And didn't you just say that I would be trained instead?

I have been training for more than an hour, shouldn't I proceed to the next step?Why did it stop suddenly?

Seeing Kogoro Mori suddenly calm down, Irene was inexplicably disappointed.

During the whole process just now, she has already done a good job of psychological construction.

But I didn't expect that after so long, it didn't come in handy at all.

Mori Kogoro got up and put an extra futon under Irene's head.

"Remember, don't wake me up when I'm sleeping, otherwise, I'll whip you!"

Hearing this, Irene glared at Kogoro Mori angrily, and then closed her eyes.

Mori Kogoro lay back on his lap, snapped his fingers, and all the lights on the eighteenth floor went out.The surroundings fell into darkness, only the starry sky outside the window.

On the tatami, there was only the sound of the heartbeats of the two of them.

Irene, who was looking at the starry sky, calmed down, and the corner of her mouth turned into a smile.

Listening to Kogoro Mori's even breathing, she gradually felt a little relieved.

It seems that you are not such a gentleman!

But soon, her conclusion was overturned by herself.

In the darkness, a big hand kept walking and climbing up.

What the hell?Is he asleep or not?What kind of trouble is this going to be?No, not there!

Chapter 0008 Furious Irene

—Slept until after seven o'clock in the morning, when the sun fell on his face, Mori Kogoro woke up, feeling refreshed.

As soon as he regained consciousness, he smelled a strange fragrance, and felt that his big hand was full of softness, so he couldn't help but scratch it.

The soft exhortation sounded!

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro felt that the place where he was lying was completely different from last night, and he seemed to be able to hear a few cooing sounds.

It seems to be coming from the belly!

He opened his eyes, and with his head lying on his side, he saw Irene's fiery red eyes, as if he hadn't slept all night.

It's just that Mori Kogoro's sleep habits are so bad, he rolled over from his legs to his abdomen, and he really used it as a long pillow.

Not to mention that he was writhing around, and his big hands were not honest, he was used to grabbing something, so he started to swim around.

He didn't even know that he unconsciously cast the hand of God in his sleep!

However, Irene didn't want to try the lashing of the pointer anymore, and didn't dare to wake Kogoro Mori, so she gritted her teeth and endured it.But a strange man was sleeping on top of her, with big hands and all kinds of rudeness, how could Irene sleep.

She opened her eyes and looked at the starry sky all night, watching Kogoro Mori for more than an hour, and now her eyes are bloodshot.

"Good morning, Irene, I didn't expect you to be quite informative, you're so secretive!"

As soon as Kogoro Mouri opened his mouth, he was furious.

Eileen tried her best to restrain herself, and replied after a while: "Detective Maori, it's already been a night, I already know I was wrong, can I trouble you to let me go?"

She was under the eaves and had to bow her head. She had tried her best to keep calm.

Hearing the sound of Irene's abdomen, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but smirked again: "So you want to go to the toilet?"

The privacy was exposed, and Irene was like an angry female leopard in an instant, trying hard to break free.

"Mori Kogoro, you bastard, I will kill you."

"People like you should go to the gallows. Hanging is not an exaggeration."

"Pray that you don't fall into my hands, and then I will make it impossible for you to survive or die.

"You wait, I want to tell your true face to your daughter, your wife, and family members, and I will also publish a newspaper to expose your true face to the world." Hearing these words, Mori Kogoro hooked his ears , chuckled and said: "If you keep screaming, I will hold you to help you go to the bathroom later.

Irene's scolding stopped abruptly in an instant, and there seemed to be tears in her eyes, but she still stared stubbornly at Kogoro Mori.

Others would definitely be deceived by her pitiful expression, but Mori Kogoro saw through at a glance that she was acting.

This woman's ability to accept is really extraordinary. She can still remain calm in this situation. She is indeed a woman who can defeat Sherlock.

Mori Kogoro also got up, and inspected Irene with his eyes, she was really very attractive.

But soon his eyes fell on her slightly messy black skirt, wouldn't it?

Thoughts flashed through my mind!

Seeing Irene who was in poor condition, he still didn't tease her anymore, so Mori Kogoro performed a rejuvenation technique on her.

After all, we will see off Sherlock and his party later, if Sherlock finds the marks or whip marks on Irene's body, something may go wrong.Irene was keenly aware of the strange feeling of coolness in her body, and she couldn't help looking at Kogoro Mori's big hand in amazement.


He raised his mouth as if to explain.

Then Mori Kogoro continued to speak: "Actually, you just stay here and don't make trouble, what happened last night won't happen."

"I'll let you go for now, if you still want to sneak away, you can try my rope skills and some special Japanese shackles next time.

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