Conan still suspects that his mother is having an affair with Uncle Maori, and when he sees his father, he can't wait to hope that he will take his mother back.

Mori Kogoro narrowed his eyes slightly, only to feel that Conan's forehead is under hammer again!

Kudo Yusaku squatted down and rubbed Conan's little head: "It's okay, as long as you have a happy life with Auntie Kiko."

"Besides, I won't be able to stay in Tokyo for long, and then I have to go back to Eagle Country with Sherlock and Watson?"

"I believe Kogoro will definitely take good care of her!"

Mori Kogoro nodded naturally with a smile: "Of course, I don't know how happy you are to have Kiko at my house!"

Immediately, the little ghost head looked anxious, wishing he could just say Dad, you are wearing a cuckold.


Yusaku Kudo interrupted his next words: "It's nothing to worry about, Conan, how about you go to London with me?"

Hearing this, Conan was a little stunned.

What does this mean, take yourself away, and leave my mother alone at the big pervert Maori uncle's house?

Dad, what's wrong with you, how can you protect mom if I'm not here?

Kudo Yusaku chuckled and bewitched: "Don't you admire Sherlock very much? This time, I'm going to handle the case with him. How about it? Do you want to come and play?"

Hearing this, Conan couldn't help swallowing, and looked at Juan Fu beside him with fiery eyes.

So excited!

Mori Kogoro frowned slightly, and couldn't help asking: "Yusaku, are you going to continue?" Kudo Yusaku raised his glasses and turned to look at the distant sea.

It was a long time before he replied: "There is no way out!"

Chapter 0049

? Adler!

The people next to them were confused, but Mori Kogoro and Kudo Yusaku knew what each other was talking about.

Everyone gets on board for their own purpose.

Sherlock and Watson boarded the ship to ask Moriarty for the key and save London!

Moriarty boarded the ship intending to compete with Sherlock and defeat Sherlock in one fell swoop!

Mori Kogoro boarded the ship because he wanted to help Yazi get rid of the terrorists who hijacked the ship!

Marsala boarded the ship to collect protection fees from members of the organization Yatsushiro Entaro, that is, those insurance policies with huge amounts.And Yusaku Kudo boarded the ship?

Its target is undoubtedly the number three person in the organization, Marsala!

Mori Kogoro knew what Kudo Yusaku had been doing abroad these years.

He has dealings with intelligence organizations of various countries, and has a deep friendship with the FBI, CIA, and Eagle Country CIA.He also formed his own intelligence organization and had his own armed forces.

The purpose is self-evident, which is to retaliate against the dark organization.

He was no longer the novelist of the gentle gentleman back then, but a person who was burned by the flames of revenge!

What Yusaku Kudo still has to do is to go back to Eagle Country and continue to track down Marsala.

After all, in the United States, the power of the dark organization can be regarded as a serious injury.

After the last full moon incident, Kogoro Mori received information about the United States, and Yusaku and the FBI joined forces to destroy many organizational bases.This time it was Marsala who suddenly appeared in Japan, and Yusaku Kudo set his target on her.

That's why he went to the Eagle Kingdom and got involved with Sherlock and the others.

Yusaku Kudo couldn't help asking: "Kogoro, did you help with that matter?"

Mori Kogoro knew what Yusaku was asking about, so he smiled lightly and remained silent.

Kudo Yusaku understood, turned around and said seriously, "Thank you, Kogoro!"

He was talking about the fact that Qin Jiu defected to the dark organization, his true face was exposed, and he was hunted down by both black and white!

Kudo Yusaku's descendant Gen was shot and exploded by Gin, and became a eunuch!

His life, his budding love, his dignity as a man, the inheritance of his Kudou family, everything was ruined by gin!

Yusaku Kudo hated gin to the bone, and was naturally very excited to see it end up like this.

If it weren't for the fact that Yingguo's operation was about to close the net, he would definitely go back to Japan to see what happened to Gin with his own eyes.

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "In more than ten days, when you come back to Tokyo, you will definitely be satisfied with a good show!"

Hearing this, Kudo Yusaku had a thoughtful expression.

And Xiaolan on the side couldn't help but said: "Father, what kind of riddle are you and Uncle Kudo playing? We can't even understand it!"

Mori Kogoro and Kudo Yusaku laughed lightly, and waved their hands saying nothing.

Conan the Little Devil still looked extremely tangled, he wanted to go!

Yusaku Kudo touched Conan's forehead, and said in a warm voice: "Conan, think about it carefully, and it won't be too late to tell me when you return to Japan."

Looking at Conan's tangled expression, Mori Kogoro only felt that he was right about him.

Once this guy has a case, not only Xiaolan, but also his mother can be forgotten, it is really speechless!

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