As soon as Maori Kogoro came in, Xiaolan couldn't help asking, "Dad, why have you been there for so long?"

"Father has to make proper arrangements for the other passengers, lest they catch a cold!"

As soon as his eyes turned, he saw Irene who had a good conversation with Yazi.

It has to be said that this woman's communication skills are really extraordinary, Mori Kogoro ordered Yazi to guard her, and the two became friends instead.

Although there are also reasons for Yazi's own personality, Irene's ability cannot be denied.

As for Conan the Conan and Heiji Hattori, the two boys went to chase after stars again, following around Sherlock and Watson like followers.

It was at this time that these two little ghosts looked a bit like normal young people.

Kudo Yusaku felt uncomfortable staying alone among the women, so he went outside to smoke alone.

Irene turned sideways and said, "Detective Maori, when do you want to untie my handcuffs? On this aircraft carrier, I will definitely not be able to escape."

Mori Kogoro shook his head, walked up to Irene and sat down: "I don't dare to untie it easily, Ms. Irene is such a dangerous person, it's safer to handcuff her, if a group of pirates appear halfway later, That would be miserable!"

"Hehehe, Detective Maori was joking, how could anyone dare to attack Detective Maori's aircraft carrier!"

"Besides, I can't believe that a well-known Maori detective in the East is afraid of me, a weak woman."

Yazi on the side couldn't help persuading him: "Xiao Wulang..."

In just a few hours, Yazi actually turned to speak for Irene.

Mori Kogoro took Irene's little hand and opened the handcuffs with the key given by police officer Zenigata.

Irene's wrists were covered with red marks, and she rubbed her own wrists as soon as she got out of trouble, and continued to ask questions.

"Detective Maori, when are you going to release me?"

It seems that Irene understands Sherlock's habits very well, knowing that he will definitely rescue her, and she is full of confidence when she says this.

"There's no rush, since you're back in Japan, let me do my best as a landlord, and let me treat you well!"

Hearing this, Irene frowned: "Detective Maori, although I really want to stay in Japan, there are still many things going on in Eagle Country! You know, that guy kidnapped me, and I You have to go back!"

People who didn't know thought that the two who spoke were old friends, discussing entertainment.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "If Ms. Irene is willing to cooperate, answer me a few questions, and she will be able to return to China soon. If you don't cooperate, I believe that the prisons in our country are also very interested in the pirate leader. "

Hearing this, Irene frowned more and more: "What's the problem?"

"There's no rush, we'll talk about it when we dock!" Mouri Kogoro got up and walked away.

Chapter 0055 Coax Xiaotong

Irene looked at Kogoro Mori's back with a puzzled expression, not knowing what he wanted to ask.

She sighed silently in her heart: It seems that this time it will not be so easy to get out!

Mori Kogoro walked up to Hitomi's side, and tore apart the primary psychedelic talisman, separating himself from Hitomi and the girls.Xiaotong was standing by the glass window, arms crossed, staring at the sea in a daze, deep confusion seemed to lurk in her eyes.Everything is settled, Kogoro Mori can finally come and coax this girl.

What happened last night must have hurt her, who would have thought that it would be such an experience for the first time.

But Mori Kogoro didn't regret it, and if he was chosen again, he would go along with it.

After all, it is not so difficult to take down the three sisters in the future.

Just looking at Xiaotong's expression, Mori Kogoro felt guilty in his heart.

Soon, he had an idea.

He snapped his fingers to attract Xiao Tong's attention, and then pointed his big hand to the sea.

In an instant, a stupid killer whale bubbled and spit water towards the window.

Hitomi was taken aback, and subconsciously slipped into Kogoro Mouri's arms.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Wow, it seems that this 'big fat man' was also amazed by Hitomi's beauty, and that's why he came to say hello to you!"

Xiaotong came to his senses, and patted Mori Kogoro's chest with his little hand mercilessly, and said in embarrassment: "It must have been trained by you, otherwise there would be such a coincidence, it would pop up as soon as you appeared coming."

Mori Kogoro hugged Xiaotong's soft shoulders tightly with his big hands, and shook his head: "No, how can I direct it here? It must be that Xiaotong looks so good-looking, just like the old fish and wild goose. Look... ..."

Mori Kogoro pointed with his big hand, and the invisible fluctuation of the beast control technique spread out, and the seagulls that had been flying well in the sky fell down one by one.

But there was a turmoil on the sea surface, and the school of fish ran away immediately. Countless fish jumped out of the water, and then lay down and sank into the water.

Xiaotong immediately showed surprise in his eyes, and couldn't help asking: "Xiao Wulang, how did you do it?"

Mori Kogoro standing behind put his arms around his waist, locked his big hands on his abdomen, and asked in pretended surprise: "I want to ask you how you did it, Hitomi, how can you look so good-looking? They all fell for it!"

Hearing this straightforward compliment, the corners of Lai Shengtong's eyes lit up with a smile, and he snorted softly: "You can be a poor mouther, you, if I look really good-looking, you won't just look at Officer Yazi last time."

"Hey, how long ago is the old vinegar, why are you still eating it!"

Mori Kogoro immediately kissed Hitomi's cheek affectionately.

The girl panicked in an instant, and she glanced back, only to feel relieved when she saw that no one saw her.

She didn't know that there was a psychedelic barrier, and she thought that Mori Kogoro was so bold that he kissed himself in front of so many people.

Although a little panicked, this girl is more happy: Xiao Wulang does this, so he still cares about himself!

Her expression gradually settled down, and she leaned against his arms, completely entrusting her weight to him.

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