Conan's eyes were red. He listened to the voice inside, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

He couldn't believe it. Although he had doubted this matter many times before, he still deeply hoped that this matter would not happen.When this matter really appeared in front of him, the little ghost still couldn't accept it, and felt extremely desperate!

Conan desperately wanted to squeeze his head into the crack of the door, wanting to see the scene inside.

But his head was too big to fit into the finger-length gap.

In the end, Conan could only lean helplessly against the edge of the door, and his whole person looked extremely ferocious.

One is the mother I respect, and the other is the uncle I admire.

The two of them are really together, and the impact on Conan is undoubtedly huge.

And at the moment, Kudo Yusaku was talking and laughing downstairs, and mother actually put a cuckold on father just like that!

Conan was going crazy, his back molars were clenched tightly, his fist was clenched and then loosened, and then loosened and clenched again.

He wished he could run downstairs and wake up his father.

But for some reason, his body became weak and weak, and he couldn't move at all.

The little ghost could only lean on the door and listen quietly. Every word his mother and uncle said could make his heart tremble, as if a dagger was constantly piercing it.

Mori Kogoro naturally knew about Conan at the door, just like his previous concept.

Conan is almost an adult, and he has seen various important cases and various big scenes, which directly let him know that his relationship with Yukiko is nothing at all.

Yiqiao Yusaku also wanted to show his cards to him as soon as possible, but the little ghost just came up to eavesdrop out of curiosity, and Mori Kogoro didn't deliberately avoid it.

And this feeling is quite exciting!

Mori Kogoro wrapped his hands around Yukiko's waist and hugged her.

Yukiko's beautiful legs are wrapped around Mori Kogoro's waist, and her whole body hangs on her body like a koala, full of attachment.

She wished she could rub herself into Kogoro Mori's body.

His every word and every word is full of love, and he didn't notice the evil intentions of Mori Kogoro at all.

Mori Kogoro, who was full of evil humor, smiled very wickedly.

He was still talking: "Stop kissing, You Xizi, where did you get all your slippers, I'll change them first."

You Xizi's soft voice sounded: "Don't you remember? It's in the shoe cabinet in the entrance!"

Mori Kogoro hugged Yukiko and walked towards the entrance, and the reflection of him and Yukiko appeared in the gap in front of Conan.

Seeing the shadows of the two of them embracing each other crookedly, the kid's pupils burst in an instant.

Kogoro Mori put Yukiko down, and she bent down painstakingly, opened the cabinet for him, and found his shoes, she really looked like a good wife and loving mother.

At this time, Eri's voice sounded.

"Hey, you two are too much!"

A ray of light immediately lit up in Conan's heart: Yes, there is also Aunt Yingri!

Aunt Yingli, stop them quickly and persuade my mother to come back!

"Don't you know how to be ashamed, the downstairs is full of customers, what are you doing so blatantly? You even ran to the porch!"

"The bath water is ready for you, go back to your room after taking a shower."

Hearing this, Conan's expression froze instantly.

Aunt Yingli also knew about it a long time ago, and she accepted it?

The little ghost instantly felt his scalp go numb.

Yukiko couldn't help but chuckled: "Eri, do you think you should go to your room after taking a shower, or go back to my room?" Eri, who was wearing a bath towel in the distance, snorted arrogantly: "Kogoro, I'll give you fifteen minutes, and you can figure it out!" After that, she turned and walked to her room.

You Xizi suggested: "Xiao Goro, why don't you go to my room, and let's hang out for another night!"

"If you want to hang out, you're hanging out. Believe it or not, I'll tie you up with a red string."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro patted Yukiko's buttocks, and carried her towards the bathroom.

"Hmph, I don't believe it, I'm so cute, why are you willing to tie me up?"

"To be honest, you can give it a try, my binding skills have become very powerful now?"

"If you don't believe me, if you don't listen, don't listen to the scriptures!"

"Okay, how dare you say I'm a bastard, let's see how I deal with you, I want electricity!"


Listening to the sound that was gradually going away, Conan the Little Devil gradually collapsed to the ground.

His whole body was drenched in sweat, his whole body seemed to be salvaged, and his eyes were red.

The distraught little ghost headed towards the office with difficulty, completely ignoring Hattori who was greeting him, and lying on the bed directly, not wanting to say anything.

Countless images were intertwined in his mind, and the clues he discovered before gradually surfaced in his mind.

The seemingly inseparable relationship between father and mother, the separation of the two places, the intimacy of mother and uncle, the flash kiss on the street before, why mother lived with Aunt Eri instead of staying at home, and then suddenly lived with Aunt Eri and uncle Home, and Dad's gesture of responding to every phone call...

All this seems to have explained that the two of them have been together for a long time.

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