"Is her appearance very similar to Mrs. Zun's? Xiao Wulang, you must be reluctant to let such a beautiful beauty bloom. Although you deliberately distanced yourself when you came into contact with her, I can see that you still care about her very much in your heart! "

"Otherwise you wouldn't let me go so easily when I held her hostage. I remember that your spear skills are very good." Seeing Moriarty's confident appearance, Kogoro Mouri wanted to laugh .

What the hell is deliberate alienation, obviously I am focused on getting rid of the three kittens, and have no extra energy to contact them.He shook his head and said, "That's not the case. I asked you to go back to the speedboat to see if you have any unexpected successors."

"Unfortunately, everything is under my control, but it's just disappointment."

Hearing this, Moriarty's eyes were filled with anger!

Bang bang bang!

Three bullets shot across Akiyoshi Miwako's hair in an instant.

The shadow of death shrouded, Akiyoshi Mihako's face was bloodless, pale as a waterfall.

Mori Kogoro tightened his arms involuntarily, his brows twitched slightly, but the Desert Eagle in his hand still didn't shoot.

Observing these small reactions, Moriarty laughed loudly: "Are you nervous? Are you scared? You are worried that she will be killed by me, right? Detective Maori, you don't have to hide your true thoughts from me. You can't hide it from me!"

"You like her, don't you?"

Mori Kogoro pretended to swallow his saliva: "Of course, she looks very similar to my wife. Of course I like her. I also have the idea of ​​stripping her naked and putting her with my wife."

Hearing this, Moriarty laughed again: "What a crazy idea, Kogoro, I really like you more and more."

A hint of embarrassment flashed in Akiyoshi Mihako's eyes when she heard this, and she couldn't help but glared at Mori Kogoro fiercely.

She was so proud that her chest rose and fell.

Moriarty continued: "Xiao Goro, we are really similar, we are really the same kind of people."

"We shouldn't be enemies. We can cooperate. You have the master key. I have countless subordinates and intelligence. If we work together, the world will be dominated by us, how about it?"

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "Sounds good, but it's not necessary, I can rule the world with or without you!"

Moriarty was full of annoyance: "Oh, unfortunately, the cooperation broke down, and we are back to the original point."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, sweetheart, you choose one, do you want her or me?"

Mori Kogoro shrugged, threw the Desert Eagle in his hand into the sea, and took it back into the system space.

"I choose Akiyoshi!"

"Oh, shit! Why can't you hesitate, I'm important too!"

Seeing that Mori Kogoro chose Akiyoshi Miwako, Moriarty looked mad again, as if his pride had been trampled on again.

"Ok, ok, Mori Kogoro, who doesn't love Jiangshan and beauties, I'll give her back to you, take her and immediately roll into the sea for me, and let that big guy come to pick you up."

"But you have to be careful, sometimes beauties are thorny!"

Saying this, Moriarty pushed Miwako Akiyoshi into Kogoro Mori's arms.

Then his gloomy eyes looked at Akiyoshi Mihako playfully, as if expecting something to happen.

Mori Kogoro narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was waiting for something.

Only Akiyoshi Miwako whispered: "Hmph, bastard, let me tell you, your dirty ideas will never succeed."

Saying this, Akiyoshi Mihako stepped heavily on the instep of Mori Kogoro.

Then the pocket pistol in the cuff of his right hand slid out, raised it and shot Moriarty.


But it was obvious that Moriarty was faster, and the bullet hit Akiyoshi Miwako's forehead, but was blocked by Mori Kogoro.

Akiyoshi's shot hit Moriarty's shoulder directly, and his pistol instantly became unstable and fell into the sea.

A bright smile appeared on the corner of Mori Kogoro's mouth.

Sure enough, Akiyoshi Mihako's final choice did not disappoint her.

In fact, Mori Kogoro and Moriarty talked so much, just to see which side Akiyoshi Miwako will choose in the end!

Whether to continue to conspire with Moriarty against him, or to be instigated by him against Moriarty, these two choices represent two fates. Fortunately, Akiyoshi Mihako made the right choice.

Chapter 0047 the submissive Mipoko

Immediately afterwards, Moriarty was slashed on the neck with a knife, and passed out immediately.

The Ant-Man robot who had been staying on his shoulder made a move.

Akiyoshi Mihako couldn't help but looked at Mori Kogoro's big hand with concern, but was surprised to find that the bullet was caught in his palm.And this big hand was unharmed, at most there was a red mark on the bottom of the hand, she couldn't help showing a look of shock.

Mori Kogoro threw the bullet into the sea, stroking Akiyoshi Miwako's short hair with his big hand.

"Obviously you don't know that I am a master of martial arts, ordinary pistols can't hurt me."

"But every girl, don't play with these murder weapons."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro snatched the pocket gun from Akiyoshi Miwako's hand and threw it into the sea.

Then he pulled the fainted Moriarty to the passenger seat, and drove the speedboat towards the space carrier.

Miwako Akiyoshi stared at Kogoro Mori with amazed blue eyes, and couldn't help but speak.

"Detective Maori, why aren't you surprised at all?"

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