But there is a saying, you never know how many people can fit in a van.

There were not only two accomplices in this car, but two more rushed out with machetes.

The door on the other side also opened, and two young men walked around.

However, Mori Kogoro alone has the aura of a man who is in charge of everyone, and it doesn't matter how many people come.

The two men with machetes were held down by Mori Kogoro's arms in an instant, and each of them slashed heavily at the teammate who circled around.The two who came around fell to the ground in response, screaming again and again.

Then Mori Kogoro's over-the-shoulder throw was performed.

The two men with knives fell heavily on the van, falling directly out of a depression.

Seeing this, Yumi and Miaozi rushed up to help, and made up for the fallen man.

Flicking her genitals one by one, causing everyone to scream.

Seeing this, the two kidnappers who were holding Yuan Tai backed away again and again, with a look of panic on their faces.

How did he know that Mori Kogoro was so cruel that all six of them could not subdue him.

The middle-aged man exclaimed when he saw the imposing dragon-like Moori Kogoro approaching continuously.

"Don't come here, or I'll stab him to death. Seriously, don't you believe me!"

Saying this, the middle-aged man stabbed Yuantai's arm, and Yuantai screamed suddenly.And the young kidnapper was going to start the car, ready to take the hostages and leave.

Will Kogoro Mori let them get what they want.

"It's okay, you can stab it anyway, anyway, this kid is fat, so it shouldn't be a problem to stab him a few times."

Hearing this, Genta's eyes widened, and he looked at Mori Kogoro in disbelief.

But immediately after, the two robbers suddenly felt unable to move their bodies, as if they were frozen.They couldn't speak, and the sweat on their faces kept oozing.

In the void, several touches of spiritual power that could not be seen by the naked eye bound the two of them firmly.The middle-aged man's dagger was placed in front of Yuantai's heart, and he tried his best, but he couldn't stab it.Mori Kogoro walked forward with a calm face, and directly pulled out the screaming little fat man.

Then came another punch, knocking the two robbers to the ground with ease.

All the girls in the back were stunned, why did these two seem to be suddenly frightened and stupid.

But seeing that all eight gangsters had been dealt with, they rushed up and tied them up one by one with ropes.

And the little chubby Dungenta sat on the ground, holding Kogoro Moori's ankle and refusing to let go.

"Uncle, you scared me to death, I thought you didn't want to save me?"

Well, I don't really want to save it!

"I almost died just now, my hands hurt so much!"

Yuan Tai cried so much that she was very pitiful.

Mori Kogoro directly picked up the clothes on the back of his neck: "Okay, man, how can you cry like this. After saying this, he threw Yuanta in front of Mitsuhiko.

Yuantai, with tears and snot running down his nose, hugged Guangyan, and rubbed against him without any scruples.

"Mitsuhiko, I thought I would never see you again!"

Mitsuhiko could only comfort Yuantai, but his face was full of loveless expressions.

Ayumi on the side is also comforting the frightened Genta in a low voice.

But Miaozi checked the vehicle carefully, but found no trace of jewelry.

"Strange, why are the white diamonds they mentioned missing, Maori-kun, is the deal complete?"

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and stretched out his hands to rub Naoko's little head: "Naeko is so stupid, white diamonds are not real diamonds." We looked at Kogoro Mori strangely.

"See those white foams over there? The eel fry in there are what they call white diamonds."

"Because of the mass hunting of white eels, the number of white eels has become extremely rare."

"Rare is more expensive, so the price keeps rising. Now the value of these fish fry is almost the same as that of diamonds."

"These guys came in by smuggling white eels from abroad. The smugglers, no wonder they kill people every now and then, and sink their bodies in the sea."

As soon as the voice fell, the sound of the police car rang, and the police officer Shiratori who had just called the police led the team.

Mei Hezi is on vacation today, and she is going to the six aunts and seven aunts with her mother to show off her son-in-law and the dowry gift of the Gemini Building.

Police officer Chiba followed Shiratori Ren Saburo.

Seeing Police Officer Chiba appearing with Kogoro Mori by his side, Miaozi's eyes were full of confusion.

Officer Shiratori, who believed that his sweetheart had been robbed, naturally had a bad look at Mori Kogoro. After learning about the situation, he took everyone to the police station to record a statement.

Chapter 0014

—When I came to the Metropolitan Police Department, the male policemen who passed by looked at Kogoro Mori with complicated eyes.

On Saturday night, those police officers who followed Officer Shiratori were hit hard enough.

Smart, handsome, and rich Moori Kogoro, how could such a man be his opponent!

They could only watch helplessly that the two flowers of the Metropolitan Police Department and the Traffic Department were picked by him, but they did not dare to complain.

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