But Huiyuan's little hand was still hugging Kogoro Mori, tightly, refusing to let go.

Chapter 0161

Mori Kogoro sat on the sofa with Huiyuan in his arms, and soon heard the cold voice of Huiyuan in his arms.

"My father and mother had accidents when I was very young, and they both died. Since then, I have only one relative, and that is my sister, but later, my sister also had an accident, and she died too. !"

Haibara spoke calmly, but she was telling tragedies one after another. She had already decided to tell Kogoro Mori something, so she told about her family.

"At that time, my sister said that she would take me away after finishing one thing, but after she left, she never appeared again. I only found out later that she was killed!"

"Since I was a child, I have been dependent on my sister for life. My childhood was originally dark, and it is the same when I grow up..."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help interrupting, he didn't want Haibara to be immersed in dark memories, so he joked: "Nonsense, Xiao Ai, you are a child now, and now is your childhood, isn't it? Is it dark with uncle?"

Hearing this, Haibara immediately realized that he had made a slip of the tongue, and couldn't help but start a little panicked, only to see Mori Kogoro's gentle smiling face.

Mori Kogoro rubbed Huiyuan's Xiaoqiong's nose affectionately with his nose, and said, "So Xiao Ai has no relatives in this world, no wonder my uncle picked you up in the snow that day, you were so cold shivering."

"Since that's the case, let uncle be Xiaoai's relative!" Mori Kogoro looked at Huiyuan expectantly with his eyes shining.

Haibara saw Mori Kogoro staring at him firmly, and his eyes were full of tenderness, so he couldn't help but nodded and made a firm nasal sound.


Mori Kogoro immediately showed a smile on his face, and he hugged Haibara's small body tightly.


After a while, Mori Kogoro saw that Huiyuan was still depressed, and he rolled his eyes, and said, "Xiao Ai, let's go, let's take a bath."

"Taking a bath." Upon hearing this, Huiyuan immediately pulled out of her sadness, as if she had thought of something, her little face gradually turned red.

"That's right, if you're in a bad mood, take a bath and you'll feel better. Let's go!" Mori Kogoro picked up Haibara, took the clothes from the room, and walked into the bathroom with Haibara in his arms.

Mori Kogoro took off the pink dress of the little loli Haibara, and Haibara was left with only a pair of blue striped panties, and his upper body was bare.

But this time it was much better than the last bath. After Maori Kogoro's careful feeding, the skin of little loli Huiyuan became very shiny, as white as suet jade, and her body became round and invisible. The ribs were prominent last time, but it is not fat, and the abdomen is still extremely flat.

Huiyuan's face turned red all of a sudden, all the bad memories just now dissipated, and she put her arms in front of her in embarrassment, covering her chest.

Although it is extremely flat there, there is nothing there!

Mori Kogoro began to put hot water in the bathtub. The original bathroom on the third floor of Mori’s house did not have a bathtub, but during the last renovation, he asked the construction team to get a bathtub, which is big enough for two people to lie in. .

The bathtub alone cost about [-] yen. Because of the high price, the speed of water release is also extremely fast. The hot water in the bathtub rises at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the water mist rises.

Mori Kogoro also began to undress, and soon the two were honest with each other.

Huiyuan is usually calm and sharp, but at this time, she seems to be cast by a spell, and she is at the mercy of Kogoro Mori, her light blue eyes are constantly turning around, and when she glances frightened, she turns around again. Immediately floated up.

Before the water level in the bathtub rose up, Kogoro Mori turned on the shower head first, and hot water gushed out all at once.

The water temperature was just right, Mori Kogoro sat on a small wooden stool, pulled Huiyuan over, and the warm water hit Huiyuan's body.

Mori Kogoro smiled and said: "Xiao Ai, do you know that taking a bath together is only done between very close people, Xiao Ai has no other relatives in this world, but he admits that uncle is your relative , that uncle is your closest person, so Xiao Ai, you can only wash with him in the future, you know?"

Mori Kogoro instilled fallacies into Haibara. While talking, he slapped the shower gel on Haibara's body, and continuously rolled out bubbles with his big hands. Under the effect of the shower gel, little loli's skin became smoother and tenderer !

Hui Yuan blushed, his small eyes floated upwards, and a cute nasal voice came out: "Yeah."

Mori Kogoro was quite experienced in bathing Haibara. His big hands kept moving around without missing any gaps. Immediately afterwards, the hot water rushed down to wash away all the bubbles of the shower gel. Suddenly, a brand-new loli appeared in front of Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro patted Haibara's little butt, motioned for her to climb into the bathtub, and began to rinse himself.

Men always take a bath very quickly, especially Kogoro Mori, who has excellent physical fitness, takes a shower even faster. He quickly rinses his body, then he turns off the shower head switch, then turns and walks into the bathtub go.

But at this moment, the little Lolita was squatting on the bathtub, stretching out her right leg to test the water temperature continuously, and then retracted immediately after lightly touching the water surface, this posture outlined a smooth curve, Hui Yuan's cute little face was timidly Looking at Mori Kogoro, he seemed to be asking for help.

Mori Kogoro was immediately killed by this scene. He hurried forward to test the water temperature with his big hand. This water temperature is nothing to Mouri Kogoro with rough skin and thick flesh, but to the delicate skin of little Lolita Hui. It was a bit unbearable to say.

With one step, Mori Kogoro stepped into the bathtub. The water temperature was just right. He grabbed Huiyuan's shoulders and lifted it up like a chicken. Huiyuan immediately panicked, kicking his short legs in the air. , drawing a graceful arc.

Mori Kogoro encouraged: "Xiao Ai, try the water temperature first, if it really doesn't work, add cold water!"

Hearing Kogoro Mori's gentle voice, Haibara calmed down, slowly stretched out his right leg, and stepped into the hot water.

Strange to say, with Mori Kogoro by his side, the water temperature suddenly became bearable, on the contrary, it was a little comfortable.

Mori Kogoro helped Haibara get used to the water temperature little by little, and finally put the whole little loli in the bathtub.

Huiyuan only showed her small head in the bathtub, she looked up at Kogoro Mori, as if she was frightened, she immediately lowered her head, her little face was red and steaming.

Kogoro Mori sat in the bathtub and immediately let out a pleasant exclamation. It really is a great pleasure in life to take a bath.

The water level in the bathtub rose immediately, submerging Hui Yuan's little head in an instant.

"Ah!" Huiyuan stood up, shook his head, and wiped the hot water off his face.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help chuckling, he pulled Huiyuan over and let him lie in his arms, and the two of them took a bath quietly.

Chapter 0162 I'm Not Human

In the bathtub, the little loli Haibara was sitting on Kogoro Mouri's lap, her little hand resting on Kogoro Mouri's lap.

As the hot water soaked, her small body gradually turned from jade color to red, her expression was awkward, her wet brown hair stuck to her small head, her big light blue eyes flickered from time to time, and she glanced at the bottom of the water. Immediately looked up again.

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