Mori Kogoro is like an old man, really comfortable!

Chapter 0017 Don't poke mom with a stick

With Mori Kogoro around, Akimi seemed to have a backbone.

She was busy all the time, putting food and drink on the table, and going in and out of the living room, very busy.Those who didn’t know thought it was a holiday!

And Kogoro Mori sat on the carpet, guiding the little loli Ayumi to do her homework.

Little Lolita sat on Mori Kogoro's lap, her white and tender calf dangling from side to side.

Mori Kogoro grabbed his little feet and rubbed them lightly with his thumbs.

It just feels good and the skin is as smooth as a baby.

Ayumi is still very smart. After finishing her homework soon, she turned around and fell into the arms of Kogoro Mouri.

The cute little face rubbed against Mori Kogoro's chest, full of attachment.

"Uncle, you don't even know how Xiao Ai scares me."

"She said that if I do what I do in the library, I will become a dwarf, ugly, and deformed!"

"But I don't believe what she said, so I ran to ask Teacher Xiaolin."

"Ms. Xiao Lin explained to me that what Xiao Ai said was all lies."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

"Then Mr. Xiaolin, was he frightened?"

Little Lolita shook her head, and her face turned red again: "No, because I told Teacher Xiao Lin that the person was not me, but Xiao Ai!"

Mori Kogoro laughed, and scratched Ayumi's itchy flesh with his big hand: "Ayumi, you are so naughty, you even learned to blame others."

Little Lolita's skin is sensitive, and she couldn't bear the itch, so she laughed and rolled on Mouri Kogoro.

Kogoro Mori played with Ayumi, and when he saw Akimi coming out with a cake, he couldn't help but speak.

"Qiu Mei, sit here, what are you doing with so much food, didn't you just finish lunch?"

After he said this, Akimi obediently sat down beside Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro directly put his arms around his slender waist, and his big hands started to play tricks.

Qiumei's little face became more flushed, but her body was a little weak, so she couldn't help but said, "Ayumi, don't you want to go back to your room for an afternoon nap? Go!"

The spooky Ayumi opened her eyes wide and fluttered, inspected her mother, and couldn't help but said: "Uncle, is he going to stab mom with a stick again? No, it will be very painful!"

These words instantly made Qiumei blush, and she couldn't help exclaiming: "Ayumi, what are you talking about? Who taught you?"

Qiu Mei hurriedly hugged her daughter, then slapped her buttocks, really relentlessly.

Mori Kogoro immediately held Ayumi's little hand, hugged Ayumi back, and said with a light smile, "Tong Yan Wuji, why beat the child. Well, I'm just here to drink a few cups of tea, and I'll have some more later. Go to the station to pick up Ai and the others, can Ayumi accompany uncle to drink tea?"

"it is good!"

And Qiumei's gentle eyes couldn't help but stare at her daughter, but she was a little disappointed in her heart.

Immediately afterwards, she got up and began to make tea for Kogoro Mori.

After brewing, Qiumei sat on the sofa behind Mori Kogoro, and Xiaoruan began to massage her.

Pillowing on Akimi's soft thighs, drinking tea and enjoying a massage, Mori Kogoro spent a pleasant afternoon.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, at the gate of Tokyo Station, Kogoro Mori waited for Xiao Ai, Minmei, Mary, and the four daughters of Zhenchun.

If it were any other time, and he hadn't seen Mori Kogoro for two days, Haibara must have rushed into his arms.

It's a pity that Huiyuan is surrounded by people who know everything about her, including her cousin and aunt, so she naturally refuses to do such a move.

Mori Kogoro picked up Huiyuan without any scruples, and gave him a mouthful of sweetness on his cute face.

Haibara narrowed his brows slightly, but wiped his cheek with a feigned disgust.

"How about it, did you gain anything from this trip to Osaka?"

In fact, Mori Kogoro has already seen it through surveillance, but he has to ask again.

Ming Mei, who was pushing the books behind, said, "It's all here, and I have to keep searching when I go back."

Looking at these hundreds of cowhide books, Mori Kogoro put Huibara down, stuffed all these books into the trunk, and then took the four girls home.

Hui Yuan in the back seat was quite talkative, and couldn't help but say, "Uncle, you would never have guessed that I also found my mother's diary this time."

"A lot of things are recorded in it, and there are a few photos of her when she was young."

Huiyuan was very happy. Although it was just a photo, it was very precious to Xiao Ai who had never met her parents.

Soon, Haibara took out the photo from his arms and shared it with Kogoro Mori. Inside were the young Miyano couple.

Sure enough, she can give birth to such beautiful daughters as Xiao Ai and Ming Mei, and Miyano Elena is also a full-fledged beauty.

He has long brown hair and wears glasses, but he looks very gentle, which doesn't go well with the honest and honest Miyano Koji beside him.

It's hard to believe that such a gentle beauty will be code-named "Fallen Angel" in the future.

Akemi, who was in the passenger seat, said, "In the former residence in Osaka, there are most books. Shiho said that maybe you can see the content of your parents' research from inside."

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