Mori Kogoro looked back at Akiyoshi Miwako and chuckled lightly.

"Why should I be surprised? I'm surprised that you have a pistol; or that you and Moriarty are accomplices, pretending to be kidnapped and evacuated together on the deck; or that Moriarty, the criminal consultant, advises you and helps you Revenge, planning to blame Hiroshige Kusaka for the assassination of Yatsushiro Guijiang; or to surprise him by throwing the captain Kai Tengdu into the sea to kill him."

"I know all of this, so there is no fluctuation in my heart!"

Akiyoshi Mihako gasped, she was a little unsteady, staggered two steps, and then leaned on the seat cushion: "You are such a scary guy!"

"Many people say this, but it's actually a misunderstanding. I'm not scary. On the contrary, I'm a very friendly person, especially for beautiful women."

Akiyoshi Mihako ignored Mori Kogoro's teasing, and continued to ask: "Then what are you going to do with me? Are you going to hand me over to Interpol? Or take me back to Japan and hand over to the police?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro showed malicious eyes, and his eyes were aggressively inspecting Akiyoshi Mihako's graceful figure.

Although she looks very similar to Yingli, she is still very young, obviously she has not been developed, and she does not have an extraordinary mature charm.

"Miss Qiuji, you have to know that you are really beautiful. What I just said is not a lie!"

Hearing these words, and seeing such evil eyes of Mori Kogoro, Akiyoshi Mihako suddenly panicked, and her cheeks blushed uncontrollably.Immediately, her little hands covered the front of her skirt, and she pretended to be vicious and said: "Don't even think about it, I won't let you succeed!"

Mori Kogoro smirked and said, "Oh, is that so? Then I'm afraid you will inevitably end up in prison."

Hearing this, Akiyoshi Mihako immediately showed hesitation.

His blue eyes trembled slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

Mori Kogoro didn't have so much time for her to think, so he directly grabbed his wrist with his big hand, and pulled his limp body into his arms.

He steered the yacht with one hand, and pushed it up without hesitation with the other hand.

In this way, it will be great!

Akiyoshi Miwako's reaction was as expected, she lowered her head, closed her eyes tightly, and made a gesture of resignation.

I have to say, even a god can't resist making such an expression with a small face like Eri's.

If it weren't for the fainting Moriarty, who was so disturbing, Mori Kogoro wouldn't mind swimming with Miwako on the sea.It's just that there are too many people waiting on the deck, which is really not good!

Mori Kogoro just had a hand addiction and took advantage of it.

Near the area that everyone was about to see, Mori Kogoro said, "I almost forgot that Yatsushiro Guijiang's body was buried in the bottomless trench along with Fugui Maru."

"That is to say, there is no body and no evidence to prove that you killed the man. It seems that you don't have to go to jail!"

Hearing this, Akiyoshi Mihako jumped out of Mouri Kogoro's arms immediately, her red face was still full of anger: "You're kidding me."

Mori Kogoro laughed immediately, and said bluntly: "This is quite interesting!"

Akiyoshi Mihako just felt that she was too stupid, she didn't think about Fukimaru at all, and when she was threatened by Mori Kogoro, she obediently let him be at her mercy, and was taken advantage of by the boss.

She couldn't help but clenched her back molars, wanting to bite Kogoro Mori!

Mori Kogoro smiled smugly, and sniffed his fingers, as if there was a fragrance on them.

Akiyoshi Miwako snorted softly, turned her head to the side and began to straighten her dress.

Soon, the speedboat came to the deck of the Helicarrier.

Seeing Kogoro Mori's return, the deck immediately heard waves of applause and cheers.

All the rescued passengers surrounded him, looked at Kogoro Mori gratefully, and kept shouting his name.

Mori Kogoro standing on the speedboat waved to everyone, then pulled Moriarty onto the deck.

Watson, who had been waiting for a long time, dragged it over.

And Police Officer Qiangata brought the tortured Kusaka Hiroshige to him, smoked a cigarette and said, "Detective Maori, I brought you the person you want, but how did you get this aircraft carrier?" of?"

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Mira's fragrant shoulders, and said with a light smile, "The queen of the Kingdom of Visbania is here. It is also very simple for me to borrow an aircraft carrier from Mira. Didn't you see that?" Is it all the flag of the Kingdom of Visbania?"

Mira has a confused expression: Does my country have an aircraft carrier?No, my country seems to be all landlocked. "

Yuanzi couldn't help but exclaimed: "Mira, this big guy belongs to you, it's so cool, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Mira smiled awkwardly, and could only respond cooperatively: "Didn't you also ask? This is the secret weapon my father left me!"

But Qian Xingxing can be regarded as an old Jianghu, and he looked deeply at Mori Kogoro: "Okay, since you don't want to talk, I won't ask any more, but don't use it to do bad things, this world is a classic I can't afford to fuss."

After saying this, the Malaysian-faced police officer turned around to accommodate all the passengers in distress.

Qian Xingxing said that such a thing is normal. Looking at the whole world, there are only less than [-] aircraft carriers in active service. Only superpowers are qualified to occupy such heaven-defying strategic resources.

Mori Kogoro himself has such an aircraft carrier, which is definitely a crime.

Now attaching it to the Kingdom of Visbania can also avoid some troubles.

Moreover, Mori Kogoro also ordered Hong Hou to behave like an ordinary aircraft carrier in this world, not suspended, but just floating on the sea.

If others know that this aircraft carrier can not only dive, fly, and be invisible, but also has various high-tech battleships and high-tech weapons inside, there will definitely be many big countries coveting it, and then it will be troublesome!

Now, with Kogoro Mori's financial resources and manpower, it is very simple to settle this situation.

Chapter 0048 Throw Mom at Uncle's House, Why?


Mira couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Kogoro, what's going on with this aircraft carrier?"

Mori Kogoro replied softly: "I got this at a great price, and I will use it to protect your kingdom from now on."

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