"Maori-kun, why am I doing this?"

At this moment, Sayuri's little face had already changed from pale to rosy, and her big black eyes reflected Kogoro Mori's face, and her eyes gradually became gentle.

Mori Kogoro smiled evilly, and said without hesitation: "I did it, and I don't know why, as soon as I saw Sayuri lying on this hospital bed, I did it out of nowhere, Sayuri, you won't blame me Bar?"

Mori Kogoro stared at Sayuri Matsumoto with deep eyes, and two blushes immediately appeared on Sayuri's cheeks. She whispered, "It's weird, this posture is too ugly, but if it's Mori-kun, I can forgive you." of."

"Really? Thank you so much, Sayuri."

"Maori-kun, won't you untie me?" Said Baihe's face was full of innocence.

"No rush!" Mori Kogoro once again fell on Sayuri Matsumoto in one breath, his big hand touched the white stockings, Sayuri's white stockings barely crossed her knees, and there were several elastic straps connected to the underwear.

Going up the stockings, Mori Kogoro pulled up the stretch belt and let it go.


The belt slapped Sayuri Matsumoto's beautiful legs, making a crisp and pleasant sound, and Sayuri's body couldn't help shaking.

This kiss lasted until Sayuri almost suffocated, and the two of them let go of their mouths.

Saiduri Matsumoto was panting heavily, her face turned red, she couldn't help but asked in doubt: "Mori-kun, is this your treatment method?"

The girl was dizzy from a series of stimulations, and she didn't even realize that she had fully recovered.

Kogoro Moori couldn't help but smile evilly: "Yes, Sayuri, I can only do this to save your life, you won't blame me, will you?"

While speaking, Mori Kogoro's big hand slipped in from the gap in Xiaoyuri's collarbone like a loach.

Sayuri arched her body involuntarily, she frowned, and said softly: "It's disgusting, a girl's first time should be in the wedding room, how can she be in this kind of place? I didn't expect to have this kind of method to put I saved it, Maori-kun, your treatment method is too evil!"

But Sayuri lowered her head and saw Moori Kogoro's handsome face, her brows relaxed: "However, if it was Moori-kun, it wouldn't be so unacceptable."

Hearing Sayuri's words, Mori Kogoro didn't hesitate any longer, his movements were extremely fast, the skirts of his clothes floated up, and he was ready soon.

The white wedding dress was once again stained with blood.

(A lot of text is omitted here.)


Time was flowing slowly, Matsumoto was not sitting on the chair, he was standing in front of the window, watching the sunset outside, two hours had passed, but there was still no movement in the consulting room .

These two hours were extremely difficult for the Matsumoto police officer. He was so anxious that he turned his head to look at the consultation room from time to time. At this moment, he hoped that the door would be opened, and Kogoro Mori would come out and say to him: "Fortunately, life is not shameful! "That would be great!

Sonoko and Conan's expressions gradually returned to calm. For two hours, they had already made countless presuppositions in their hearts. Even if the worst result came out, they could accept it.

On the contrary, Xiaolan gradually became less confident.

Xiaolan knew that Mori Kogoro should be extremely fast in performing the healing technique, but this time it took so long that Xiaolan was worried that something might happen.

Police officer Megure rushed over from the church. All the evidence in the church was collected, and Takasugi Toshihiko had been arrested. He hurried to Kubado Hospital to care for his boss' daughter.

Police Officer Megure and Police Officer Matsumoto talked for a long time, and finally Officer Megure saluted Police Officer Matsumoto and left.


Just as everyone outside was worried about waiting, calm had already returned to the consultation room.

Mori Kogoro put on his trousers and jacket. He opened the glass door of the clinic's balcony completely, and the wind kept pouring in, blowing all the dirty air out of the room.

Although it wasn't fun, it couldn't make Xiaolan and the others wait too long.Kogoro Mori stood on the balcony and bathed in the afterglow of the setting sun. He turned around and looked back at the hospital bed. At this moment, Sayuri Matsumoto on the hospital bed had an amazing sense of beauty.

She was lying on the hospital bed, her white wedding dress was in a mess, one of the white stockings fell down on her calf, and the other was tattered, her chest was constantly heaving, she was still panting heavily, and she still couldn't calm down.

Sayuri Matsumoto turned her head, her pretty face was flushed, her hair was wet, her big eyes were fixed on Kogoro Mori, and her eyes were full of tenderness.

Mori Kogoro walked to Sayuri Matsumoto's side, lowered his head and kissed Sayuri's white forehead, then he sat on the bedside and held Sayuri in his arms: "Sayuri, I have to tell you something."

"Huh?" Sayuri Matsumoto looked puzzled.

"I've done so much with you just now, but it actually has nothing to do with treating you. It's just that I want to do this!"

Sayuri's little face immediately became dumbfounded when she heard this, and it took her a while to react, and she couldn't help but stretched out her hand and clenched it into a fist and hammered on Kogoro Mouri's chest.

"Maori-kun, you are so bad, why did you treat me like this? This is in the ward!"

When the punch flew to Kogoro Mori's chest, the strength immediately decreased sharply, and finally he slapped up weakly, which was almost as powerful as a massage.

There was actually not much anger in Sayuri's eyes, she had already been subdued by Mori Kogoro within two hours.

Kogoro Mouri couldn't help lowering his head, kissed Sayuri's lips gently, and said softly, "Because you are so beautiful in your wedding dress today, Sayuri. I can't help it, but Sayuri's beauty is so touching."

Xiao Baihe couldn't help but smile when she heard this, and said softly: "For the sake of saving my life, I will reluctantly forgive you for this matter."

"However, Maori-kun, have my injuries fully recovered?"

"Fool, of course it's fully recovered. Don't you think that you have persisted for so long when you were on the top just now. Does this seem like something a sick person can do?" Mori Kogoro couldn't help but tease.

Sayuri Matsumoto stretched out her hand to cover Kogoro Mori's mouth, she blushed, "Don't say it."

"Okay, don't say it! Don't say it!"

Chapter 0159

Sayuri Matsumoto recalled the scene just now, she was sitting on top, the wedding dress was covered in layers on the hospital bed, and she bloomed like a real lily, her face flushed, and the blush soon spread to her ears, and her ears also Instantly turned red.

Mori Kogoro hugged Sayuri Matsumoto in his arms, and then gave instructions carefully.

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