Naturally, Kogoro Mori didn't pierce Reika Zijo's stubborn mouth, and directly placed his wall on the side where the sliding doors overlapped.The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and his voice became more gentle: "Then let's do something interesting!"

Zitiao Lihua's voice immediately became quieter, as if she was afraid of being heard by the people inside, her eyes trembled slightly, and her voice trembled a little. "You, what do you want to do? I warn you, don't mess around, this is someone else's company."

Hearing this, the smile in Mori Kogoro's eyes became more obvious, and his scorching breath hit Shijo Reika's snowy neck.

"What if I want to mess around?"

Zitiao Lihua's heartbeat continued to intensify, her beautiful eyes couldn't help turning to the door next to her, as if she was afraid that someone would come out.

Mori Kogoro turned his head directly, and kissed Lihua's red lips in one breath.

Zitiao Lihua's body tensed immediately, she clenched her small fists, her cheeks swished, and her face was full of intoxicating blush.

After a little taste, Mori Kogoro let go of her immediately.

That foxy eyes flickered, flustered and shy intertwined, extremely bright.

Mori Kogoro put his head against Shijo Reika's forehead, rubbed it slowly, and smiled badly.

This smirk is even more heart-shattering!

"Lihua, I want to check whether the imprint I left on you last time has been well preserved."

As soon as these words came out, his hands swept up like a gust of wind, he grabbed it out skillfully, and then looked at it carefully.

Zitiao Lihua's body trembled immediately, and she couldn't help pushing Moori Kogoro with her small hands, and resisted in a low voice: "Daba, you can't do this. She is a little dizzy all over, how did she know that Moori Kogoro would be like this?" Daredevil.

Looking carefully, Kogoro Mori frowned: "Lihua, this is not acceptable, they all disappeared."

"This is the imprint of my love for you!"

Hearing this, Zitiao Lihua subconsciously replied: "Then what do you want?"

A wicked smile flashed across the corner of Mori Kogoro's mouth, and he opened his mouth again!

He gritted his teeth again on the territory he occupied, and embedded his own unique mark in that domineering place.

Zitiao Lihua immediately covered her mouth, squinted her eyes, endured the strange pain, and did not dare to make a sound.

All right?It hurts to bite!hurry up!

Yayao, don't use your tongue!

At this moment, I suddenly remembered the sound of gnashing of teeth and sharp panting.

Zitiao Lihua's eyes slowly turned over, and she saw Bella at the sliding door looking ferocious about to swallow her, her eyes seemed to be shining with ferocious scarlet.

Bella was so angry that her chest and abdomen kept rising and falling, and the waves were very rough.

Zijo Lihua exclaimed, bursting out with infinite strength, and instantly pushed Kogoro Mori away.

Then she stepped into a corner and hid herself against the wall.

Belmode was really mad. When she was looking for clues in the back room, Yihao walked to the door and heard the words of the two.

It's nonsense again!Check again!Another sign of love!

These words kept stirring her nerves, and she couldn't suppress her curiosity, so she leaned out to check.

And the picture he saw made him explode instantly!

He was so angry that he couldn't stop, he went completely berserk!

If she had a gun by her side, she would have shot Kogoro Mori without hesitation.

She doesn't know what's wrong with herself, she should focus on the mission and make finding the video tape the first priority.But rationality completely disappeared at this moment, and perceptual thinking occupied the entire brain.

Belmord directly kicked Kogoro Mori's crotch.

Those high heels hit the nail on the head!

Mori Kogoro clamped his legs, and managed to pinch Belmode's calf.

Just one inch, one inch!

That sky-high heel is about to hit the root of the descendants.

Mori Kogoro felt chills at the end of his spine.

Immediately afterwards Belmode pulled his leg back.

Another slap came over, and Kogoro Moori grabbed it with his big hand.

Belmore, who ran away violently, gained a lot of strength, and broke free with a pull of his hand.

Missing two hits, she glared at Kogoro Mori bitterly, turned around and walked out decisively.

I don't care about any tapes, my old lady is upset and quits!

Mori Kogoro shook his head and laughed, and hurriedly chased him out.

Mingmei and Shiliang, who heard the movement in the back room, hurried out and asked, "What was the sound just now, and what happened?"

Zijo Lihua, who was in the corner of the room, was ashamed and said immediately: "No, nothing happened, they went to the toilet. Hearing this, Mingmei and Shiliang looked at each other with strange expressions.

But the cousins ​​didn't care so much, and went back to the back room and continued to browse.

Mori Kogoro stopped Belmode who was about to leave at the corner of the stairs, and put his hands on her way.

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