So when the male policeman saw Mori Kogoro, he hid one by one like a mouse seeing a cat.

The female police officers were full of admiration, and they crowded up one by one, wanting to ask Kogoro Mouri about the details of the ship robbery case.

Fortunately, Yumi Jiang was very domineering, with a stern face, the Hedong lion roared, and all these Yingyingyanyans were chased away.

Then she put her arm around Mori Kogoro, as if declaring sovereignty, and pulled him into the confession room to record a statement.

The female police officer who took the notes also looked like a nympho, if it wasn't for Yumi-chan who was watching from the side, she might have started directly.

This is really a burden-filled Metropolitan Police Department!

Kogoro Mori, who soon finished recording the statement, came out. Yi Hao saw Miike Miaozi entering the tea room, frowned, and followed.

In the empty tea room, Miao Zi, who was holding water, frowned slightly, as if worried about something.Since the last time she came out of Yumi-senpai's house, Miaozi couldn't forget what happened that day.She even dreamed of Kogoro Mori several times, and she was always ashamed when she woke up.

But she didn't believe that she was so easy to empathize with other people!

They all silently liked Police Officer Chiba for so many years, and even transferred him from Kuahu to the Mihua Metropolitan Police Department for him.

It's easy to convince yourself to change your mind, but Miaozi can't do it.

So when she saw Police Officer Chiba today, she fell into confusion and confusion.

Suddenly, a gentle and familiar male voice sounded: "Why are you in a daze, the water is overflowing."

As soon as the words fell, Miaozi felt as if she had been scalded by hot water.

The little hand retracted subconsciously, but Kogoro Mouri grabbed it.

Holding the red-mouthed little hand, Mori Kogoro blew gently, and the rejuvenation technique followed.

A gust of cool energy slowly flowed into this hand, and the reddened skin gradually subsided and returned to the color of jade.

And Miaozi's face turned red immediately, and her ears trembled even more.

She looked at Kogoro Mori with a gentle face in front of her, and her heartbeat accelerated involuntarily.

"What an idiot, you will be scalded when you catch the water, how can anyone trust you!"

His voice was full of affection, and as soon as he raised his head, Miaozi immediately turned his head to the side, not daring to meet his gaze.

And his little hand couldn't help pulling it back, curling up slightly, like a little quail.

She couldn't help making this defensive gesture, for fear that what happened last time would happen again.

A smile flashed across Mori Kogoro's eyes, he controlled his expression and made a look of guilt.

"Miaozi, in fact, I've been wanting to apologize to you for the past few days."

"I was Meng Lang at Yumi's house that day. I have always felt guilty for doing such an exaggerated thing to you. Miaozi, I really didn't mean to hurt you, or it was a coincidence that I suddenly couldn't control myself. I'm really sorry .”

Miaozi shook her head lightly, and her ponytails shook accordingly.

Its blue cat eyes raised timidly, glanced at Mori Kogoro's expression, and then made a gesture of indifference.

"Maori-kun, you don't need to say sorry. I have long forgotten what happened that day, don't worry, I won't tell senior about that."

Hearing this, Kogoro Mori let out a sigh of relief.

Then he pretended to be tentative and said, "Miaozi, do you still like Police Officer Chiba?"

Hearing Kogoro Mori ask this question, Miaozi felt a burst of upset for no reason, and her eyes became very complicated.

Then she turned her head to one side, her eyes moved down, the corners of her mouth were slightly puckered, and she responded stubbornly: "En!"

This micro-expression represents lying. Language can easily control a liar, but body language is not so easy to control.

Of course, this can't be hidden from the expression master Kogoro Moori.

Mori Kogoro continued to speak: "Well then, in order to make up for the previous mistakes, I will teach you to help Police Officer Chiba catch up!" Hearing this, Miaozi's cat's eyes widened instantly, full of disbelief .

She was full of resistance, frowning and staring at Kogoro Mouri.

"Why, don't you believe me? Only men know men best."

"What's more, I'm a detective, so I can tell what Police Officer Chiba likes at a glance."

"Everyone has their own preferences and weaknesses. As long as you prescribe the right medicine, you can get twice the result with half the effort, not to mention that you are childhood sweethearts!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro took Miaozi to the door and got very close to him.

The two looked at Police Officer Chiba at the desk outside through the glass on the door.

Mori Kogoro began to reason: "First of all, look at Officer Chiba's figure. As a criminal police officer, fighting training is indispensable, but he is still so fat."

"It's proof that he doesn't like to move around after get off work, and he's especially fond of junk food like hamburgers."

"So if you make some healthy and nutritious Western-style lunch boxes, he might like it very much."

"In addition, although the table top of his desk is very normal, there are various anime girl characters on the cabinet underneath, which shows that he is an otaku who likes to chase fans."

"If you want to give gifts, then animation figures and the like will also be very suitable."

"Although a little childish, but when friends are in trouble, they are still very loyal..."

Seeing that Mori Kogoro was really reasoning, Miaozi became more and more irritable the more he listened.

She raised her head and looked at Mori Kogoro with a look of foolishness.

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