When Fushahui, who returned to the Eagle Country, heard the news, she couldn't help being furious and furious, smashing all the design items in the villa.

Fusha Picture Book thought that all of this would be completely sunk into the trench with Moriarty's handwriting, but she didn't expect so many people to survive.

She looked at the figure of Mori Kogoro in the TV broadcast, her eyes were dim, and she felt extremely difficult.

But obviously she has no way to seek revenge from Mori Kogoro, and the real trouble is her Kudo Yusaku who comes to Eagle Country to find her next.

Numerous netizens left messages under the Eagle Country website, and began to ask the Ministry of National Defense about the authenticity of the nuclear threat.

In the turmoil of public opinion, under pressure, Eagle Country finally issued a statement acknowledging the incident, acknowledging that Mori Kogoro had lifted the nuclear threat for him.Afterwards, the Queen of England also announced that she intends to confer a knighthood on Mori Kogoro and the Royal Order of Victoria!

As soon as this news came out, the whole world was in an uproar!

In other words, it was not Sherlock, but Kogoro Mori, a famous detective from the East, who saved London and England.

This news also became a hot search in an instant. It can be said that all the hot searches today were contracted by Mori Kogoro alone, and ten of them occupied the top five.Mori Kogoro's reputation was at its peak immediately, and countless people around the world spontaneously became his fans after watching all the reports of the incident.

Among them, the number of Eagle Country fans who were rescued was the largest, and each of them defected from Sherlock's camp to Kogoro Mori's side.

It has to be said that foreign monks can chant scriptures, and this principle is really common all over the world.

Today, Mori Kogoro's fan club is crazy, and fans from across the ocean apply to join.

Fan managers such as Sonoko, Momoi Keiko, and Yamamura Cao were all overjoyed, full of pride, holding their mobile phones to deal with various affairs, like the king of a small world.

However, there were countless news outside, but Mori Kogoro didn't pay attention at all.

At this moment, he is introducing Koshimizu Nanatsuki in the invisible sky carrier.

Ever since Yue Shui got on the invisible Quinjet fighter jet, she couldn't close her mouth anymore.

Her light green eyes were even more rounded, her little hand was holding Kogoro Mori's arm, not daring to let go for a moment, as if she was afraid of falling suddenly, this girl was still a little afraid of heights.

And Mori Kogoro's calm smile concealed a touch of pretense.

He finally understood why using a super sports car to seduce a girl is always beneficial. Most girls have never seen such a cool car, and it is easy to lose their defense when their hearts are shocked.

However, this kind of tactic was useless against Nanatsuki Koshimizu. As Kogoro Mori's assistant, Kogoro Mori helped deal with a lot of things.

So Mori Kogoro uses an aircraft carrier, which is much higher than those using supercars!

Soon, he came to the front of a hatch with Yue Shui's shoulders in his arms.

With a command, the hatch opened. Inside was a set of blue and white uniforms, exuding a faint blue light, full of futuristic sense of technology.

This was jointly designed by Mori Kogoro and Red Queen, and it imitates the uniform of the starship commander.

Mori Kogoro pressed his hands on Yue Shui's shoulders, and said gently, "Natsuki, although you don't want anything, I can't just give nothing."

"This set of commander uniform is yours. From now on, this aircraft carrier is up to you!"

Hearing this, Yue Shui Nanatsuki's eyes were filled with surprise.

When others give gifts and cars, he directly gives them an aircraft carrier, which is too shocking.

Encouraged by Mori Kogoro, Koshimizu enters and puts on his uniform.

After a while, the hatch opened again, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki, who had changed into a uniform, instantly amazed Kogoro Mori.

The well-tailored uniform, matched with Yue Mizu's age-reduced face, and wearing a blue hat, looks exactly like a girl who came out of an anime.

Seeing Mori Kogoro's gaze, Koshimizu Nanatsuki blushed, turned around and asked, "Does it look good?"

"Of course it looks good, my lord Commander!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro directly took Koshimizu Nanatsuki's little hand, hugged it into his arms, and kissed it directly.

He ordered secretly in his heart: "Queen Red, take the aircraft carrier into the air and keep going up. I'm going to play in space."

After giving the order, he picked up Yue Shui and walked towards the observation deck.

He hasn't tried firing a cannon in space yet, so he might try it today!

The S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft carrier's anti-gravity device is awesome. The Quin-type fighter jets can carry green fat to alien planets, and entering space is nothing at all.

Chapter 0010 Air Combat

When he came to the observation deck, Mori Kogoro put Koshimizu Nanatsuki down, opened his commander's hat sideways, and then put his pink lips on it.

Nanatsuki Yueshui couldn't help squinting her eyes and began to respond.

His little hands tightly grabbed Kogoro Mori's clothes, allowing him to be frivolous.

But the scenery outside the window flew by quickly, but the two of them didn't care at all.

And Mori Kogoro's fiery big hands walked along the delicate body of Koshimizu's girl.

Although Koshimizu Nanatsuki's upper body was a bit flat, her thin waist and beautiful buttocks made up for it.

Coupled with the age-reduced appearance to a slightly juvenile appearance, and the blue commander's uniform, the allure is also leveraged.

Mori Kogoro was naturally very satisfied, and his big hands poked in from the hem of the uniform, touching the soft skin.

Yue Shui couldn't help making cat-like noises.

However, as the deep kiss continued and the master-level kissing skills continued to be displayed, Koshimizu Nanatsuki only felt that his whole body was light and light, as if he was stepping on cotton candy and flying in the sky.

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