Saiduri Matsumoto nodded obediently, asking a few questions from time to time.


Time passed quickly, and another [-] minutes passed. Finally, there was the sound of opening the door of the consulting room. Police Matsumoto rushed over when he heard the sound.

Then the door opened, and Kogoro Mori in a suit came out leading Sayuri Matsumoto.

Sayuri Matsumoto has an elegant figure, a rosy complexion, and a charming smile on her mouth. She looks very good, and she has never been in such good condition.

Whether it was the Matsumoto police officer, Sonoko or Conan, they were stunned to see this scene, and everyone was dumbfounded. Matsumoto Sayuri, who had been given a critical illness notice by the doctor before, was standing in front of everyone alive and well.

Seeing this scene, Xiaolan couldn't help showing a satisfied smile on her face. Sure enough, her father had never let her down.

Police officer Matsumoto rushed up, and the strong man in the iron tower hugged Sayuri, tearing up, and said excitedly: "Sayuri, that's great, you're fine, that's great!"

Sayuri was surprised when she saw this scene, she had never seen her father like this, she couldn't help smiling, and comforted Matsumoto in a soft voice.

With the presence of outsiders, Matsumoto quickly regained his composure. He came to Mori Kogoro and bowed deeply: "Thank you very much, Mori Detective. Whatever you need, just say it!"

Sayuri Matsumoto on the side rushed over immediately and helped Matsumoto to watch: "Dad, what are you thanking him for?"

"Sayuri, don't be so rude to your savior!" Police Officer Matsumoto scolded Sayuri after hearing this.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help touching his nose in embarrassment. He saw that Sayuri's eyes were getting more and more angry, so he hurried forward to help Matsumoto up, "I can't do it, I can't do it, it's just a matter of little effort!"

Sayuri on the side couldn't help but sneer: "It's really easy, no, it should be easy."

Police Matsumoto couldn't help being a little confused when he heard this.

"Cough cough cough..."

Mori Kogoro immediately coughed a few times, and then said to Police Officer Matsumoto: "Inspector Matsumoto, this incident is quite a big one today, but Sayuri is fine, I hope you will keep your promise and don't disclose this matter go out."

Police Officer Matsumoto nodded: "Of course no problem, I will keep my promise."

Mori Kogoro then said: "Then I'll go first, and I'll leave it to you, the police!"

Police Officer Matsumoto patted his chest: "Don't worry, wrap it on me!"

Mori Kogoro greeted Xiaolan immediately, Sonoko and Conan left, Sonoko still said with a dissatisfied face: "We have waited for the teacher for so long, and we left without saying anything. The teacher didn't explain clearly why everything is fine!"

And Conan was silent at the moment, he was trying to observe Sayuri Matsumoto, this little devil wanted to sneak into the consultation room to have a look, but was grabbed by Mouri Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro directly rewarded Conan with a popping chestnut, and said, "Boy, are you so curious?"

Conan immediately waved his hand, pretending to be Zheng Taiyin: "No, I just seem to have left something in the consultation room."

"Then don't take it, let's go!" Mori Kogoro threw Conan towards the elevator, pulled him across the garden, and then the group left in the elevator.

Sayuri Matsumoto followed Mori Kogoro's eyes closely, with a slight smile on her face.

At this time, the Matsumoto Police Department issued orders continuously, and the group of riot police officers who had no idea what was going on immediately acted after hearing the order. They collected all the records of today's emergency room, and sent Sayuri's attending doctor and The nurse took control of everything.

The police force of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is extraordinary, and it directly issued a document to seal today's incident as a secret, and even related personnel were sealed and not allowed to spread.

After arranging everything, Police Matsumoto came to Sayuri and asked, "Sayuri, what do you plan to do with Takasugi Toshihiko?"

The smile on Saiduri Matsumoto's face disappeared immediately, turning into a piece of ice.

"I don't want to see this man again, Dad. Punish him as much as you can." Saiduri Matsumoto's tone was extremely cold. Upon hearing this, Police Matsumoto immediately called Police Officer Megure.


In the speeding car, Sonoko and Conan in the back seat looked at Kogoro Mori in the driver's seat from time to time, or turned their heads to look at Xiaolan.

Yuanzi kept asking along the way: "What's going on? Isn't Mr. Matsumoto seriously injured? Why did he recover completely all at once? It's unscientific!"

Xiaolan couldn't help but glanced at Mori Kogoro guiltily, then said with a wry smile, "Sonoko, don't ask so many questions!"

Yuanzi's small face immediately drooped: "Xiao Lan, you really have something to hide from me, saying that I am still your best friend after all."

Xiaolan's face immediately changed, and at this moment, Mori Kogoro opened his mouth to save the siege: "Sonoko, it's actually nothing, it's just that I have a unique secret technique for healing, and I just used this secret technique to rescue Matsumoto-sensei in the hospital." , but the price of this unique secret technique is very high, and I have never told outsiders. Xiaolan is afraid that I will be found by some people, so she wants to keep it a secret and refuses to tell you about it. Don't blame her."

At this moment, Kogoro Mori could only continue what he had said about Matsumoto's policeman before, and continued: "Because I think Sonoko is a trustworthy and reliable person, so I told you Sonoko, I don't know if you can help me keep it safe. The secret?"

Sonoko blushed immediately when he heard Kogoro Mouri say this, looked at Kogoro Mouri in surprise, and quickly replied: "Of course it's okay, as expected Uncle Mouri is the person I like, he's just so powerful .”

On the other hand, Conan couldn't help hesitating when he heard this, he couldn't believe that there are such miraculous things in this world.

Then Conan heard a voice from Sonoko.

"Little ghost, did you hear that, I must keep this matter in my heart honestly, and don't tell anyone about it!" Sonoko threatened Conan with a vicious face, she rolled up her sleeves, and she was about to confront Conan. Mori Kogoro started.

Conan immediately confessed, and said, "Sister Yuanzi, of course it's okay, I will definitely not tell anyone."

Sonoko nodded in satisfaction.

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but chuckle, and he drove the garden to Suzuki's house.

After parting with Sonoko, Mori Kogoro took Ran and Conan back to Mori's home.

It was already very late when I got home, around seven o'clock in the evening, and there was a loli waiting for dinner anxiously at home.

Chapter 0160

At eight o'clock, everyone was full, and Conan was taken to the second floor by Mori Kogoro to write the Olympiad questions.

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