But that's fine, if Kudo Yusaku takes Conan away, then the family will be full of his own women, wouldn't it be cool?

No, there is also Xiao Shiliang, hey!

Hattori Heiji said cheekily, "Uncle Kudo, why don't I go with you? I'm also a well-known high school detective in China, so I won't hold back."

"The case that allows you and Holmes to investigate together must be the case of the century, let me go and see it too!" Hearing the words of the case of the century, the little ghost immediately said, "I also want to investigate the case of the century." Go, I want to go too!"

Yusaku Kudo smiled and agreed.

At this moment, several cruisers gradually docked under the control of the Red Queen.

The inflatable slide leaned up, and the tied Chamorro pirates were pushed down one by one.

The helicopters also slowly docked on the deck, and Qian Xingxing took Irene Adler down.

Irene Adler was wearing a capable military uniform, her brown curly hair was tied up, revealing a delicate pretty face.Almost thirty years old, but with excellent maintenance, her skin is as fair and flawless as a woman in her early twenties.

Her eyes are azure blue, but the eye sockets are deep, which makes these clear eyes more calm, very beautiful.

She was handcuffed with her hands behind her back, and she walked proudly, without feeling that she was a prisoner at all.

Looking at her walking pace, one can perceive the unique charm of a British lady, as if it can bring people back to the foggy capital of the Middle Ages.

Conan and Hattori Heiji looked at Irene with fear in their eyes.

Even though they knew that she wasn't really the one who designed to freeze themselves to death, they were still instinctively terrified.

Mori Kogoro said: "Ms. Irene, I finally see you, the lady who defeated Sherlock."

Seeing Kogoro Mori stretch out his hand, Irene gently held him too: "Detective Maori, you really opened my eyes today!"

Irene's eyes narrowed, and she began to observe the great detective in front of her who had heard about it countless times.

A look of amazement couldn't help flashing in his eyes, and he felt that his intelligence and appearance perfectly matched, and they were both amazing!

And Mori Kogoro admired Irene quite a lot.

If it is said that there is something on Fugui Maru that Mori Kogoro can't figure out.

It was how this Ms. Irene summoned the pirates in a controlled situation, and launched a fierce counterattack as soon as they left.

If it weren't for the artificial intelligence of the Red Queen, this group of Chamorro pirates would not be so easy to deal with!

Out of admiration for Irene, Mori Kogoro said: "Officer Zenigata, thank you for bringing Ms. Irene here, you can deal with other matters."

Qian Xingxing frowned immediately: "Detective Maori, don't talk nonsense, this is the leader of this group of pirates, and it must be handled by Interpol!"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Officer Zenigata, you have to know where you are. This is the aircraft carrier of the Kingdom of Wisbania."

"Everyone is a captive of the Kingdom of Visbania, Irene must be handed over to us."

"Otherwise, I will make it impossible for any of you to leave."

Seeing Mori Kogoro's words with certainty and a serious expression, Qian Xingxing immediately showed a tangled look on his face.

He knew Kogoro Mori's tricks, so he naturally didn't want to be his enemy.

Seeing this, Yazi on the side leaned forward and persuaded him: "Father, you just..."

Yazi was regarded as an apprentice who was taken by Qian Xingxing before, so his words were naturally useful.

In the end, Qian Xingxing just sighed helplessly: "Okay, okay, for Yako's sake, I will leave this woman to you."

After that, he walked back angrily.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Officer Zenigata, Lupine's next operation is at the Inequality Academy in France, you should be able to meet him if you rush there." Hearing this, Qianxingxing's expression grew brighter. A smile.

He didn't look back, waved his big hands, put his hands in the pockets of the windbreaker, and immediately got on the helicopter and left.

For Qiangata, holding Lupine is more important than anything else.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, stroking Yazi's curly hair with his big hands, and in this way, all the credit was due to Yazi!

Chapter 0050 Nine Girls Looking Around

Xiaolan on the side couldn't help pinching Mouri Kogoro's waist with her little hand, and asked, "Dad, don't you think you've taken a fancy to her?"

Xiaolan suspects that Mori Kogoro forced him to come over because he fell in love with Irene, so she becomes jealous again.

Upon hearing this, the eyes of the scattered girls all fell on Mori Kogoro.

In the next life, the three sisters, Yazi, Huixiang, Akiyoshi Miwako, Xiaolan, Mira, and Sonoko, a total of nine girls looked around, and this deterrent force was overwhelming.Mori Kogoro said in a panic: "Don't talk nonsense, this aircraft carrier is about to launch, you stand still."

On the opposite side, Irene looked at this scene with great interest, and said, "Detective Maori, if you accumulate too many peach blossoms, it will become a catastrophe?" Mori Kogoro subconsciously replied: "Then Irene Will Miss be my fate?"

As soon as these words come out, it's not good!

Xiaolan's strange power was displayed, and she twisted it with all her strength, and Mori Kogoro couldn't help screaming.

Irene burst out laughing: This Maori detective is really interesting!

Fortunately, there was a red queen to help out, and the broadcast sounded.

"Passengers, please note that you are on the aircraft carrier Sakura owned by the Kingdom of Visbania. The destination of this voyage is Mito Port, Japan. The estimated time of arrival is six hours later!"

The sound of the broadcast attracted everyone's attention, and then the sound of the engine sounded, and the aircraft carrier began to accelerate and headed towards Japan.

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