The combination of the two is invincible!

Seeing the real "big black man" appear, the three sisters of the next life looked at Kogoro Mori in shock.

Hey, what kind of man did we find, even an aircraft carrier?

The passengers who survived the desperate situation were crying and laughing, all of them looked ecstatic.

Most of the dozens of lifeboats were supported on the deck, and some floating lifeboats nearby were also rescued by floating boats. Naturally, everyone's lives were in danger.

And Sherlock looked at this scene in amazement, showing this extremely rare expression again.

He couldn't help looking at Kogoro Mori, full of curiosity and confusion.

Moriarty, who was on the speedboat in the distance, saw the sudden appearance of this giant aircraft carrier, which was dozens of times the size of the Fugui Maru that had just sunk.

He couldn't help but cursed loudly, and he didn't look like a gentleman anymore.

Where Moriarty couldn't react, Mori Kogoro had already made all preparations and sat firmly on the Diaoyutai!

Just now he was playing tricks on himself like a monkey, watching himself make a fool of himself!

And Ms. Irene on the cruiser in the distance saw this scene with a single-tube telescope, and couldn't help swallowing.

This gentleman is truly terrifying!

Chapter 0045 is omnipotent


At this moment, small black dots appeared on the horizon in the distance, they were helicopters!

This is the special squad of Interpol, the Thunder Special Forces, who came here.

The leading helicopter hatch opened, and a horse-faced police officer wearing a khaki windbreaker and holding his hat poked his head out. It was Koichi Zenigata!His right hand was still pulling a rope, and there was a man under the rope, who was Hiroshige Hiroshige who escaped in a speedboat before.

Xingyi Qiangata kept shouting: "Detective Maori, I have caught the person you want for you, hurry up and receive it!"

Hearing the yelling in the sky, everyone below was amazed.

It's really a clever calculation, and there are no omissions!

Seeing Officer Qiangata appear, Mori Kogoro patted Xiao Ai's buttocks flying beside him, and said, "Okay, Interpol has appeared, and you don't have to worry about the rest."

"Go back to the deck first, stay with Yazi and the others, don't reveal your identity."

"The Malaysian-faced police officer has been chasing the strange thief. If he knew that you were Maoyan, he would definitely not mind arresting you."

"I'll go after Moriarty and come back!"

Hearing this, Xiaolei and Xiaotong stepped on the water and slid to the side of Mori Kogoro, each raised their heads and kissed him: "Be careful!"

Then the three women rushed towards the direction of the Helicarrier floating on the water.

Mori Kogoro said, "Big Fatty, it's up to you!"

When the beast control technique was used, the little black orca let out a cry of joy, and then shot out like an arrow from the string.

And Mori Kogoro standing on his back is steady and weak, and has no tendency to fall.

It's just that the speed of the speedboat that met Moriarty was too fast, and it quickly soared to 100kmh.

The killer whale is too big, even if the speed is increased to the highest, it is only 60kmh, so it is naturally difficult to catch up with Moriarty.

Moriarty looked at Kogoro Mori who was chasing him on the killer whale, and felt that he was whimsical, so he couldn't help laughing.

But then he noticed something unusual, the figure of Moori Kogoro was approaching strangely, which was unbelievable.

He couldn't figure out how Mori Kogoro did it, so he couldn't help panicking, and hurriedly discarded the cushions and heavy objects on the rear side of the speedboat one by one, so as to speed up the speedboat.

But even so, the distance between the two is still shortening.

This is naturally the effect of Mori Kogoro's water control technique.

The sea water did not bring resistance at all, but it was all assistance, pushing the little killer whale forward.

It was the first time for this little killer whale to feel so brisk, its big fat head came out of the water and called out from time to time.

From time to time, it jumped out of the water like a dolphin, setting off large waves, and the sea water splashed Kogoro Mori wet.

Mori Kogoro immediately had a speechless expression on his face. If it weren't for the shocking effect of walking against the wind, he wouldn't have asked the fat man to cooperate.

If I had known it earlier, I would have put Xiao Ai's jet aircraft on my back to pretend, and then used the Wind Control Technique to catch up with it.

This little killer whale was discovered yesterday morning when he and Xiao Ai were dining on the deck. After it was released last time, it seemed to have remembered the kindness of Kogoro Mouri.

I don't know how it sensed it, but it knew that Mori Kogoro was on the cruise ship and followed it all the way.

It was when Kogoro Mouri saw the appearance of the little killer whale that he had a whim to communicate with him and ask him to help him.

It just came in time.

The killer whale seemed to be playing like crazy, and began to jump up and down.

It jumped up, and then plunged into the sea, drawing beautiful arcs on the sea surface.

Now Kogoro Mori couldn't maintain his demeanor, so he could only hold its dorsal fin with his big hands and ride on it like a warrior in and out of the water.

Sometimes he soars into the sky with the young killer whale jumping at high speed, and sometimes hides in the sea with it, his whole body is soaked.

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