Poor Chiba still doesn't know how his childhood sweetheart is being treated by the person he admires!

Officer Meguro laughed loudly: "Brother Chiba, you should tell Brother Maoli face-to-face next time you say these flattering words." "But the strange thing is, why is the tea room suddenly repaired?"

Qianye couldn't help but move her head forward, looking at the covered glass window, but couldn't see anything.

"It seems that there was an accident. Let's go downstairs to get water." After saying this, the two fat police officers walked downstairs together.

In the tea room, Miao Zi's high-hanging heart gradually relaxed, and he couldn't help but hit Mo Li Kogoro a few times.

Miaozi couldn't help coughing a few times, just swallowed a whole ice cream, she couldn't hold it with such a big one, she obviously choked on it!Miaozi then turned around and came to the washbasin, coughed a few times in a muffled voice, took care of it, and then calmed down.

Then his red eyes stared at Mori Kogoro, without saying a word, his cat eyes stared straight at him.

Mori Kogoro smiled slightly, and slowly stretched out his hand, moving very slowly.

Seeing the slow motion of his big hand, Miao Zi trembled slightly, but did not move.

Mori Kogoro grabbed Miaozi's slender waist, hugged him into his arms, and then kissed his cheek and pink lips respectively.Miaozi's small hands grabbed the hem of Mori Kogoro's jacket, her eyes trembled slightly, she hesitated for a moment, and then spoke in a low voice.

"I don't want to know what Police Officer Chiba likes, Mori-kun, can you tell me what you like?"

After saying this, Miaozi's red cat eyes were full of determination.

Mori Kogoro turned his mouth into a smile, leaned his forehead against Miaozi's forehead, and rubbed gently. "For me, you are enough, and I don't need anything else."

Hearing this, Miaozi also had a smile in his eyes, shining like a star.

"Sorry, Miaozi, I seem to have messed up again this time..."

Before he finished speaking, a plain finger landed in front of Kogoro Mouri's mouth.

"I don't believe it, it happens every time, obviously on purpose."

"Yeah, I did it on purpose, who made Miao Zi look so cute!"

"Nonsense, it's obvious that the senior is cuter, Ya Ling, um, Mua..."

There was the sound of babbling again in the tea room, full of the sour smell of love!

After a long time, Yumi-chan couldn't wait to return to Kogoro Mori, so she couldn't help but came out to look for it.

She was worried that there would be another Yingying Yanyan hooking up with her man in the police department, but she didn't want to have a few more comrades in arms.

Soon, when the corridor turned a corner, she saw Mori Kogoro and Miaozi walking from the direction of the tea room.

Even though the two walked normally, there was still a distance between them.

But the sixth sense of a woman is inexplicable.

Yumi observed the blush on Miaozi's face, and suddenly felt that she was green.

In particular, Miaozi smiled slightly at Kogoro Mori's lowered eyebrows, and her shy posture was very telling.

"Yumi-chan, what are you doing here?" Mori Kogoro reached out and grabbed Yumi's soft shoulders.

Yumi laughed softly: "It's nothing, just the confession of Qiumei and the children has been recorded, and I want to see how you arrange it."

"Okay, it's almost noon now, I'll take the children to have a meal and send them back home, Yumi, Miaozi, let's eat together."

Miaozi was about to agree, but Yumi covered her mouth.

"Xiao Wulang, go and eat, Miaozi and I still have patrol missions, so we won't accompany you."

Saying this, Yumi grabbed Naoko and ran away.

This girl is really hot-tempered!

Mori Kogoro turned around and headed towards the confession room, picked up Akimi and his party, and then drove to a nearby restaurant.

Chapter 0016

Yumi and Naeko returned to the patrol car and started patrolling.

Miao Zi's face was so guilty that he didn't dare to glance at the senior beside him, and drove the car obediently.

Just now, my words and deeds in the tea room were not stingy to seduce the senior's man!

Yumi was leaning sideways against the window, with her arms propped on her cheeks, her eyes narrowed slightly looking at Miaozi, and strange low laughter sounded from time to time.The laughter made Miaozi panic!

Miao Zi couldn't help asking: "Senior, why are you laughing like this?"

"I was thinking, Miaozi, since you like Police Officer Chiba so much, let me help you organize a fellowship, so that you can get close and close. I like matching people the most, and Miwako and I have a home, so we can't watch You are all alone."

Hearing this, Miaozi groaned inwardly: "I don't need to worry about this senior, I can handle it myself."

Yumi-chan laughed like a big sister, patted her chest, and trembled proudly. "Don't be shy, how can you handle it yourself, leave it to me, and keep you satisfied."

Miaozi's face became more and more ugly, and the speed of the patrol car continued to increase.

It was just in the tea room that she finally realized her intentions, and she had just had an intimate interaction with Kogoro Mori.Now that the senior wants her to have a friendship with Police Officer Chiba, even thinking about it, I find it unacceptable, I can't bear it at all!Seeing that Miaozi's face became more and more ugly, the cold light in Yumei's eyes trembled slightly, and her smile became more and more weird.

"What, is there a problem? Could it be Miaozi that you have moved on and don't like Police Officer Chiba anymore?"

- Words pierced his mind, Miaozi's face suddenly became extremely flustered, and the patrol car immediately lost control.

It swings and stops on the shoulder of the road.

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