"No, it's impossible, you're talking nonsense."

After saying this, the flustered Irene dropped her backpack, let go of the handle of the motorcycle, moved away from these things, and made an innocent gesture.Mori Kogoro chuckled and remained silent, continuing to slap the white man in front of him, beating him to pieces.

The white man seemed to feel the pain, and he woke up moaning. Before he could open his eyes, Kogoro Moori kicked him again, knocking him out brutally.Seeing this scene, Irene felt terrified, her brows trembling uncontrollably.

Of course she understood what Mori Kogoro meant, and this silent threat was even more frightening.

It's just that Irene couldn't help asking curiously, "Who are these people?"

Mori Kogoro shrugged: "Let's find you, they are all killers!"

"There are people from Saudi Arabia, people from Afghanistan, people from Mexico, and people from London. It seems that you have a lot of trouble!"

These are all killers from the surveillance agency, and they came here just for Irene.

However, under the monitoring of the Red Queen, it was fully exposed that they were not a single enemy at all, and they were directly stunned by the Ant-Man robot and dragged here. "Damn-it! It's still exposed."

"Detective Maori, thank you for helping me deal with them, but I am really dangerous here, and I don't want to affect you."

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, and when he pulled the rope, the four hanging killers all fell down.

"Don't worry, no one can touch you in my territory, so you can be a guest with peace of mind."

After saying this, he pulled the rope and dragged the four burly men to the side, and Irene followed curiously.

After Moyue walked a few hundred meters, he saw an elevator in the pipeline below. Mori Kogoro dragged the half-dead people into it, and Irene also followed.

"Where are you taking them?"

"After all, it's an experiment. More data is needed. Of course, it needs to be sent to different places to observe the results."

"Send this one to the top of the Alps, this one to the Sahara Desert, this one to the Antarctic, and this one to the crater."

Hearing this, Irene just felt ridiculous. Is this a joke?

But as soon as the elevator door opened, she froze instantly.

The two of them had already returned to the rooftop from the underground passage, the bright moon was in the sky, and the stars were everywhere.

Irene recognized this building. It was the tallest residential building next to the Maori Detective Agency. It had more than [-] floors, and it was actually his product.And parked in front of the elevator door is a high-tech fighter full of futuristic atmosphere, which is the Quin-jet fighter in the aircraft carrier in the sky.

Irene was stunned for a moment, her mouth was wide open, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

She is a spy who is active in the major European royal families and high society, stealing countless information, and has seen a lot of knowledge, but she has never seen a fighter like this.The hatch opened, and Irene didn't recognize any of the weapons and equipment inside, and the blue control interface of the holographic projection made her speechless.

Mori Kogoro directly threw the four killers into it, and after notifying Hong, the hatch was closed.

Whether they can survive depends on their good fortune.

The Kun-style fighter started slowly and slowly floated up. The metal on its body surface gradually turned black, perfectly blending into the darkness.

The sound of jetting sounded.

The white jet flashed across the night sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Irene couldn't help swallowing: "Detective Maori, can it always fly so fast?"

"It can be faster, but I'm afraid it will create a sonic boom and disturb people's rest, so I have to wait for it to go out to sea before speeding up. It's just sending a few people. It will be done in more than ten minutes.

Saying this, Mori Kogoro put his arms around Irene's soft shoulders, and walked her to the elevator with his arms around her.

"Okay, Ms. Irene, it must be something to come to me so late, it's been a long night, we need to have a good talk!

Chapter 0006 Bound Irene

As soon as his big hand was put on, Irene's body tensed up instantly, as if encountering a natural enemy.

"Maori detective, I don't like men's, so..."

"As a detective, you should be a gentleman."

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, but he didn't let go of his hand: "Yes, the famous sadist queen is full of aggressiveness and unparalleled dominance."

"I don't know how many princesses and queens have been trained by you."

"But I also know that it should be quite painful for a heterosexual to pretend to be gay and hang out among women!"

"So there's no need to pretend tonight, and you don't need to suppress your nature. Let's be honest with each other."

Hearing this, Irene's blue eyes couldn't help trembling slightly, Kogoro Mori was right.

"Women are better, but men are miserable!"

"I know a prisoner who deliberately pretended to be gay in front of the police in order to escape charges of rape and murder by pouring sewage on himself."

"He went to a gay bar to find someone to break his back, and his acting was so realistic that his brother who had always secretly liked him misunderstood him and was raped in the end. That would be miserable!"

While speaking, the elevator stopped. This is the eighteenth floor of this building, which has been transformed into a tea room, overlooking the office and Belmode's apartment.There was no one there, but it was brightly lit and very spacious.

Mori Kogoro came to the seat by the window with his arms around Irene, and then let go and asked her to sit down, and the two sat on the futon facing each other.

Then Mori Kogoro skillfully boiled water and made tea without saying a word.

Irene frowned slightly, and her blue eyes kept observing the man opposite. I have to say that he is really attractive.

She still couldn't help it: "Detective Maori, what question do you want to ask me when you keep me here?"

"How did you and Fu Shahui meet, and why is she willing to rescue you?" The appetizer was thrown out first.

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