After saying this, Mori Kogoro tore the rope off Irene's body.

Erin got up immediately, glared at Kogoro Mori, and hurriedly ran towards the toilet.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Sherlock, Watson, Yusaku, Irene and other guests were having breakfast in the restaurant of Maori's house.

However, Sherlock and Watson were obviously helpless with their knives and forks.

Looking at the earnest eyes of Yingli next to him, Dr. Watson could only cut open the sausage with a knife.

Very good, the color inside is normal!

Dr. Watson breathed a sigh of relief, and put the small sausage into his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, his face twisted and twitched as if a dye bottle had been knocked over.

That's right, Mori Kogoro came back a bit late, and Eri took the position of chef. Eri, who wanted to show off, once again offered dark cuisine.Everyone at the table looked at each other in blank dismay, drank milk, and showed no respect for other dishes.

But there is only one exception, that is Conan, the killer who stays up all night, has a gloomy temperament, and feels like a tree.

He ate Eri's food bite by bite like a marionette, as if his sense of taste had been blocked.

Conan has not said a word since he woke up this morning, and his hair is unkempt like a bird's nest, but when he looks at Mori Kogoro and his mother, he will have a very complicated expression.

Seeing Xizi's heart fluttered.

Mori Kogoro is ready for Conan to explode and make a fuss.

Unexpectedly, it was so quiet, I couldn't believe it.

But that's fine too, that's how a big heart is trained.

Conan won't go crazy if he tells him about himself and Xiaolan next time!

Sherlock didn't eat anything at all, he wiped his mouth pretendingly, and then said: "Detective Maori, Mrs. Yingli, thank you very much for your hospitality this time."

"McCoff told me just now that the plane is waiting for me, and it's time for us to leave."

Saying this, Sherlock, Watson, and Yusaku Kudo all stood up.

Hattori Heiji and Conan also packed their luggage, so they planned to go with them.

Mori Kogoro drove them to the airport.

When they arrived at the airport, Moriarty, escorted by Koshimizu Nanatsuki, was already waiting.

After resting overnight, Moriarty's autistic state was relieved, and he would say all kinds of obscenities in front of Kogoro Mori again.

This guy is really a gay, and some things he said really make people want to beat him up.

If Watson hadn't stopped him, Moriarty would have flown back to Eagle Country in a daze.

Conan, who was sitting on the plane, looked deeply at Uncle Mori below, and saw that his body was getting smaller, so he turned and walked in the direction of Yusaku. "Dad, I want to talk to you alone..."

Seeing all the time bombs fly away, Mori Kogoro felt relieved, and left with his arms around Yueshui's soft shoulders. "Natsuki, you did a good job completing this mission. If you want anything, I will reward you!"

Chapter 0009 Yueshui in uniform

Just when Mori Kogoro was teasing his little assistant Koshimi, the news last night spread around the world like a virus.

The news was published one after another, and countless portal websites were replaced with photos of Mori Kogoro disembarking, and countless push messages were sent to various mobile phones.In the photo, Kogoro Mori is in high spirits, which is in stark contrast to Sherlock who is following with his head down, and the various titles are very eye-catching. "Shocking, the Fugui Maru sank on its first voyage, and all the crew members on board survived!"

"The smartest person in the world, Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes are both at the mercy of him, the god of detectives Moori Kogoro!"

"The miraculous rescue, single-handedly defeating the existence of terrorist organizations, is also the existence of God in the world!"

"Where is the master key that everyone is fighting for, and does it really exist?"

"The patron saint of Japan is finally not satisfied with protecting Japan, and has begun to protect the world!"


One after another news reports are constantly swiping the screen, and the whole world is paying attention to what happened yesterday.

The name Moori Kogoro spread to the ears of countless people in an instant.

However, the official announcement was vague, not even disclosing information such as the origin of the aircraft carrier, the inside story of the case, the naval battle that took place, and the mysterious key.

Countless people were tickled and paid more and more attention to this matter.

The reporters kept interviewing more than a thousand passengers who were saved because of Mori Kogoro.

They were extremely grateful to Mori Kogoro, and kept telling each other what they knew.

But Kogoro Mori, who can be pieced together, is not only a wise man, but also a heroic warrior, and he can be called a living legend.

He was able to descend from the sky with his female assistant, defeated countless mercenaries, and rescued everyone;

And with a big wave of his hand, he can instantly incite pirate ships and let them shoot at their own people;

Or it is a friendly animal, which can ride a killer whale to chase the enemy;

Everything is incredible!

Some of the passengers who were on the front of the deck and heard the whole reasoning process were exposed, which even involved the scandal of the Eight Generations Consortium and the threat of nuclear bombs from the Eagle Kingdom.The stock of the Yatsushiro Foundation fell to the bottom in an instant, and the Japanese police even entered the Yatsushiro Foundation early.

The leading insurance companies in the world jointly issued a statement that the claim for the shipwreck accident will not be carried out until the investigation is completed.

In other words, the insurance policies that Fushahui took away were reduced to waste paper in an instant, and it was impossible to use fraudulent insurance to replenish blood.

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