The nose hit the threshold heavily, and it flushed instantly, and the tears flowed down involuntarily.

Hattori Heiji quickly reached out and pulled him up.

The little ghost still suspected that Uncle Mao Li had plotted against him, but Kogoro Mao Li was leading the way, so it was impossible.

Yuanzi in the back couldn't help complaining: "The kid who wets the bed can't even walk stably now, did he even fall on the ground? It's so funny!" Conan immediately threw a few dead fish eyes at Yuanzi.

After a group of people had a full meal at Fenglin Restaurant, they went home separately.

The three Maoyans took the lead to say goodbye to Kogoro Mouri.

After all, the three women were thieves, and they were afraid that smart people like Sherlock, Irene, and Yusaku would see their identities, so they had to withdraw first.

Before getting into the car, Lai Shenglei even pulled Mo Li Kogoro to ask him.

"Xiao Wulang, the most important thing in life is honesty, remember to bring the painting and that monster thief over, and leave them to us for disposal!"

Afterwards came Yazi and Huixiang. Yazi took Huixiang's arm and left, as if she still wanted to settle the score with Huixiang last time.

After that, Sonoko's sister Ayako appeared, and after confirming that Mori Kogoro was fine, she took her daring younger sister home.

The others followed Mori Kogoro towards the office.

Sherlock, Dr. Watson, Yusaku Kudo, and Irene all temporarily stayed at Maori's house.

The three men were arranged in the guest room on the first floor of the next building, while Irene was arranged in the suite where Mary and the others were on the second floor, and there was no one there today.

Conan the Little Devil still wanted to persuade his parents to sleep in the same room, but every time he said something, he started to fall on the ground for no reason.

He didn't forget about it until his face was bruised and his head was covered with bags, and he kept wondering if he had encountered some kind of curse again.

Seeing Kogoro Mori's arrangement, Irene couldn't help but said, "Detective Mori is really relieved of me, isn't it afraid that I will escape alone?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro, who was going upstairs, chuckled lightly: "Ms. Irene, you can just try, if you can get away, that's your skill!"

Irene laughed coquettishly: "How could I leave without permission? I still know how to be a guest, so I won't worry about Maori detectives." After she finished speaking, she entered the suite and closed the door.

Mira followed Xiaolan into her home. The two girls slept together last night, and they are still sticky!

Mori Kogoro followed Eri and Yukiko into the next room.

Conan, the little devil at the top of the stairs, watched Uncle Maori following his mother into the suite, and couldn't help frowning.

He glanced at his father, who had a good chat with Watson and didn't care, his brows furrowed deeper and his eyes were quiet.

The preoccupied little ghost didn't come to join in the fun in front of Sherlock, and followed Hattori Heiji back to the office on the second floor.

As soon as she avoided the eyes of others, Yukiko put her arms around Mori Kogoro and twisted his ears.

"Xiao Goro, you really didn't tell me that Yusaku was there first, how embarrassing it was during the meal just now!"

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Yukiko's slender waist, hugged her and sat on the sofa, poked his hands into her lapel with ease, and said with a light smile, "Would you feel awkward in such a small scene, a great international movie star?"

Yukiko blushed slightly, wrapped her arms around Mori Kogoro's waist, leaned her small head on his chest, and wrinkled her nose.

"Why not, I have to pretend to be a couple with someone else in front of the man I like, and I have to prevent Conan from discovering the abnormality."

"What's more terrible is that there is a detective with curly hair on the opposite side. His eyes are so weird, as if he sees through everything."

"This situation, how can it not be embarrassing?"

Kogoro Moori stepped forward and kissed Yukiko: "That's right, I've wronged you."

— Eri next to him saw the tiredness of the two, couldn't help but rolled his eyes, turned around and walked to the bathroom to take a shower.

Yukiko rubbed Mouri Kogoro's cheek, and asked, "Kogoro, what do you think we should do with this matter, we can't go on like this forever!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "I've already made an agreement with Yusaku. He said that taking Conan to London this time is to show him everything."

"It's the gentlest thing to be handled by Yusaku, but if I tell you, it doesn't need to be so troublesome at all."

"After all, Xinyi's real age is almost an adult, and his ability to accept is very strong. It's okay to tell him directly. There is really no need to go around in circles."

Yukiko also nodded in agreement.

"But Yusaku has said so, let him handle this matter, after all, he still takes Conan very seriously."

"Okay, Yukiko-san, now you're going to get rid of Shinichi, a little oil bottle, and come into my Mori's house, how do you feel?"

"How do you feel, didn't you enter already?"

Mori Kogoro laughed badly: "Since I don't have any thoughts, why don't we have a small meeting!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro's big hands started to play tricks, and he began to attack the city and pull out the stronghold.

As the saying goes, Xiaobie is better than a newlywed, and Yuxiko responds with refusal and welcome!

And at the door, outside the concealed gate pulled out by the anti-theft chain, Conan the Little Devil listened to these words with red eyes.

No matter what he thought just now, he still felt uneasy, so he sneaked to the door on the third floor alone, and pushed open the concealed door.

The door that was strangled by the anti-theft chain just formed a gap, and the voice from the living room could be heard.

The lucky little ghost Yihao heard the phrase 'Youkiko, now I'm going to get rid of Shinichi, this little moron! ' and the following words.After that, his mother's response made Conan explode instantly.

Chapter 0004 In front of Conan

The music gradually sounded!

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