It was only at this time that Conan realized why the mother who went to receive the Oscar was named Fujimine Yukiko, and she lied to herself that it was her stage name.

In fact, my parents have divorced a long time ago!

I am so silly!I am so silly!

At this moment, Conan fell into a state like Xianglin's wife and couldn't extricate himself!

Hattori Heiji at the door looked at the autistic Conan and couldn't help but sigh.

Some things are said to be obsessed by the authorities and clear by the bystanders.

Hattori Heiji has long been aware of the close relationship between Uncle Maori and Mama Kudo.

He wanted to help find evidence to expose this extramarital affair, but after hearing Kudo share his father's attitude, he stopped acting on his own.Since Uncle Yusaku always pretends to be stupid like this, why should he be such a villain.

Hattori Heiji closed the door, leaving Conan alone.

On the other side, Ms. Irene on the second floor was very restless.

It was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and she was still chattering in this room.

With the furnishings of the three rooms, she has already made a character sketch of the original owner in the room.

Aside from the fact that Mary was not accurate, Minmei and Sera Masumi both looked [-]% or [-]% alike.

Irene even discovered all kinds of life-threatening mechanisms on the ceiling and floor in the suite, and couldn't help but be amazed.

This seemingly ordinary apartment seems to be able to become a steel fortress at any time, it is really amazing!

She also opened the door several times to make sure that the stairs outside were not guarded, monitored, and there were no cameras, and she seemed to be able to leave easily.But smart people have too many ideas, and the more ordinary they are, the more problematic they feel.

Irene never dared to escape from the stairs.

She went back to the only vacant room, lay on the bed and began to doze off.

Chapter 0005 Absconding Irene

At three o'clock in the morning, when the human body was most sleepy, Kogoro Mori opened his eyes and came.

Not long after he fell asleep, he was awakened by the red queen's electrical stimulation.

Before, he asked the Red Queen to help monitor Irene.

It has to be said that with the help of the artificial intelligence after Red Queen, it really relieved him a lot of burden, and he didn't need to pay attention to many monitoring at all times.In the past, Kogoro Mori asked Little V to help monitor, but Little V always consumes points for his cheating.

Now that there is a red queen, Mori Kogoro does not need to be constantly distracted and multitasking, taking care of various monitoring.

The Red Queen can communicate with Mori Kogoro in the same way as the system elf V.

However, the Red Queen cannot perceive the existence of the little V, but the little V knows the existence of the Red Queen.

Mori Kogoro felt the softness of the left and right right after waking up, and the exercise before going to bed was very hearty!

Eri and Yukiko are both exhausted, and they are sleeping deeply now!

It's just that even if the two girls are sleeping, they still have to hug Mouri Kogoro.

Otherwise, she would just lie on top of him, not wanting to separate for a moment, with a beautiful leg on the left and right curled up.

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hands to remove the smooth and beautiful legs of the two girls one by one, pushed the two girls away to lie down, and then withdrew from this gentle place.He doesn't need to be too careful with his movements, after all, the two girls are sleeping too hard now.

Kogoro Mori yawned, got up and got dressed, and then went out of the room to intercept Ms. Irene who was running away.

I really don't want to die until I get to the Yellow River, why do I look for something in the middle of the night if I have nothing to do, disturbing people's dreams!

At this moment, Irene thought she had found an escape route, and was climbing down from the secret passage in the kitchen area on the second floor.She propped her hands on the left and right walls and moved slowly.

According to her speculation, that channel should be the escape route prepared by Mori Kogoro himself, connecting to the underground drainage pipe.But even with such speculation, she still didn't dare to slide down like this.

Soon, Irene, who was crawling in a bit of a panic, came to the exit, and it was pitch black underneath.

She poked her probe, took a flashlight to shine, and saw that there was a cushion underneath.

This is a storage area. In addition to firearms and food, there are also several motorcycles.

Irene was overjoyed when she saw this scene, and immediately went down to pick up some food and guns from her backpack.

Then she chose a small motorcycle and planned to drive along the pipeline next to it.

At this moment, the pumping sound continued to sound.


Like a pointer, the sound of continuous whipping on the human body.


Then the lights on the left and right of the entire underground pipeline lit up instantly, exuding an orange light.

Erin, who was sitting on the motorcycle, was taken aback.

Not far from the exit of the storage area, four human bodies of various races were hanging upside down, while Mori Kogoro was whipping with his whip.

Those four human bodies were unconscious, like corpses, no matter how Kogoro Mouri whipped them, they didn't make any sound. This scene is really weird! "Didn't scare you, I was doing the bruise experiment, I didn't expect you to come here."

Mori Kogoro turned his head, and there was a faint light on the bloody pointer: "Hey, you are looking like you want to escape, right?"

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