Ever since this little ghost knew that Mori Kogoro heard it in the car, he kept slapping him from the side along the way, pretending to be a child and asking around, even after he was full!

In the end, Kogoro Mori was really impatient, so he lifted him up and threw him out of the door on the third floor: "Conan, you have to study hard. Uncle hopes that you will be admitted to the University of Tokyo in the future. Hurry up and do the Mathematical Olympiad questions, the first volume of Mathematical Olympiad You must finish writing before tomorrow, otherwise I will never promise you to go out to play tomorrow!"

Conan, who was locked outside the gate, could only go downstairs with a bitter face. He secretly made a decision in his heart: Uncle Maori, I will solve your secret one day with my own hands.

After that, Conan went back to the dark second-floor hut and started to read at night, and he called Dr. Ali again.


In Kogoro Mori's house on the third floor, the sound of washing dishes and melodious melody came from the kitchen. Xiaolan sang while washing the dishes, and seemed to be in a very good mood.

As for Mori Kogoro, at the moment he is picking up the ashes!

Mori Kogoro Ge You collapsed on the sofa as if lying down, while Haibara in a pink dress was lying on Mori Kogoro's stomach, her little head was resting on Mori Kogoro's chest muscles, her little face was blushing, obediently accepting Kogoro Mori's caress.

Stroking Huiyuan is actually similar to stroking cats.

If you want to pet a cat, you should start from the cat’s buttocks first, then gently scratch along the back, climb up continuously, and then come to the cat’s neck, and then pinch the cat’s small cheeks to form various small Finally, when it comes to the cat's forehead, scratch it with your fingertips, and the cat will show a very enjoying expression.

Remember not to rub the cat's belly and whiskers, otherwise it will be considered provocative and will bite directly.

However, it is worth mentioning that the butt where the cat's tail joins is the most sensitive place for cats. As long as you scratch it lightly, the cat will scream excitedly.

The same seems to be the case with Huiyuan, as long as Kogoro Mori's big hand rests on Huiyuan's tailbone, Huiyuan's exhalation sound will immediately become rough, and when he scratches with his fingertips lightly, Huiyuan will make a cute breathing sound.

Rubbing a cat is not as comfortable as rubbing an ash. At least this little loli will not have so many untouchable places like a cat. Kogoro Mori's big hands can roam freely on Huiyuan.

Mori Kogoro's big hands usually start from Huiyuan's pink and tender thighs, all the way up, passing by Huiyuan's small and round buttocks, he patted, and along the way lifted the hem of the dress, and then came to Huiyuan The tailbone here.

Because Mori Kogoro knows that this is the most comfortable place for the little loli Huiyuan, so he stays here with his ten fingers, scratching lightly, and Huiyuan's body will immediately tense up, and he opens his mouth lightly, letting out soft and cute breaths sound.

A smile appeared on Mori Kogoro's face, his fiery palms climbed up again along the sensitive spine, scratching along the way, Huiyuan's small face was full of enjoyment .

Mori Kogoro sat up straight, letting Haibara sit on his lap.

As soon as Haibara left Kogoro Mori's firm chest, he couldn't help frowning.

Seeing that Huiyuan's face turned red, Kogoro Mori couldn't help but said in spite of himself: "Xiao Ai, why is your face so red, is it because uncle massaged you too comfortably?"

Hearing this, Haibara couldn't help but glared at Kogoro Mori with winking eyes: Those big hands stayed on the buttocks for the longest time, and someone else would have to blush.

Mori Kogoro asked again: "Xiao Ai, are you comfortable?"

Huiyuan lowered his head shyly, and a soft, nasal voice came out from the tip of his nose: "Mmm!"

Hearing this voice, Mori Kogoro was very satisfied, he couldn't help pinching Haibara's cheeks with both hands, and gently pulled his face into a small smile.

Haibara couldn't help but patted Kogoro Mori's big hand.

Mori Kogoro let go of his hands and let out a hearty laugh.

Haibara put his head on Kogoro Mouri's chest again, and Kogoro Moori turned into a cradle chair, holding Huihara's little buttocks in his big hands, shaking his body from side to side.

Time passed slowly, Haibara gradually got used to Kogoro Mori's big hand on his ass, and the blush on his face gradually faded.

At this moment, Haibara heard Mori Kogoro's voice coming from above.

"Xiao Ai, do you still remember your parents? Uncle wants to know who can give birth to such a cute girl as Xiao Ai."

Haibara couldn't help but fell into deep thought when he heard this:

Mom and Dad!That is a very distant memory!

Their figures had already become very blurred in Haibara's memory. Haibara only remembered that his father was Koji Miyano and his mother was British named Elena.

In Huiyuan's memory, there was only a back view of his father. Huiyuan was too young at that time, and he couldn't remember his father's appearance anymore. In his impression, he seemed to be a very thin man.

As for the mother, Elena, she is an English woman. Although she always wears a cold white coat, thick glasses, and long hair shawl, she looks very gloomy, but she is a very gentle mother. Haibara still remembers the glasses The loving eyes of the mother at the back looked at him with infinite love!

Affected by this, Haibara also likes to wear white coats.

However, the two of them died in an accident when Huiyuan was very young, and the world after that fell into leaden gray and darkness.

There is only one color in the cold room, and that is the bright smile of sister Miyano Akemi. Since then, Haibara and her sister have depended on each other for life.

In the base of the organization, countless members of the organization in black coats came and went, but the two little girls grew up stubbornly.

Zhibao and Mingmei received the training organized by the organization with other children, Haibara quickly stood out from it, but Mingmei was not that smart, she was always the one who was punished, and her body was always scarred by the whip.

After the assessment, Huiyuan got the opportunity to continue his studies, but Minmei was assigned to be the lowest member of the organization to accept various dark tasks. Huiyuan still remembered that one day her sister came back with injuries all over her body, but she left soon.

"Shiho, don't worry, we can leave the organization after completing this task!"

Huiyuan always remembered that bright smile, but after that, only Gin's cold words remained.

"Dead, I cleaned it up."


"Xiao Ai, Xiao Ai, what's the matter with you?" A warm voice sounded from his ears, Haibara opened his tear-filled eyes, and saw Moori Kogoro with a concerned face.

She immediately threw herself into the arms of Mori Kogoro.

Kogoro Mori couldn't help feeling distressed when he saw Huibara like this, and patted Huiyuan's back lightly with his big hand: "Okay, Xiao Ai, uncle won't ask, uncle won't ask, don't cry! "

He pressed his head against Hui Yuan's small head, softly comforting him.

Lying on Kogoro Mori's strong chest, hearing the gentle comforting voice in his ears, and smelling the smell of Kogoro Mori's body, Huiyuan gradually recovered, feeling a burst of peace of mind.

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