"Get out of the way, I'm leaving."

"Pervert, get out of the way, go and leave her a mark of love, you have the ability to bite all over your body!"

This sullen and cold voice was Belmode's original voice, and she didn't even change her voice, and used her original voice directly.

Seems to be really angry.

"Don't go, I brought you, if I don't let you go, you can't go."

Belmore's eyes became more and more angry: "If you have the ability, just stop it!"

His fists were clenched, his whole body was mobilized, his momentum was high, like a wild female leopard.

Damn, this is for real!

But Mori Kogoro was not afraid, instead he rushed to attack.

The strength of the martial arts master was overwhelmed, and Belmode, who was still imposing just now, was instantly restrained by him.

In the stairwell, Belmode's body was lying on Kogoro Mouri's lap, with his hands clasped behind his back, Kogoro Moori held him with one hand.And his buttocks were greeted by Mori Kogoro's other hand, mixed with the fury of thunder!

Chapter 0023 Taming Belmode

In the middle of the stairs, Mouri Kogoro kept clapping down with his big hands.

The crisp sound of meat piercing continued to resound, but it was cut off by a layer of enchantment.

Bursts of pain struck, but Belmode endured it and didn't make any sound!

But she was really angry, and her eyes were slightly red.

After struggling several times to no avail, Belmode turned his head sideways.

A mouthful of silver teeth directly bit the waist of Mori Kogoro.

Its bite force exploded completely, which actually brought a little bit of pain to Mori Kogoro.

Okay, hurt each other, who is afraid of whom!

Kogoro Mori clapped harder, and the tiny electric current fell down with the swing, spreading to Belmore's whole body.The crisp slapping sound continued continuously, causing Belmode's body to tremble.

After the two rounds of family law punishment were over, Kogoro Mori could clearly see that the place where he was beaten was swollen!

But even though Belmode's body was weak, he still refused to let go.

Kogoro Moori couldn't help cursing angrily: "Are you a bitch? Why are you biting harder and harder!"

"Hmm, ¥%*!@#, ★★¥#◎#¥%"

(Hmph, you are a dog. Didn’t you bite someone very vigorously just now, and even licked it, bastard!)

Although it was all nasal, Mori Kogoro understood what she meant.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Wow, I'm jealous, no wonder there's such a big reaction."

"Are you envious of Lihua, why don't I bite you a few times and leave some marks on you?"

Saying this, Mouri Kogoro's big hand lightly brushed the skin swollen by himself.

And Belmore immediately struggled like a cat with fried fur, and his nasal voice sounded again.


(You dare, you pervert, let me go, or I will bite you to death!)

Its occlusal muscles exerted force again, completely wanting to swallow its flesh and blood alive.

But with Mori Kogoro's inhuman physique, there are only a few teeth marks at most.

This is limited to slight pain, not even bleeding.

Mori Kogoro smirked, just now he could understand clearly, but now he pretended to be confused again.

"Oh, Bella, are you shy? Really, what's there to be ashamed of!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro gently kissed the red and swollen place.

There was a flash of fire in his eyes, then he opened his mouth and slowly bit down on it.

This strange feeling instantly filled Belmode's heart, and his little face under the mask immediately flushed.

And Mori Kogoro's left hand was still wrapped around Belmode's hands, imprisoning her.

But the fiery right hand was slowly churning at the red and swollen place, and revisited the old place again.

Its rejuvenation technique was cast!With the movement of the right hand, the rich spirit of vegetation slowly poured into Belmode's body, repairing the swollen area just now.The coolness and scorching heat intertwined back and forth, making Belmore feel overwhelmed.

His body couldn't stop trembling, he just felt extremely strange.

Here we go again, here we go again, this feeling again!

Kogoro Mori naturally didn't bite with all his strength like Belmode.

Otherwise, with its strength, it would be an easy task to tear off the flesh and blood.

It's just a few teeth marks, he can naturally control the strength.

Not long after, the redness and swelling on the skin that had just been slapped slowly subsided, leaving behind a few even and symmetrical teeth marks, full of beauty!But Belmode let go of his mouth at some point, panting softly, feeling extremely ashamed.

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