Miaozi looked as if she had been caught, with sweat dripping from her forehead, and she instantly turned into a pitiful little coward.Yumi leaned over, extremely domineering and frightening: "Could that man be Kogoro?"

Miaozi retorted subconsciously: "How is it possible?"

"Oh, isn't it? What a pity, I thought Miwako and I were going to have an extra sister."

Saying this, Yumi shook her head and sighed, making a regretful expression, which instantly caught Naoko's eyes.

Miaozi was easily confused by it, and couldn't help asking: "What? Senior, you and Officer Sato, how can you two?" Yumi laughed badly, and licked her lips with her tongue, full of charm .

"That's right, you don't know, Kogoro is very fierce, it takes several hours at a time, and one person can't teach it."

Hearing this, Miao Zi frowned subconsciously.

"No, it's huge, but the time is normal!"

Take precautions, and in the end, I accidentally said that I slipped my mouth.

As soon as Miaozi raised her head, she saw Yumi's treacherous gaze.

She didn't know that she had said the wrong thing, and immediately wanted to open the door and escape.

Ke Youmei was faster and pulled off the seat belt directly.

As soon as he took a step, the whole person sat on Miaozi's body.

The driver's seat was put down directly, and Yumi grabbed Naoko's skirt and began to ask questions.

"How dare you say no, say, when did you hook up with my man?"

Yumi threatened Miao Zi like a little white sheep like a big bad wolf.

Soon, Miaozi couldn't hold back the female hooligan's intimidation, and finally confessed everything.

After hearing Miaozi's confession, Yumi couldn't help but said: "It's pretty honest, and I haven't done anything too far."

"Hmph, men are big pigs, they just like young and beautiful ones."

"But it's only a few years younger than me, isn't it just that the chest is more elastic, what's so great about it?"

Yumi couldn't help pinching Miaozi's, and compared it with her own: "Hey, it doesn't feel bad, mine is bigger."


"Senior, you will call me sister in the future, do you understand?"

Miaozi suddenly became a little confused: "Senior Yumi, aren't you angry?"

"Of course you are angry, but is it useful? Are you going to give up?"

Hearing this, Miao Zi became silent again, but his cat eyes were full of determination.

"That's it. Besides, Kogoro is so good, how could there be only a few women."

"You have to call me sister, and you have to call me sister Meihezi. There are other people to introduce to you, and I will give orders in the future, you know?"

Looking at Miaozi still with a confused expression.

Yumi continued to explain: "You don't think that Kogoro is just a few of us women, the battle hasn't started yet!"

Speaking of this, Yumi clenched her fists, her eyes burning with fighting spirit.

And Miaozi couldn't help but lamented: I thought it was a speedboat, but it turned out to be a luxury cruise ship, this time it was pulled into a terrible thief ship!

On the other side, after having lunch with Akimi and his group, Mori Kogoro sent Genta and Mitsuhiko back home.

Then he drove Qiumei's mother and daughter home, and Ayumi was making noise in the back seat alone.

Qiu Mei in the passenger seat said with concern: "Xiao Wulang, don't go to such a dangerous place next time. I saw the news yesterday and almost scared me to death."

Mori Kogoro held Qiumei's soft hand: "Don't worry, I'm sure where I go, and nothing will happen, don't worry about me."

"But where does it say that if you don't worry, you don't worry, Kogoro, promise me, don't take risks, okay?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro nodded to Akimi.

"Don't worry, I will never leave you two alone!"

Then he pulled Qiumei over and kissed her pink lips directly.

He didn't even shy away from the little loli Ayumi in the back seat.

Ayumi's face flushed instantly, she stretched out her hand to cover her eyes, but opened her five fingers to peek.

Qiu Mei's pretty face immediately turned red, and she couldn't help but push away and said, "Don't make trouble, the children are here, drive your car properly."

The voice of Ayumi covering her ears and stealing the bell from the back seat sounded: "I didn't see anything!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing.

After that, the embarrassing Qiumei kept talking about the animation company.

Hokage, Pirates, and Dragon Ball, several popular anime in the previous life, also set off waves of frenzy in this world.

Qiumei is also inspired by her career, and now she is actively contacting CD production companies and peripheral production companies, planning to make a fortune!But even if she has a heart to expand, Akimi still always remembers Kogoro Mori's words, take care of her body and take good care of Ayumi.

Coupled with the nourishment of the eternal spring water, Qiumei is full of the charming charm of a young woman, very attractive.

Back in the apartment, the female president Akimi served Kogoro Mori like a daughter-in-law again.

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