This runaway little loli is really powerful!

Mori Kogoro originally wanted to try to give Mary medicine and try the life experience of little Mary.

This situation is a bit difficult to deal with now.

B, as the saying goes, the gods are struggling to roll around, let's wait for the next time.

Mori Kogoro managed to subdue the runaway Marie with great difficulty, and quickly got out of the room.

— When I returned to the living room, I noticed Irene's strange gaze that looked like a beast.

Mira on the side couldn't help being surprised and said: "Xiao Goro, you..."

"Impossible, I don't, don't talk nonsense."

Mori Kogoro directly threw down a wave of quality three companies, turned around and left this place of right and wrong, and walked towards Xiaoai on the third floor.

Mira pouted involuntarily: "You don't want to try the desserts that people have made so hard."

Erin narrowed her eyes slightly, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Naturally, she didn't tell Mira what she just saw. How could she use it casually after she finally got hold of it.It seems that this Maori detective is not without weaknesses, women are his weaknesses!

Immediately afterwards, Mary came out of the room, and Irene waved quickly: "My child, come and eat something."

Mary rolled her eyes directly at Irene, and then went straight to the bathroom, Irene was so angry that her face was filled with remnants.

Damn, what a bad little girl.

On the other side, Xiao Ai, Ming Mei, and Zhen Chun were sorting out the Miyano couple's collection of books in their room.Both Mingmei and Zhenchun couldn't understand the contents of the books, and they were responsible for stuffing them on the bookshelf by category.Xiao Ai, on the other hand, sat on the bed and kept flipping through it, apparently fascinated.

Kogoro Mori looked at the two cousins ​​who were sweating and exhausted, and stepped forward to help.

With his shot, the efficiency suddenly increased.

The books are sorted out one by one, then stacked into a pile, and placed together.

Soon these collections of books were all arranged, and Mori Kogoro leaned on the bookshelf and started flipping through them.

Seeing this, Mingmei and Zhenchun obediently left without disturbing them.

Mori Kogoro, who is intellectually developed to the extreme, reads books extremely fast, and he can see ten lines at a glance but never forgets.

The sound of flipping through the book kept ringing, and the more he flipped through the pages, the more Mori Kogoro felt that it was in line with his expectations.

Koji Miyano's research direction is very normal, he is quite accomplished in macrophages and programmed death, and he is very familiar with chemistry.

On the other hand, Miyano Elena, from these books and the notes in them, it can be seen that her thinking is unconstrained.

But after reading most of the books, Mori Kogoro also peeked out the direction of his research, and he really lived up to the name of "Fallen Angel".

Miyano Elena's main focus is mostly a series of things that violate human ethics, such as genetic modification, life engineering, and telomerase modification.But her job is to be a doctor!

And the time when Elena came to Japan from Eagle Country is also very interesting, it was in January of [-].

That was a very special year.

Mori Kogoro once sent his men to Imperial College London, where Elena had studied, and found that Elena's student information had been erased.Later, after asking about her classmates and professors in the same class, I found out that Elena never graduated from that school.

It seems that he was expelled from the eagle country's academic circles, and then came to Japan.

A glimpse of the leopard in the tube, you can also see the clues!

Chapter 0019

Kogoro Mori flipped through all the books, and Haibara, who had stopped already, hugged him from behind.

The little milk said: "Uncle, did you find anything?"

Kogoro Mori just wanted to share his gains, but he suddenly remembered Xiao Ai's longing expression when he mentioned his mother.

Xiao Ai seems to hope that her mother is a nice person!

If she told Xiao Ai what she found, she would be disappointed.

Thinking of this, Mori Kogoro immediately changed his tone.

"It's amazing. As expected, they are Xiao Ai's parents. They read very profound content. No wonder Xiao Ai is so smart." After saying this, he pulled the little girl behind him into his arms .

Huiyuan's blue eyes looked at Mori Kogoro emotionally, and said softly: "Uncle, what should I do? I can't seem to leave you." I feel weird not being by your side these two days. "

Mori Kogoro caressed his soft back with his big hand, and laughed badly: "Xiao Ai must want to do experiments with uncle!"


The little hand that hit was grabbed by Mori Kogoro, he lowered his head and kissed Xiao Ai's forehead lightly, and said softly: "Actually, I haven't seen Xiao Ai these two days, uncle also feels empty in his heart."

Hearing this, Huiyuan's brows and eyes were full of smiles, and then he closed his sapphire-like eyes and parted his pink lips, as if waiting for something.

Mori Kogoro kissed the little Lolita's Bai Jie's cheek, his murmur was full of magnetism.

"Xiao Ai, uncle wants to strip you naked and kiss you all over your body, from your toes to your waist, from the back of your neck to your armpits..."

The hot love words instantly made Hui Yuan's cheeks dyed a moving blush, his body trembled slightly, and he looked like he was picking something.

coming! coming!

A pair of dark green eyes at the crack of the door gradually turned red, excitedly wanting to see more clearly.

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