting to be in the limelight.

A group of four people got together and confronted Moriarty on the speedboat from afar.

The strangeness in Moriarty's eyes became more and more obvious, and he exclaimed again: "Detective Maori, you are so unexpected every time!"

And Kogoro Mouri felt the soft bullet behind him, and couldn't help complaining: "Hey, Xiao Ai, who told you to fly up with me in your arms, it looks so frustrating!"

Xiao Ai turned her face to the side, and replied sullenly: "What the eldest sister said, she said that you will definitely chase this Moriarty, let us get ready."

"Hee hee, my invention is amazing, it can really fly."

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but patted Xiao Ai's slender waist: "Then they run away later, how do you chase them? You can't see them now."

Afterlife Ai laughed mischievously again: "It's okay, I'll hang on to your creaking nest later, although it will be even uglier!"

"But Kogoro, you are so heavy, it feels a little hard to hold on, we have to make a quick decision!"

Mori Kogoro immediately retorted: "Nonsense, I was on your body for two or three hours before, why don't you think I'm heavy?"

Seeing that he was completely ignored on the speedboat, Moriarty was furious, and shot directly, and the bullets kept hitting the water! "Bastard, don't ignore me, don't think that this little toy can catch up with me, it's too naive!"

Chapter 0044: The Red Queen and the Helicarrier

At the same time, in the sea not far away, the giant cruise ship sank slowly like this.

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