The black pointer gently stroked Irene's neck, which made Irene feel very strange.

She couldn't help but warn: "Detective Maori, don't mess around. If you really dare to hit me, I will never let it go easily!" Lin's buttocks are on.

Erin shook her body, and couldn't help but swear: "Oh, shit!"

Mori Kogoro laughed badly: "It's fun if you don't give up, don't worry, there is still a long time before dawn, we can play slowly!" His strength is well controlled, and the pain will not be unbearable , but it is not absolutely not scratching the itch, completely self-taught the best strength.Irene's blue eyes almost burst into flames, glaring at Kogoro Mori, her chest and abdomen heaving with anger.

However, she completely ignored that she was currently supporting herself on one leg, and accidentally lost her balance, and her whole body swayed sideways, like a tumbler.

Finally she crashed into the arms of Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro embraced his slender waist, and caressed his beautiful legs in stockings with his big hands, the feeling was really good.

This was immediately exchanged for a pure British swear word from Irene.

"Irene, this is not okay, you are a lady, these words are not suitable for you to say."

Irene sneered, and said ironically, "You're still a gentleman!"

The cheeky Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "I've always been like this. If it wasn't for being disturbed tonight, I wouldn't be so angry when I woke up." So, sometimes the choice is really important, just make a wrong step, Say goodbye to the warm bed. "

Saying this, Mori Kogoro straightened Irene upright, with even more sarcasm in his eyes.

This woman is too smart and too egotistical, and she is so decisive when she is cornered.

The most important thing is that I wanted to kick myself with high heels just now, how can I do it without a lesson.

The pointer in Mori Kogoro's hand is not fake, and it's not just talking about repaying him with the same way.

Soon he began this sadistic journey.

Every time the pointer hits Irene's meaty place, it is strong but does not hurt her.

Whip after whip, whip after whip, directly whipped Irene's proud self-esteem to nothing.

If Sherlock knew that the woman he respected was so abused by Kogoro Mori, he might come to fight Kogoro Mori.

It's a pity that at this moment, Sherlock is sleeping soundly in the guest room of Maori's house, and he doesn't even notice what's going on here.

At the beginning, Irene's eyes were still full of hatred, she wished to swallow Kogoro Mori alive with that vicious look, and continued to abuse Kogoro Mori.But with the passage of time, the hatred in her eyes gradually faded, and instead, there were many strange feelings in her heart.

His blue eyes gradually turned into lakes, and his cheeks were as red as if he had drunk fake wine.

Originally, Irene belonged to the extremely powerful S-oriented queen, but after meeting a stronger opponent, she passively migrated to the M-inclined.Mori Kogoro didn't do much, didn't undress her or do anything nasty.

Just adding whip after whip.

However, as a master of martial arts, he is very familiar with the human body, so he naturally knows how to give the greatest stimulation.

He just played around with the pointer in his hand, adding various spells to it.

Sometimes the pointer is attached to a tiny current, sometimes it becomes hot as fire, and sometimes it becomes cold as ice.

In this way, Irene's favorability continued to rise with the provocative pointer.

But Irene is so good at pretending, even though her favorability is constantly rising, her face doesn't show any signs of it.

Moreover, her tone was extremely tight, no matter how Kogoro Mori pressed her, she did not reveal any information about the Nightmare Legion.

In fact, Mori Kogoro has a lot of ways to know the information, he can use the psychedelic talisman to pull it up into the illusion array, or he can use the increasingly sophisticated hypnotism to try to hypnotize him.

But he didn't want to use these methods that were tantamount to cheating, he just wanted Irene to be willing to share the information.


It's a pity, after nearly an hour of training, the favorability level has been raised to 70, but it can't be raised.

Moreover, Irene looked like she was exhausted physically, and seemed to be unable to hold on.

Mori Kogoro was soft-hearted, so he stopped.

He untied Irene, who was dripping with sweat, and changed the binding method, from hanging with one foot to binding with both hands behind her head.To put it simply, it is to let Irene hold her head in both hands, and then tie it up straight.

This binding method will not make him feel painful, but the feeling of restraint is strong, and he cannot escape at all.

Irene didn't have any physical strength to resist at all, but looked at Kogoro Mori with complicated eyes.

After tying it up, Kogoro Mori threw it on several large futons connected together and let it lie down.

Then he yawned and used it as a pillow, laying his head on his lap.

Wow, the elasticity is great, it's very suitable as a pillow!

Irene couldn't help exclaiming: "Hey, what are you doing?"

Mori Kogoro replied angrily: "I'm tired, go to sleep!"

That's the truth, last night I finished with Eri Yukiko and the others, and it was almost two o'clock in the morning.

After falling asleep for less than an hour, Irene escaped from prison, and Kogoro Mori was woken up to work until now, so he is naturally a little tired.Now I can't ask for information, and I can't increase my favorability.

It was four o'clock in the morning again, Mouri Kogoro didn't want to waste time, and planned to sleep for a few hours to recover his strength.

On the other hand, Irene had an expression of disbelief on her face. For the first time, she doubted her own charm.

What the hell!With such a beautiful woman beside him, she was tied up!

He actually just used himself as a pillow, what do you think?Still a man?

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