Mori Kogoro couldn't help but flicked Minmei's fingers: "Little confused, why are you talking about such an important matter now.

Mingmei smiled embarrassedly: "I forgot!"

Kogoro Mori took Mingmei's soft shoulders and dragged her downstairs, and Shiliang followed quickly.

Going to get the tape back. ?

Chapter 0020

Mori Kogoro went downstairs, and just walked out of the stairs when he was hit by a woman who hurried past.The quick-responsive Kogoro Mori reached out and wrapped his arms around the woman's slender waist.

Familiar taste, water green eyes, golden wavy long hair, and white gauze skirt.

This is Belmode who disguised herself as Bella, a foreign female movie fan!

Is this woman addicted to playing?Is it still broken?

Wasn't Bella's identity exposed by him last time?Why are you here this time?

No, this is too coincidental!

Minmei just said that she was going to get the tape that Elena left for Shiho, when Belmode appeared.Apparently she was aiming for those tapes!

Then the soldiers will come to cover the water and soil.

"Maori-kun, I'm sorry, I walked too fast, didn't I hurt you?"

Saying this, Bella struggled to get up, her little face was still flushed, looking extremely gorgeous.

Ming Mei who was behind immediately frowned slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable.

At this time, the sound of footsteps followed.

"Bella, why are you walking so fast?"

Another familiar female voice sounded, and the fragrance came!

The vixen with a domineering figure - Lihua Zitiao appeared on high heels.

As soon as she saw Mori Kogoro, a gleam of joy flashed in her foxy eyes, but she pretended to be calm.Mori Kogoro raised his brows slightly, he was very surprised!

How did these two women get together?

Belmode then said: "Lihua, I remembered that I had to return something, so I left."

"Let me introduce to you, this is Detective Maori. He is the big detective who appeared on the news recently. Kogoro Maori said: "Lihua, why are you here? "

Belmode pretended to be surprised: "Hey, you two know each other!"

"That's right, I met in the case a few days ago, Lihua is a very famous fortune teller."

Then Mori Kogoro turned his head and introduced Belmode to Minmei and Shira: "This is Bella, a loyal fan of Yukiko."

And Zitiao Lihua said arrogantly: "I heard that the coffee at Polo Cafe is very delicious. I just came here to try it. I didn't come to see you.

These words are really a bit like "There is no silver three hundred taels here."

In fact, Zijo Lihua really came to find Kogoro Mori.

She was very worried when she saw such a big event on the news.

But she didn't have Kogoro Mori's phone number, and she didn't want to ask Haruka Nagara for a phone number, so she chose to visit directly.

Mori Kogoro had already gone out when he came here in the morning, and Shijo Reika simply waited in the cafe below for several hours.And Belmode Yiqiao also lingered in the cafe.

The two beautiful women seemed to have an inexplicable attraction for each other, and they got acquainted.

Under Belmode's deliberate friendship, the two became good friends during several hours of pleasant conversation.

Only then did they both appear in front of Maori and his party.

Mori Kogoro instantly understood why the two girls came, and chuckled lightly.

"Bella, it's really a coincidence that you came here. Yukiko seems to have gone to the radio station to record a program again, so she's not at home."

"Are you going to return the videotape she borrowed from you last time? Just leave it to me."

Bella shook her head: "No, I have to return such a precious gift myself."

"But Maori-kun, are you going out to handle a case?"

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and said, "That's right, it's a small case."

Bella immediately pretended to be excited, and quickly said, "Maori-kun, can you let me go together?"

"Actually, I'm writing a suspense reasoning script. It will definitely be helpful if I can witness your reasoning process, Mao Li-kun."

Hearing this, Mingmei behind couldn't help pulling the back of Kogoro Mori's clothes.

They were going to get Elena's recording back, not to handle any case.

Moreover, it is Koji Miyano's hometown, which is a sensitive place. There are too many people going there, and it is easy to be discovered by the people of the organization.

Mori Kogoro grabbed Mingmei's soft little hand, rubbed it lightly, and comforted this girl Mingmei.

Seeing the small movements of the two, Shiliang in the back couldn't help feeling a little strange.

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