Soon, Miaozi looked at Kogoro Moori's side face, his eyes gradually became a little crazy, and he no longer paid attention to the content of Kogoro Moori's words.

Mori Kogoro lowered his head, and Naoko avoided his sight again in panic.

She didn't even feel that there was a familiar big hand on her waist.

A smirk flickered at the corner of Mori Kogoro's mouth, and he continued, "To sum up, Police Officer Chiba is just an otaku who has never had a girlfriend. It is very easy to deal with otaku. You only need to take the initiative a little bit, and you will be fine." can easily succeed."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro pecked lightly on Miaozi's pink lips.

"Maori-kun, what are you doing?"

Miaozi's voice trembled a little.

Mori Kogoro approached his little ear, breathed out warmly, "These are because Miaozi is too shy and clumsy."

"If you want to seduce men, you still need to master some skills, such as kissing skills, you need to practice before you can use them proficiently."

"I'm helping you practice Miaozi!"

Mori Kogoro said this with a sense of righteousness, and Miaozi was soon limp.

Then with a little effort from his big hand, Miaozi was in his arms, and he leaned against him tightly.

Mori Kogoro took another breath, the Q bomb was tender and tender, and the taste was great.

It won't be so easy to let go this time!

And soon there was a sign brought by the Ant-Man robot outside the door: 'Maintenance and inspection, please do not use! '

Under the master-level kissing skills, Miao Zi was quickly kissed to such an extent that she was dizzy.

And Mori Kogoro's big hands kept wandering and writhing, taking advantage of it.

Then, the brazen Kogoro Mori grabbed Miaozi's twin ponytails with his big hands, and spoke bewitchingly.

"In addition to the skill of kissing that needs to be practiced, there is also the skill of biting that needs to be practiced hard. Naoko, come on, give it a try! Naoko, who is pretty and flushed, looked at Mori Kogoro, and obediently obeyed. down...

Chapter 0015 seedlings eating ice cream

Hey enough! ! !

Looking at Miao Zi's blue cat's eyes, the water ripples, her small face is as pretty as a red glow, and she looks super cute.

She was biting hard into a special ice cream.

It's just that this special ice cream is too big, and Miaozi's small mouth is a bit difficult to stuff.

I saw his little pink tongue trying his best to lick and scrape it as much as possible, making a swallowing sound from time to time.

It's really not bad to see this scene in the tea room of the Metropolitan Police Department!

Mori Kogoro caressed Miaozi's small head with his big hands, fiddled with his twin ponytails, and couldn't help but speak.

"Eat slowly, eat slowly, don't worry, just take your time."

Miaozi spit out the ice cream, and Qiong frowned: "No, there will be a lot of people coming to the tea room here, so hurry up."

"Don't worry, I'm here, so no one can find out what you've been eating!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro, who was leaning on the edge of the table, raised his foot, and his right foot pushed against the door of the tea room.

This operation is also pretty enough!

Miaozi couldn't help but rolled her eyes at Kogoro Mori, and continued to eat the ice cream.

Kogoro Mori, who is full of viciousness, continued to speak and guide.

"This one should be licked along the chocolate pancakes around the ice cream, and the special chocolate balls should also be eaten."

Miaozi obediently did so, her pink mouth moved slowly, and swallowed the chocolate ball in one bite.

Seeing this invincible scene, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but tremble in his heart.


Mori Kogoro recited the Qingxin formula silently, turned his head away, and stopped looking at the picture of Miaozi eating ice cream.

At this time, the voice of police officer Mumu came from outside the door.

"Hey, it's strange. There was no problem when the water was first connected. Why do you need to repair it now?"

Before the words fell, the voice of police officer Chiba also sounded: "Officer Megure, you also come to pick up the water. How are the refugees ordered by Minister Oda?"

Hearing the voices of the two, Miaozi's eyes instantly became flustered, and he looked at the small pane of glass on the door with some despair.

If you are discovered, you will die!

Kogoro Mori picked up a piece of printing paper next to him, and pressed it directly on the glass window after dipping it in water, sticking it.

Miaozi breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to struggle with the ice cream.

The conversation outside the door continued, and Police Officer Meguro's complaints came again.

"After staying up all night, I finally registered the identity information of most people, and now I am waiting at the airport to be deported back to my country."

"It's true, brother Mao Li. He's doing well. He went back to have a good time alone, leaving such a big mess to the police."

Police officer Chiba retorted: "Officer Mugure, you can't say that. Detective Maori is the one who works hard. If it weren't for him, these people would not be able to be saved. It would be a tragedy in the world. Seriously." , I really admire him so much, his brain is too smart to be human."

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