"So did you find anything this time?"

Xiao Ai glanced at the girls around her, and said softly, "I've found something, I'll tell you when I get back."

And Shiliang on the side seemed to be aware of the scene gathered here, and couldn't help asking: "What are you doing?"

Hongye replied carelessly: "I'm talking to Kogoro!"

Hearing this, Shiliang, who was soaking well in the bathtub, was startled, blushed immediately, turned sideways, and hid behind the rockery.And Xiao Heye, who was swimming in the water, got up excitedly after hearing it, and moved to the front of the camera.

Only a cold little loli Marie sat firmly in the hot spring pool, taking a comfortable bath.

After talking with the girls for a long time before hanging up the phone, Huixiang twisted her fingertips sorely, and finally had no choice but to give up silently.

On the other side, a press conference jointly organized by the military and police at the port began.

This incident was so big that Nikkei Radio Station adopted the form of live news, broadcasting all the military statements at the press conference.

Seeing that Kogoro Mori and Sherlock were not present, the reporters were very dissatisfied.

What's more, they drove away directly and wanted to go to the Maori Detective Agency to surround them.

It's a pity that this is all in vain, with the Red Queen as the general control, the surveillance around the office, and the Ant-Man robots all form a network.

The seemingly ordinary residential area, but no one can break into it.

As for the reporters who did not leave, they could only interview the rescued people in the temporary resettlement place, but what they said was all praise for Kogoro Mori.

Most people don't even know that Sherlock is on board too!

And no matter which country people say, they are particularly heroic.

Whether it is one person overthrowing the entire terrorist organization that hijacked the ship, or sinking countless pirate ships with a wave of his hand, or even riding a killer whale to hunt down the enemy.All the plots are unbelievable like a movie, leaving the listeners speechless!

The passengers of the aircraft carrier in the sky in the distance have all been transferred, and there are people from the Japanese intelligence department on the deck, who want to pry into the interior of the aircraft carrier.

After all, no one from the aircraft carrier came out to hand over the whole process, which is also very suspicious.

Driven by the Red Queen, all these people were thrown into the bottom of the sea, and then the aircraft carrier started operating directly and dived into the water.

Soon after entering the water, it turned on signal shielding and camouflage posture, isolating all detection signals from various countries.

Then it accelerated and swam out countless sea miles, rose in the deep sea area, turned on the invisible posture, and returned to the top of Tokyo and the top of Mihua Town in a large circle.Anyway, the energy used by this guy was designed by Stark, and it can be self-sufficient, so it doesn't take much effort to float like this.

Unbeknownst to everyone, there is a huge aircraft carrier dozens of times larger than the skyship floating above Tokyo at this moment.

After more than an hour's drive, five cars arrived at the reserved Maple Leaf Restaurant.

This restaurant is located near the Maori Detective Agency. It is owned by Mori Kogoro. It invites chefs from all over the world and is very famous in the surrounding area.Eri had been ordered by Mori Kogoro to wait here.

As soon as she saw Xiaolan and the others getting off the car, she couldn't help but greet her, and hugged her daughter tightly.

Fortunately, she only heard the news about the sinking of the Fugui Pill in the evening, and soon learned that an aircraft carrier had rescued everyone, so she didn't worry for too long.Mori Kogoro patted Eri's soft shoulder: "Don't worry, Eri, with me here, how could there be any problems!"

And Yingli Danfengyan couldn't help but stare at Mori Kogoro: "Don't always take your daughter to dangerous places. If something happens to Xiaolan, I will never end with you."

Looking at this scene, Xiaolan only felt her heart warm, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Eri didn't lose his composure when he saw the outsider appear.

But when she saw Yusaku Kudo coming, she couldn't help making eye contact with Yukiko.

Yusaku Kudo didn't notice this, he seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help but speak.

"Xiao Goro, Sherlock, it's not easy for you two famous detectives to get together. I happen to know about a very difficult case. I wonder if you two are interested?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro and Sherlock both raised their eyes.

Yusaku is already one of the smartest people out there, even if he talks about difficult cases, it must be true!

Chapter 0003 dumped Conan's oily bottle

Seeing that they were all very interested, Yusaku continued to speak.

"There were six dead in that case, all of whom were mutilated by the murderer. The method was very cruel."

"And there is only one suspect, and all the chains of evidence point to him alone, but in fact he is not the murderer, he is just a lunatic."

"The real murderer is hidden, and all the clues are interrupted only by this lunatic."

"This is a case where you have to dive into the dream world to find the answer."

"I can't figure it out, but if you two big detectives make a move, it should be easy to catch!"

Capturing the key word 'dreamland', Mori Kogoro couldn't help but said: "Wait a minute, the case you're talking about won't be related to the virtual reality game 'Cocoon' developed by Schindler Company, right?"

Kudo Yusaku laughed dryly, waved his hands again and again and said, "How is it possible, that company just asked me to do some reasoning and plot support, and it's just a game."

"I'm talking about a case that actually happened in the United States. If I really want to start, I have to go to India to ask my friends for help, and help you enter the dream to find the truth."

It's really getting more and more mysterious the more I talk about it, and I'm still playing in the dream, why don't I come out of the entire Inception space.

However, Mori Kogoro is still very interested. If there is a chance to confront Sherlock again, maybe the main mission can be completed by the way.Sherlock said directly: "When you come back from India, remember to tell me."

Yingli then said: "You all came back from Fuguiwan after a long time, so you should stop chatting about the case all day long, and you should take a break."

Conan, the little devil on the side, said: "That's right, Uncle Kudo and Aunt Yukiko met after a long time, so there must be a lot of things to say..." Before Conan could finish his words of trying to match up his parents, his foot seemed to trip over something. Generally speaking, I just fell a dog and ate shit.

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