Chapter 0011 Special Experience

The weightless Yue Shui grasped the lower ring with both hands, his small face was almost on the transparent floor, overlooking the blue earth, his eyes were full of misty mist.

It seemed to be shocking, and it seemed to be amazed!

She pursed her lips and couldn't help making an indescribable nasal sound. Her snowy neck was flushed like blood, and tears flowed down her face.

But the tears didn't flow down the face, instead they were suspended in mid-air in the shape of a sphere, crystal clear.

This girl never thought that one day she would do such a thing in space hundreds of kilometers away.

Yue Shui's body was extremely flexible, and he quickly let go of his legs.

His body stretched out trembling slightly, and the whole body became a floating large character.

Because the aircraft carrier is also revolving irresistibly with the earth in low-earth orbit, the entire observatory is also slowly rotating.

The people inside also showed a posture of spinning, and Yueshui, who was in a large-character posture, kept spinning.

It's only been more than ten minutes, Kogoro Mori looked at Yueshui who had already been confused and couldn't bear the space environment, and couldn't help feeling pity in his heart.After all, Yue Shui's physical fitness is that of an ordinary girl, and she has never adapted to the space environment, which is still too difficult for her.

He put his arms around Yue Shui's slender waist, and with a little effort, his body swam up to Yue Shui like a fish.

Seeing Mori Kogoro, the uneasy and uncomfortable Yue Shui immediately put his arms around his neck and leaned against his neck, and the frowning expression gradually eased.

Yue Shui sensed the beating of Mori Kogoro's heart and pulse, and the tension gradually eased.

Because the weightless space environment is different from the ground environment, the hormone secretion of the human body will also become very different under pressure.

It is extremely difficult for untrained personnel to adapt. It is not so difficult to feel like a fish in water in this environment.

That is to say, Mori Kogoro used the rejuvenation technique on Yueshui, so she didn't feel too uncomfortable.

His previous experience was useless, so he could only caress the girl's soft back and waist with his big hands, trying his best to comfort her.

Yue Shui's expression calmed down a little, and he patted Mori Kogoro's arm, pointing his little finger at the floating little red ball.

Mori Kogoro looked down, and saw this girl gritted her silver teeth and made a threatening expression.

The eyelashes trembled slightly, and the clear green eyes shimmered, very delicate.

He laughed lightly, and kissed the girl's pink lips again.

"Red Queen, go back!"

With an order, under the control of the Red Queen, the aircraft carrier's anti-gravity device changed direction and restarted.

As soon as the blue light appeared, the entire aircraft carrier turned around and dived towards the ground.

The operating speed of the aircraft carrier is extremely fast, and the people inside will not feel any discomfort due to the acceleration of gravity.

It was only the time of a passionate kiss, and the feeling of complete weightlessness gradually subsided, and the two of them stood on the ground of the observation deck again.

Gravity was added again, and both of them felt their bodies sinking.

Kogoro Mori stood on the ground, and Koshimi hung on Kogoro Mori like a koala.

The scenery outside has already turned into yellow sand all over the sky, which has returned to the Sahara Desert in Africa.

Seeing this familiar scene on the ground, Yue Shui was really relieved, and gradually became interested, and then bit the shoulder of Mori Kogoro. "Boss, don't take me so high next time!"

"Okay, cowardly Commander!"

The aircraft carrier accelerated again and flew towards Tokyo.

Its stealth camouflage had already been turned on, and the air defense systems, radars, and satellites of various countries could not detect it, so the aircraft carrier flew back as if it had entered an uninhabited territory.At the same time, Mori Kogoro put Koshimi on the table, grabbed his ankle, and started the unfinished business.

More than two hours later, Mori Kogoro sent Yueshui back to the villa where she lived, and coaxed the exhausted Yueshui girl to sleep.

Today is also a rare experience. Although it is not perfect, it also fills in the gaps in knowledge.

The next time I take my little angel to the sky, the effect should be quite good!

While Mori Kogoro was daydreaming, the phone rang.

This is a call from Akimi Yoshida. As soon as the call is connected, I hear Akimi's panicked voice.

"Xiao Goro, where are you, Yuan Tai has been kidnapped, come quickly?"

To kill the little devil and to die again?

"No, why did Mrs. Yuan stay with you and was kidnapped? What's going on?"

Ayumi's voice sounded from the side: "Uncle, Genta and Mitsuhiko came to play with me in the morning, and my mother took us to the food festival to eat, and Yuanta disappeared after eating."

"We looked for him everywhere and finally saw him abducted in a van and had his mouth taped."

"where are you?"

Qiumei replied: "We are at the Cupido Food Street, Kogoro, come here quickly!"

"I happen to be nearby, wait, I'll be there soon."

After saying this, the Red Queen directly helped to cut out the map of Tokyo.

And Mori Kogoro activated the Great Teleportation Talisman.

The array below lit up, and he teleported from Yueshui's house to the food street.

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