In fact, this is not her illusion, she and Mori Kogoro really floated up, in a state of complete weightlessness.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki suddenly came to his senses, and couldn't help but look around, his pale green eyes widened again.

She kept calling Mori Kogoro with her mouth open, and patted his chest with her small hands, but she couldn't speak the whole sentence.

In front of her eyes was a blue and magnificent earth.

And on the left and right of this earth, there is a starry sky as black as ink.

The sun in the distance shines on the cut surface of the earth, and directly constructs an aurora-like corona, which is gorgeous and magnificent.

This is an altitude of more than [-] kilometers above the ground, and it is in company with the space station, constantly revolving around the earth.

However, the air in this aircraft carrier is sufficient for two people to use, and there is no discomfort at all.

Mori Kogoro took Koshimizu Nanatsuki's little hand, and said with a light smile, "Natsuki, you read that right, the earth is in front of us, and you are the commander of this big ship!"

Yue Shui Nanatsuki's mouth opened and closed, closed and opened again, and finally only choked out a sentence: "Wow!"

This reaction seemed so cute, Mori Kogoro couldn't bear it anymore, and the big hand launched an offensive again, and the hand of heaven was directly cast.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki's face flushed instantly, floating in mid-air. She was extremely nervous, and the feeling of weightlessness always made her a little worried, so she wanted to struggle subconsciously.

Mori Kogoro didn't notice for a while, but was kicked away by him.

He floated backwards like in slow motion, with an expression of disbelief.

And Koshimizu Nanatsuki burst out laughing when she saw this scene.

Mori Kogoro managed to reach the ground, kicked his legs again, and swam over like a fish.

And Koshimizu Nanatsuki seemed to have gradually adapted to it, and kept swimming in the observation cabin, nimbly like a small fish.

Seeing Kogoro Mori chasing after her, she continued to hide by pressing the window and the table, laughing like silver bells.

Mori Kogoro chased after him, and after a while he hugged Koshimizu Nanatsuki into his arms again.

With a change of mind, the ceiling, floor, and left and right walls of the entire circular observation cabin became transparent from the inside, forming a nearly [-]-degree viewing area.

Kogoro Mori looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki who had trembling eyelashes and flirtatious eyes, and said softly, "Master Commander, we have to get down to business!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked up at Mori Kogoro, then at the starry sky, and at the earth, with a slight smile on his lips.

"Boss, you said on this aircraft carrier, are you older or me?"

"You are old!"

"Then from now on, you have to listen to me."

Saying this, Koshimizu Nanatsuki gnawed on Mori Kogoro in one bite, and then slowly put his whole body on it.

The two instantly kissed in the same way as the Eiffel Tower in the Star Master movie.

Immediately afterwards, Koshimizu Nanatsuki slowly climbed down along the body of Mori Kogoro, planning to bite!

Hey, it seems that many postures can be unlocked in the state of weightlessness!

Mori Kogoro cooperated obediently.

It's a pity that it's extremely difficult to do business in a weightless environment, and it's not something that a young child like Yueshui Nanatsuki can control.After a while, Yueshui Nanatsuki let go of her hand accidentally, and her body floated away uncontrollably.

At this time, Mori Kogoro could only use his spells, pinching his seal to cast a touch of spiritual power, and pulled Yue Shui back.Obviously, in this environment, it is still necessary for the old driver to step in.

Mori Kogoro took the dominant position, and Yue Shui could only obediently let him manipulate him.

Not long after, a stirring movement sounded at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

On the other side, in the restaurant of the plane flying to Eagle Country, only Kudo and his son were there, and the father and son had been silent for a long time.

After a while, Yusaku hesitated and said, "Shinichi, do you already know?"

Conan nodded, eyes full of confusion and even despair looked at Yusaku: "Why?"

"Dad, can you tell me why Mom is with Uncle? And you're not angry at all."

Hearing this, Yusaku smiled wryly, and took a sip of the red wine in front of him.

"My father is very pleased that you can ask me so calmly. I underestimated your ability to bear it."

"I originally planned to tell you when I went to London this time. Since you found out in advance, I will not hide it from you!"

"Your mother and I never started. She went to pursue her own happiness, so naturally I won't be angry."

Conan was stunned for a moment: "You and your mother have never been together, so how did I get here?"

Kudo Yusaku looked at Conan lovingly, without saying anything, Conan immediately had a guess.

Paralyzed, I turned out to be an orphan!

At this time, Conan's heart spurted blood instantly. He speculated that his mother had cheated on him, or that he had rekindled his relationship with his old classmates after divorcing his father, but he never guessed that he was an orphan.

My father is not a real father, and my mother is not a real mother!

Conan's head buzzed instantly, as if he had been hit with a few chestnuts.

And Kudo Yusaku's eyes flashed the color of reminiscence: "This matter started from the National University Martial Arts Conference [-] years ago. At that time, I was a fledgling novelist. I went to Mihua University to watch a martial arts competition, but I happened to know him. Yukiko, Kogoro, Eri and the others..."

Conan the Little Devil immediately listened attentively.

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