Mori Kogoro rubbed the ends of his hair, and said in a warm voice, "Xiaotong, I'm sorry, what happened last night..."

Xiao Tong blocked her lips with her fingertips and chuckled: "No need to apologize, but I want to know what you plan to do in the future?"

She turned around and looked at Mori Kogoro tenderly, completely ignoring the other women created by the psychedelic array.

Mori Kogoro pretended to be hesitant, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I have always been a greedy person, I have already caught me, so don't let me go, so you all follow me!"

Although he had expected it, but hearing this, Tong Sheng was so angry that his face flushed.

She suddenly stepped on Kogoro Mouri's instep, and cursed in a low voice: "Smelly shameless!"

Immediately afterwards, his small fist hammered Kogoro Moori's chest a few times, and Kogoro Moori hugged him domineeringly, and he could only hammer him on the back angrily.

It took a while for her to calm down, and then she turned to say: "You bastard, how can you say such a thing, it's too much."

"Hmph, I won't promise you unless..."

"...Unless, you can convince my eldest sister!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help being stunned.

"What's the matter, you hurt my eldest sister last night, are you going to leave it alone?"

"Don't look at my eldest sister who is so strong in front of outsiders and capable of everything, but in fact she is very fragile inside."

"This indifferent appearance is completely faked now, maybe it's more broken than me!"

"You have to coax my eldest sister well first, otherwise, don't even think about that matter, understand?"

"And don't look at my eldest sister as a big woman, in fact, she likes all kinds of dolls the most. When you get back to Tokyo, you can buy a few big dolls for her...

Only then did Kogoro Mouri realize that Xiaotong thought that Xiaolei had the same experience as himself!

With someone as a companion, she won't look particularly miserable, no wonder Xiaotong is so easy to coax.

Sure enough, she is a good woman, and now she is helping to make suggestions and coax future tears!

But obviously this is not necessary, Mori Kogoro still remembers the tennis net play with Kaisheng yesterday afternoon, that friendly match was sweating profusely!Xiaolei was eaten first, and then sent out later, how could the soul be hurt!

But Mori Kogoro will naturally not be so stupid as to expose it, he also intends to ventilate with Xiaolei so as to minimize the damage to Xiaotong.

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Xiaotong and listened to her advice to help his eldest sister, and he just thought it was very interesting.

After talking about a lot of information, Xiao Tong suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help asking: "Xiao Goro, are you the ghost thief 'Master Gentleman'?"

She is already her own woman, anyway, sooner or later she will know.

Mori Kogoro pretended to be embarrassed and touched his nose: "I hid it so well, but you discovered it, it doesn't make sense!"

Anger flashed in Xiaotong's eyes again: "Let me just say, the feeling of spanking my ass last night is very similar to the one on the rooftop before, so it was really you!"

Saying this, the girl stepped viciously on the other instep of Mori Kogoro.

Seeing him working so hard, Mori Kogoro could only make a painful expression in cooperation.

But is his big hand really so discerning?Yazi also recognized it in this way, and Xiaotong also recognized it in this way, it's incredible!

"Why did you sabotage our Dongdu Bank's operation?"

Kogoro Moori rubbed Xiaotong's head with his big hand: "What is destruction? I just want to have more interaction with you cats? Can't you?"

"And don't you think it's very romantic? That's a meeting under the night sky!"

"Romantic you big-headed ghost, return the painting to me quickly!"

"Okay, okay, I'll definitely return it to you guys. I'll give you the same treatment as last night, and the original painting will be presented right away."

"I'm going to kill you pervert, uh, mua"

Chapter 0056 Happy Return

Mori Kogoro hugged the soft and tender body of the newborn Hitomi for a long time, and the little Hitomi became more docile and responded from time to time.

If it wasn't for eating Huixiang just now, most of the anger subsided, maybe he would be teased by Xiao Tong again.

This girl Huixiang is still sleeping and resting on the big bed in the cabin of the aircraft carrier, and her physical strength is exhausted. Let's wake her up before the aircraft carrier docks!

Under the effect of the psychedelic array, the intimate gesture of the two by the window was just a conversation in the eyes of others, and there was no transgression.Afterwards, the psychedelic array was withdrawn, and all the grievances in Xiaotong's heart were eliminated, and she returned to normal.

She followed Mori Kogoro to the table where the cards were played, her pretty face flushed slightly, her eyes filled with joy, and she no longer had the melancholy and lonely expression before.

Laishenglei and Laishengai were also relieved to see their expressions. The three sisters get along day and night, so they naturally understand each other very well.

The two of them also knew that Hitomi's condition was not right, but they didn't know how to deal with it, so they could only hand it over to Kogoro Mouri.

Seeing that he was fine now, they all nodded in satisfaction, and quietly gave Mouri Kogoro a thumbs up!

Immediately after Mori Kogoro came behind his daughter, he saw a large stack of chips in front of him.

Each chip is worth [-] yen, and there are at least a few hundred in this big stack, several million yen.

"Wow! Lan, you won so much again?"

Hearing this, Xiaolan put on a proud expression and raised her head, as if she was asking for praise.

Kogoro Mouri touched Xiaolan's head, and the girl looked pleased.

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