A gigantic vortex hundreds of meters wide appears on the sea surface. Once approached, the infinite tearing force will pull everything into the bottom of the sea.

Numerous bubbles kept rising, and the only remaining Moriarty men on the cruise ship, as well as McDonald and his mercenaries, were dragged into the bottomless trench like this, unable to survive.

This scene is undoubtedly shocking!

Thousands of passengers on dozens of lifeboats, pirates on a pirate ship in the distance, Sherlock and Moriarty, all looked at the Fugui Maru that sank on its first voyage, feeling very sorry in their hearts.

After admiring his masterpiece, Moriarty turned to look at Kogoro Mori: "Detective Maori, I won't accompany you from now on, and you don't have transportation, so if you can't catch up with me, just settle here and let me stay." the last problem."

After saying this, he directly directed the former female bodyguard to sail away.

Dr. Watson's voice sounded in the distance: "Detective Maori, don't let him go!"

The lifeboat that Curly and Watson were on was desperately heading in the direction of Moriarty.

It's a pity that the speed of the lifeboat can't match the speed of the speedboat. If the day lily is cold by the time they catch up, the speedboat will disappear.Lai Shenglei on the side wanted to run forward, and only by running when the speedboat started had a slight chance of catching up.

Then destroy its fuel tank with a kunai throw to force the speedboat to stop, and then you can catch the turtle in the urn.

But Kogoro Mori stopped the movement of tears in the next life.

Xiao Ai behind her couldn't help asking: "Xiao Wulang, what is the last problem?"

Mori Kogoro turned his head sideways, signaling the approaching inflatable speedboat: "Here, that's them!"

Before the words were finished, Watson's panicked voice rang out from the nearest lifeboat: "What's going on, why is the lifeboat sinking, it seems like it's about to fail!"

And the same thing happened on the lifeboats in the distance, each of them began to take in water and began to sink for no reason.

Countless passengers screamed for help, and this scene was comparable to the sinking of the Titanic.

Mori Kogoro began to explain: "All the inflatable lifeboats have been cut out by Moriarty in advance for air leakage."

"This guy isn't going to let anyone go."

"He needs an audience, someone to watch his masterpiece of sinking a cruise ship, to satisfy his own special hobby!"

"But he didn't want to keep the audience after enjoying it, and planned to fill the sea pit and kill them all."

"Originally, this would be another murder, but who let Irene get a few pirate ship cruisers to appear, and I controlled them, and the murder degenerated into a problem. We can rescue the passengers to the cruiser."

"The reason why he is sure that I will not chase after him is that he thinks that I will save people here."

"But obviously he doesn't know my real backhand!"

"Come out, big black one!"

At this time, a big round head popped out, and it screamed happily when it saw Kogoro Mori.

This is the little killer whale that Xiaolan and Maoli Kogoro caught when they were fishing in the sea.

Black and white, chubby, with a big head, he was writhing happily, and kept spitting water at Mouri Kogoro, with a look of cheering.

The little killer whale grew up a bit, about six meters long, and it swam under Kogoro Mouri and stopped moving.

Mori Kogoro broke away from Xiao Ai's hands, and stood firmly on his back.

The three sisters in the next life were stunned.

Lai Shenglei couldn't help asking: "Xiao Wulang, is this killer whale you're talking about behind?"

"But there is only one, how can thousands of people be saved?"

Xiao Ai then asked: "Is there a group of killer whales and dolphins coming to save people?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Of course not, this guy is called Big Fatty, not a big black guy! The real big black guy is someone else!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone noticed that the sea below had suddenly darkened, as if some great terror had descended.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the engine sounded, and the water surface began to stir.

Countless passengers on the lifeboat panicked, some passed out, some closed their eyes and prayed... All living beings have all kinds of appearances!

And the dark things at the bottom of the water began to reveal the true colors of Lushan Mountain.

This is an aircraft carrier, an amphibious helicarrier.

With four circular engines and double decks, it exudes a stern and iron-blooded aura.

This was drawn by Mori Kogoro before the voyage. He accumulated four lucky draw chances, all of which were drawn clean, and got a lot of good things.

This Helicarrier is one of them, from the Avengers, and it is the base of SHIELD.

Originally, Kogoro Mori only wanted to use nuclear submarines to escort him, but having this aircraft carrier naturally makes the nuclear submarines useless!

It's just that the aerospace aircraft carrier needs a large number of manpower to use, and at least five hundred skilled manpower is required to operate normally.

Kogoro Mori doesn't have that many people, even if all the Ant-Man robots are involved, it is not enough.

Fortunately, he got another thing that came in handy, which is the artificial intelligence of the umbrella company in Resident Evil, the Red Queen.

The six pirate ships sent by Irene killed each other. This is the work of the Red Queen. After it invaded, it took control of the authority and controlled the artillery fire. Only then did the scene of self-mutilation appear.

The learning ability of artificial intelligence is extremely strong, and Kogoro Mori connected it with the computing power of the large-scale computer "star". After connecting to the network, the red queen quickly grew up.

In just a few hours, it fully adapted to the world.

The Helicarrier, which has an accompanying description, can naturally be controlled by it.

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