This is Sera Masumi peeking at the door!

This girl could not believe the relationship between the two sisters and Mori Kogoro from her cousin Mingmei's words.

Seeing it with her own eyes and hearing it with her own ears, she has also been greatly impacted.

Seeing the intimate two people in the room, the innocent Shiliang's cheeks flushed.

When she thought of her mother, Mary, she became a little confused.

Shiliang couldn't control his strength for a while, he pushed open the door and fell in, startling the two people in the room instantly.

The three of them stared wide-eyed, and the atmosphere froze for a while!

After reacting, Huiyuan's short legs kicked wildly and jumped up.

Soon she was sitting at the desk with two books in her hands, wearing glasses and looking addicted to knowledge.

Its small ears are still all red, and the posture of Wuyin [-] taels here is really cute.

Mori Kogoro was in a bit of a pain. He was disturbed by Irene on the second floor, and by Shiliang on the third floor. Everything really went wrong today.No, just now there was a robot to help lock the door, what's going on?

Immediately there was a burst of triumphant laughter in the void.

Streams of aura condensed into the spiritual body of the little Shikigami Fusang, who was rubbing her waist and laughing.

But Shi Liang and Xiao Ai, who were mortals with naked eyes, couldn't see her, nor could they hear her voice.

It's no wonder, it's the girl Fusang who is playing tricks!

After condensing the spirit body, Fusang's strength increased so much that even Kogoro Mori couldn't easily detect her.

This time she followed the four daughters to Osaka to protect them, so naturally she came back with them.

Fusang couldn't understand Mao Li Kogoro's behavior, so he secretly sabotaged it.

Mori Kogoro pulled Fuso who was laughing, and hit his ass with his big hand.

Cold and full of elasticity, it feels great!

From Sera Masumi's point of view, Uncle Mao Li was frantically swinging at the void, and his dark green eyes immediately widened.No way, is uncle angry?

Shiliang, who was lying on the ground, didn't dare to get up, and slowly moved out of the door like a big turtle.

And Fusang, who was hiding his figure, flushed immediately, and cursed: "Big villain!"

His spiritual body turned into strands of aura and disappeared again!

Mori Kogoro improved his perception and realized that she was still around, so he couldn't help but said, "Wait and see how I deal with you."

Sera, who was crawling low, thought that Mori Kogoro was speaking to himself!

Seeing that the situation was not good, she immediately got up and hurriedly ran towards the living room.

Seeing Mingmei cleaning the table, she hid behind her and whispered for help.

"Cousin, you must save me, uncle, he wants to clean me up!"

Miyano Akemi was a little confused, looked at Shiliang, then at the room, and then laughed out of breath.

"Don't worry, with me here, I won't let Kogoro bully you."

And Kogoro Mori in the room came back behind Huiyuan, and as soon as he put his big hand on it, he was opened by Little Lolita.

Of course, Haibara is not as thick-skinned as Kogoro Mori, and he has no intention of continuing after being beaten by Shiliang.She quickly said, "Don't disturb me, I want to read and study."

Mori Kogoro could only leave the room disappointed.

Seeing him leave, little Loli twitched her mouth, but she soon calmed down and continued reading.

As soon as Mori Kogoro came to the living room, Akemi began to speak out.

"Xiao Wulang, you are not allowed to bully my cousin."

Sera, who was hiding behind Minmei, turned her eyes sideways, and looked timidly at Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "I didn't bully her,"

Saying this, he stepped behind Mingmei and rubbed Shiliang's head with his big hands.

"However, peeping is a very immoral behavior, so don't do it next time."

Shiliang, who was being pinched, nodded obediently.

But she sensed the fiery big hand on her head, and her little face blushed strangely.

It seems that this big hand has a different kind of magic power!

And Mingmei glanced at her man and cousin, and shook her head helplessly.

Suddenly, as if she remembered something, she whispered: "Xiao Wulang, I remembered something."

"If my aunt hadn't taken us to my parents' rental house in Osaka this time, I would have almost forgotten about it!"

"I remember my mother kept many tapes for Zhike, which may contain clues about drugs."

"Those tapes were hidden in my former residence in Tokyo, and I haven't found them yet."

Hearing the business, Shiliang's eyes flashed brightly, and his whole body returned to normal.

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